加拿大技术移民 NOC 1121 人力资源专业人士

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1121 人力资源专业人士 Human resources professionals NOC - LEVEL A


Human resources professionals develop, implement and evaluate human resources and labour relations policies, programs and procedures and advise managers and employers on human resources matters. Human resources professionals are employed throughout the private and public sectors, or they may be self-employed.

1121 人力资源专业人士头衔范例

业务代理,劳动组织 business agent, labour organization

分类人员 - 人力资源 classification officer – human resources

分类专家 classification specialist

研究分析师 compensation research analyst

调解人 conciliator

人力资源顾问 consultant, human resources

员工关系主任 employee relations officer

公平就业人员 employment equity officer

人力资源研究人员 human resources research officer

工作分析师 job analyst

劳资关系主任 labour relations officer

中间人 mediator

工会代表 union representative

工资分析师 wage analyst

1121 人力资源专业人士主要职责


Plan, develop, implement and evaluate human resources and labour relations strategies including policies, programs and procedures to address an organizations human resource requirements


Advise managers and employees on the interpretation of human resources policies, compensation and benefit programs and collective agreements


Negotiate collective agreements on behalf of employers or workers, mediate labour disputes and grievances and provide advice on employee and labour relations


Research and prepare occupational classifications, job descriptions, salary scales and competency appraisal measures and systems


Plan and administer staffing, total compensation, training and career development, employee assistance, employment equity and affirmative action programs


Manage programs and maintain human resources information and related records systems


Hire and oversee training of staff


Co-ordinate employee performance appraisal programs


Research employee benefit and health and safety practices and recommend changes or modifications to existing policies.

1121 人力资源专业人士任职要求


A university degree or college diploma in human resources management or a related field, such as business administration, industrial relations, commerce or psychology


Completion of a professional development program in human resources administration is required.


Some employers may require human resources professionals to hold a Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP) designation.

1121 人力资源专业人士附加信息


Progression to management positions is possible with experience.


人力资源和招聘人员 Human resources and recruitment officers [1223](1223)

人力资源经理 Human resources managers [0112](0112)

人事文员 Personnel clerks [1415](1415)

企业管理咨询的专业职业 Professional occupations in business management consulting [1122](1122)

培训军官和教官(学院和其他职业教师) Training officers and instructors (in [4021]4021 College and other vocational instructors )

1121 人力资源专业人士职称头衔

审裁员,劳动 adjudicator, labour

分析师,工作评估 analyst, job evaluation

仲裁员,人力资源 arbitrator, human resources

谈判代理 bargaining agent

福利顾问 benefits consultant

业务代理,劳动组织 business agent, labour organization

业务代理,工会 business agent, labour union

业务代表,劳动组织 business representative, labour organization

残疾管理专业认证员 certified disability management professional

补偿和人力资源信息系统的首席 chief of compensation and human resources information systems

理赔经理 - 薪酬和福利 claims manager – compensation and benefits

分类人员 - 人力资源 classification officer – human resources

分类政策顾问 classification policy adviser

分类专家 classification specialist

集体协议谈判 collective agreement negotiator

薪酬和福利协调员师 compensation and benefits co-ordinator

补偿和分类分析师 compensation and classification analyst

薪酬顾问 compensation consultant

补偿主任 compensation officer

补偿研究分析师 compensation research analyst

补偿研究员分析师 compensation researcher-analyst

调解员 - 员工关系 conciliation officer – employee relations

调解人 conciliator

调解人 - 劳动 conciliator – labour

人力资源顾问, consultant, human resources

顾问,劳资关系 consultant, labour relations

协调员,薪酬和福利 co-ordinator, compensation and benefits

协调员,雇主和雇员的关系 co-ordinator, employer-employee relations

协调员,就业权益 co-ordinator, employment equity

协调员,人力资源 co-ordinator, human resources

协调员,劳资关系 co-ordinator, labour relations

残疾个案经理 - 人力资源 disability case manager – human resources

残疾管理协调员 disability management coordinator

残疾管理从业者 disability management practitioner

残疾管理专业 disability management professional

残疾管理专家 disability management specialist

员工关系主任 employee relations officer

员工服务人员 employee services officer

雇主和雇员的关系,协调员 employer-employee relations co-ordinator

就业顾问 - 人力资源 employment adviser – human resources

公平就业顾问 - 人力资源 employment equity adviser – human resources

就业权益协调员 employment equity co-ordinator

公平就业人员 employment equity officer

就业实践人员 employment practices officer

人力资源顾问 human resources adviser

人力资源分类人员 human resources classification officer

人力资源顾问 human resources consultant

人力资源协调员 human resources co-ordinator

人力资源总监 human resources generalist

人力资源管理顾问 human resources management consultant

人力资源规划顾问 human resources planning consultant

人力资源策略分析师 human resources policy analyst

人力资源政策官员 human resources policy officer

人力资源计划主管 human resources program supervisor

人力资源研究人员 human resources research officer

人力资源专家 human resources specialist

人力资源主管 human resources supervisor

劳资关系顾问 industrial relations consultant

工业关系官员 industrial relations officer

内部培训经理 in-house training manager

工作分析师 job analyst

就业和工资分析师 job and wage analyst

作业分类系统分析师 job classification system analyst

工作评估分析师 job evaluation analyst

工作评估主管 job evaluation supervisor

工作评估 job evaluator

劳资审裁官 labour adjudicator

劳动组织代理 labour organization agent

劳动组织业务代理 labour organization business agent

劳动组织业务代表 labour organization business representative

劳动组织联络官 labour organization liaison officer

劳动组织谈判代表 labour organization negotiator

劳动的组织者 labour organizer

劳动关系董事会人员 labour relations board officer

劳资关系顾问 labour relations consultant

劳动关系协调员 labour relations co-ordinator

劳资关系主任 labour relations officer

回国人员的劳动关系 labour relations returning officer

劳动关系专员 labour relations specialist

工会代理业务 labour union business agent

工会联络官 labour union liaison officer

联络官,劳动组织 liaison officer, labour organization

联络官,工会 liaison officer, labour union

中间人 mediator

调解 - 劳动关系 mediator – labour relations

谈判代表,集体协议 negotiator, collective agreements

谈判代表,劳动组织 negotiator, labour organization

职业分析师 - 人力资源 occupational analyst – human resources

人事研究人员 personnel research officer

人事标准官员 personnel standards officer

职位分类员 position classifier

薪酬分析师 salary analyst

高级劳资关系主任 senior industrial relations officer

高级谈判人员 - 劳动争议解决 senior negotiating officer – labour dispute resolution

员工关系管理员 staff relations administrator

职员关系主任 staff relations officer

员工培训和开发人员 staff training and development officer

员工培训及发展主管 staff training and development supervisor

员工培训人员 - 人力资源 staff training officer – human resources

主管,人力资源 supervisor, human resources

主管,员工培训及发展 supervisor, staff training and development

主管,培训计划 supervisor, training programs

培训顾问 training adviser

培训及发展顾问 training and development consultant

培训计划主管 training programs supervisor

工会顾问 union adviser

工会组织者 union organizer

工会代表 union representative

工资分析师 wage analyst













1223 人力资源和招聘人员 Human resources and recruitment officers NOC

1223 人力资源和招聘人员 Human resources and recruitment officers NOC - LEVEL B


Human resources and recruitment officers identify and advertise job vacancies, recruit candidates, and assist in the selection and reassignment of employees. They are employed throughout the private and public sectors.

1223 人力资源和招聘人员头衔范例

人力资源人员 human resources officer

人事专员 personnel officer

招聘专家 recruitment specialist

人员分析师 staffing analyst

人员统筹 staffing co-ordinator

1223 人力资源和招聘人员主要职责


Identify current and prospective staffing requirements, prepare and post notices and advertisements, and collect and screen applications


Advise job applicants on employment requirements and on terms and conditions of employment


Review candidate inventories and contact potential applicants to arrange interviews and arrange transfers, redeployment and placement of personnel


Recruit graduates of colleges, universities and other educational institutions


Co-ordinate and participate in selection and examination boards to evaluate candidates


Notify applicants of results of selection process and prepare job offers


Advise managers and employees on staffing policies and procedures


Organize and administer staff consultation and grievance procedures


Negotiate settlements of appeals and disputes and co-ordinate termination of employment process


Determine eligibility to entitlements, arrange staff training and provide information or services such as employee assistance, counselling and recognition programs


May supervise personnel clerks performing filing and record-keeping duties.

1223 人力资源和招聘人员任职要求


A university degree or college diploma in a field related to personnel management such as business administration, industrial relations, commerce or psychology


Completion of a professional development program in personnel administration is usually required.


Certification as a Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP) may be required.


Some experience in a clerical or administrative position related to personnel administration may be required.

1223 人力资源和招聘人员附加信息


Progression to specialist and management positions is possible with experience.

1223 人力资源和招聘人员其他分类

人力资源经理 Human resources managers [0112](0112)

人力资源专业人员 Human resources professionals [1121](1121)

人事文员 Personnel clerks [1415](1415)

培训军官和教官(学院和其他职业教师) Training officers and instructors (in [4021](4021)College and other vocational instructors )

1223 人力资源和招聘人员职称头衔

助理人事主任 assistant personnel officer

就业面试官 employment interviewer

就业主管 employment supervisor

人事主管 executive recruiter

人力资源官 human resources officer

面试官 - 人力资源 interviewer – human resources

劳动力顾问 labour force consultant

人事主管 personnel administrator

人事顾问 personnel adviser

人员面试 personnel interviewer

人事管理顾问 personnel management adviser

人事专员 personnel officer

人才招聘官 personnel recruitment officer

人才选拔官员 personnel selection officer

人事主管 personnel supervisor

安置人员 - 人力资源 placement officer – human resources

就业招聘人员 - recruiter – employment

招聘人员 recruiting officer

招聘助理 recruitment assistant

招聘顾问 recruitment consultant

招聘官 recruitment officer

招聘专家 recruitment specialist

高级人员人员 senior staffing officer

人员顾问 staffing adviser

人员分析师 staffing analyst

人员统筹 staffing co-ordinator

人员文员 staffing officer

学生就业主任 student placement officer















美国人力资源法律相当完善,自 30 年代以来,政府通过一系列范围广泛的立法对企业人力资源事务施加影响,设置了各种限制和制约因素。如美国政府对于就业平等和报酬平等就有相应的法律条文。而政府的立法一般采取三种形式:即联邦和州的法律;联邦和州行政部门制定的法规;判例法(即以法院判决为根据的法律)。政府往往通过这些法律来表达其对人力资源事务的意图,并对企业所有者的人力资源决定实行引导。表面上看,似乎政府未直接参与决定,事实上却是政府通过法律规定了某个框架(或限度),如劳资双方的工资谈判范围被限制在这个和那个框架(或限度)内。同时美国在反对四大歧视即性别歧视、种族歧视、年龄歧视、信仰歧视之外,还针对特定时期的特殊人力资源问题制定过不同的反歧视法律条文,如对越战士兵、艾滋病人、伤残人员等均有相应的规定。美国人力资源法律条款具有完整、细化、针对性强的特点。其人力资源相关法律主要有以下几方面:


⑴公平劳动标准法案(Fair Labor Standards Act,简称FLSA),也称工资与工时法。此法有四项规定影响企业工资,即最低工资、加班工资、保持工资记录的要求和同工同酬。








⑷雇员退休收入保障法案(Employee Retirement Income Security Act,简称ERISA)。此法于1974 年通过,保证由符合一定标准的雇主为其雇员提供退休金。


公平就业机会(简称EEO)规则和肯定行为(简称AA)准则包括在若干法律、行政命令和判例法中。这两种准则的实施需要采用被保护群体的概念,如果企业中大多数雇员与被保护群体的成员之间存在着工资歧视,则雇主应设法加以纠正,对一个企业内所有工资政策、计划和做法加以检查,作为一种措施以保证不对保护的群体产生歧视。其中最著名的是1964 年《民权法案》第七章,该法案规定,雇主不能因种族、肤色、宗教信仰、性别和国籍来源对雇员进行歧视。其立法的目的是力图使所有与雇佣有关的决定都具有平等的性质。还有1991 年《民权法案》(修订)、《公平就业机会委员会准则》(The U.S. Equal EmploymentOpportunity Commission Guidelines)等等。




⑴同工同酬法律和法规。主要的法律依据是1963 年《公平报酬法案》,该法案要求雇主不分性别地对类似的工作支付类似的工资。

⑵雇佣年龄歧视法律和法规。这类法律法规有 1967 年《雇佣年龄歧视法案》等,对雇佣年龄歧视做出了比较明确具体的规定。


⑷特殊人物保护法案。这类法案包括了1973 年《职业恢复法案》、1990 年《美国残疾法案》、1978 年




同时,人力资源法律法规的建立与完善很大程度上也是经济利益的作用结果。如公平就业机会立法,主要源于人口组成的变化和市场全球化。在美国,白人并不是主要的劳动力,雇主逐渐认识到必须保持劳动力的多样化以适应国家人口组成的变化,同时,也能充分利用其带来的顾客市场及其他的商业利益。再加上美国的法律诉讼非常昂贵,并且,还要耗费大量的时间和精力,一般情况下,企业所有者都希望尽量避免法律纠纷,转而专心致志的搞好企业的经营管理。1991 年《民权法案》(修订)就规定对那些故意进行歧视的企业罚以补偿性和惩罚性的赔偿金。因此,一旦企业被发现犯有非法歧视罪,它所付出的代价将是高昂的。随着强制性法律与法庭判决的不断增加,所有企业都必须了解并遵守联邦和州所制订的劳动就业法律。鉴于此,企业所有者不得不面对法律的压力,约束自己的行为,同时把人力资源相关政策纳入企业方针的组成部分,以促进企业管理人员对该政策的支持。


加拿大技术移民 NOC 2148 其他专业的工程师

2148 其他专业的工程师 Other professional engineers, n.e.c. NOC - LEVEL A


This unit group includes agricultural and bio-resource engineers, biomedical engineers, engineering physicists and engineering scientists, marine and naval engineers, textile engineers and other specialized engineering occupations which are not classified elsewhere.

2148 其他专业的工程师头衔范例

农业工程师 agricultural engineer

生物资源工程师 bio-resource engineer

生物医学工程师 biomedical engineer

工程物理学家 engineering physicist

工程科学家 engineering scientist

食品加工工程师 food processing engineer

海洋工程师 marine engineer

海军建筑师 naval architect

纺织工程师 textile engineer

2148 其他专业的工程师主要职责


Agricultural and bio-resource engineers design and develop machinery, structures, equipment and systems related to agriculture and food processing.


Biomedical engineers design and develop medical diagnostic and clinical instrumentation, equipment and procedures; develop devices to assist persons with disabilities; advise hospital administrators on planning, acquisition and use of medical equipment; and modify and install or supervise installation of equipment.


Engineering physicists and engineering scientists conduct research, develop processes, programs and equipment to expand fundamental knowledge in the applied sciences and engineering and to support advanced engineering and scientific applications.


Marine and naval engineers design and develop marine vessels and floating structures and associated marine power plants, propulsion systems and related systems and equipment and oversee the building, maintenance and repair of vessels and marine systems.


Textile engineers design and develop processes, equipment and procedures for the production of fibres, yarns and textiles.

2148 其他专业的工程师任职要求


A bachelors degree in an appropriate engineering discipline is required.


A masters degree or doctorate in a related engineering discipline may be required.


Licensing by a provincial or territorial association of professional engineers is required to approve engineering drawings and reports, and to practise as a Professional Engineer (P.Eng.).


Engineers are eligible for registration following graduation from an accredited educational program, and after three or four years of supervised work experience in engineering and passing a professional practice examination.

2148 其他专业的工程师附加信息


There is limited mobility between the engineering specializations included in this unit group.


Supervisory and senior positions in this unit group require experience.


Engineers often work in a multidisciplinary environment and acquire knowledge and skills through work experience that may allow them to practise in associated areas of science, engineering, sales, marketing or management.

2148 其他专业的工程师其他分类

生化与生物技术工程师(化学工程师) Biochemical and biotechnical engineers (in [2134](2134) Chemical engineers )

工程经理 Engineering managers [0211](0211)

船舶轮机员 - 水上运输(工程师人员,水运) Marine engineer officers – water transport (in [2274](2274) Engineer officers, water transport )

物理学家(物理学家和天文学家) Physicists (in [2111](2111) Physicists and astronomers )

2148 其他专业的工程师职称头衔

农业工程师 agricultural engineer

农艺工程师 agronomy engineer

农产品加工工程师 agroprocessing engineer

建筑师,海军 architect, naval

生物电工程师 bioelectrical engineer

生物力学工程师 biomechanical engineer

生物医学工程师 biomedical engineer

生物医学工程师 - 研究及开发 biomedical engineer – research and development

生物资源工程师 bio-resource engineer

临床生物医学工程师 clinical biomedical engineer

乳品厂工程师 dairy plant engineer

农学工程师 engineer in agronomy

工程师,农产品加工 engineer, agroprocessing

工程师,生物电 engineer, bioelectrical

工程师,生物力学 engineer, biomechanical

生物医学工程师, engineer, biomedical

工程师,食品加工; engineer, food processing

食品技术工程师, engineer, food technology

工程师,纺织 engineer, textile

工程物理学家 engineering physicist

工程科学家 engineering scientist

食品加工工程师 food processing engineer

食品技术工程师 food technology engineer

海洋工程师 marine engineer

海洋生态系统工程师 marine systems engineer

海军建筑师 naval architect

海军工程师 naval engineer

船舶建造工程师 ship construction engineer

造船工程师 shipbuilding engineer

纺织工程师 textile engineer












加拿大技术移民 NOC 1122 企业管理咨询专业职业

1122 企业管理咨询专业职业 Professional occupations in business management consulting NOC - LEVEL A


This unit group includes those who provide services to management such as analyzing the structure, operations, managerial methods or functions of an organization in order to propose, plan and implement improvements. They are employed by management consulting firms and throughout the public and private sectors or are self-employed.

1122 企业管理咨询专业职业头衔范例

ISO顾问 ISO consultant

企业管理顾问 business management consultant

业务方法分析师 business methods analyst

顾问,组织分析 consultant, organizational analysis

卫生信息管理顾问 health information management consultant

管理分析师 management analyst

组织分析师 organizational analyst

记录管理专家 records management specialist

研究员,组织和方法 researcher, organization and methods

高级顾问,运营管理 senior consultant, operations management

1122 企业管理咨询专业职业主要职责


Analyze and provide advice on the managerial methods and organization of a public or private sector establishment


Conduct research to determine efficiency and effectiveness of managerial policies and programs


Conduct assessments and propose improvements to methods, systems and procedures in areas such as operations, human resources, records management and communications


Conduct quality audits and develop quality management and quality assurance standards for ISO (International Organization for Standardization) registration


Plan the reorganization of the operations of an establishment


May supervise contracted researchers or clerical staff.

1122 企业管理咨询专业职业任职要求


A bachelors degree or college diploma in business administration, commerce or a related discipline is usually required.


A graduate degree in business administration may be required.


Some establishments may require management consultants to be certified by a provincial management consulting association.


Certification as a quality auditor may be required for some occupations in this unit group.


Occupations in health information management consulting may require certification by the Canadian Health Information Management Association (CHIMA).

1122 企业管理咨询专业职业附加信息


Progression to senior and managerial positions is possible with experience.

1122 企业管理咨询专业职业其他分类

商业发展主任及营销研究人员和顾问 Business development officers and marketing researchers and consultants [4163](4163)

经济学家和经济政策研究人员和分析师 Economists and economic policy researchers and analysts [4162](4162)

财务及投资分析员 Financial and investment analysts [1112](1112)

财务审计师和会计师 Financial auditors and accountants [1111](1111)

卫生信息管理职业 Health information management occupations [1252](1252)

工业和制造工程师 Industrial and manufacturing engineers [2141](2141)

其他财务人员 Other financial officers [1114](1114)

记录管理技术人员 Records management technicians [1253](1253)

1122 企业管理咨询专业职业职称头衔

顾问,企业发展规划 adviser, corporate development planning

分析师,业务管理 analyst, business management

分析师,业务方法 analyst, business methods

分析师,归档系统 analyst, filing systems

分析师,工业和商业的方法 analyst, industrial and commercial methods

分析师,方法和成本 analyst, methods and cost

分析师,方法和程序 analyst, methods and procedures

分析师职业 - 服务管理公司 analyst, occupational – services to management firms

分析师,记录管理系统 analyst, records management systems

分析师,学习时间; analyst, time study

分析师,工作研究 analyst, work study

业务顾问 business consultant

企业管理分析师 business management analyst

企业管理顾问 business management consultant

业务分析师方法 business methods analyst

注册管理咨询师 certified management consultant

客户组主管 client group supervisor

会议主持人 conference facilitator

顾问,业务 consultant, business

顾问,管理 consultant, management

顾问,组织分析 consultant, organizational analysis

统筹,标准 co-ordinator, standards

企业发展规划顾问 corporate development planning adviser

企业规划师 corporate planner

直邮专家 direct mail specialist

出口贸易顾问 export trade consultant

会议主持人 facilitator, conference

文件管理器 file manager

备案系统分析师 filing systems analyst

形成管理分析师主管 forms management analysts supervisor

卫生信息管理顾问 health information management consultant

工业和商业分析师方法 industrial and commercial methods analyst

ISO顾问 ISO consultant

管理分析师 management analyst

管理顾问 management consultant

方法和成本分析师 methods and cost analyst

方法和程序分析师 methods and procedures analyst

职业分析师 - 服务管理公司 occupational analyst – services to management firms

人员,组织和方法 officer, organization and methods

运营管理高级顾问 operations management senior consultant

组织和方法官员 organization and methods officer

组织和方法,研究员 organization and methods researcher

组织分析顾问 organizational analysis consultant

组织分析师 organizational analyst

销售系统经理 point of sale system manager

价格管理分析师 price management analyst

质量审核员,行业标准 quality auditor, industrial standards

记录存档系统分析师主管 records filing systems analysts supervisor

记录管理专家 records management specialist

记录管理系统分析员 records management systems analyst

记录管理者 - 商务服务 records manager – business services

研究员,组织和方法 researcher, organization and methods

高级顾问,运营管理 senior consultant, operations management

专科,档案管理 specialist, records management

专家,标准 specialist, standards

标准协调员 standards co-ordinator

标准专家 standards specialist

主管,形成管理分析师 supervisor, forms management analysts

主管,记录备案系统分析员 supervisor, records filing systems analysts

主管,工作研究分析 supervisor, work study analysts

供应链流程分析师 supply chain process analyst

团队训练专家 team training specialist

时间研究分析师 - 服务管理公司 time study analyst – services to management firms

过渡管理顾问 transition management consultant

工作重组顾问 work reorganization consultant

工作研究报告的分析员 work study analyst

工作研究分析师主管 work study analysts supervisor












加拿大技术移民 NOC 0113 采购经理

0113 采购经理 Purchasing managers - NOC - LEVEL 0


Purchasing managers plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the activities of a purchasing department and develop and implement the purchasing policies of a business or institution. They are employed throughout the public and private sectors.

0113 采购经理头衔范例 Example Titles

合约经理 contract manager

食品采购经理 food purchasing manager

经理,采购合同 manager, purchasing contracts

物料经理 material manager

采购总监 procurement director

采购总监 purchasing director

供应链物流经理 supply chain logistics manager

0113 采购经理主要职责


Plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the purchasing activities of an establishment


Develop purchasing policies and procedures and control purchasing department budget


Identify vendors of materials, equipment or supplies


Evaluate cost and quality of goods or services


Negotiate or oversee the negotiation of purchase contracts


Participate in the development of specifications for equipment, products or substitute materials


Review and process claims against suppliers


Interview, hire and oversee training of staff.

0113 采购经理任职要求 Employment requirements


A bachelors degree or college diploma in business administration, commerce or economics is usually required.


Purchasing managers responsible for units purchasing specialized materials or business services may require a related degree or diploma. For example, a bachelors degree or college diploma in engineering may be required for purchasing managers responsible for purchasing industrial products.


The designation Supply Chain Management Professional (S.C.M.P.) or registration in the educational program of the Purchasing Management Association of Canada may be required.


Several years of experience as a purchasing agent or officer are required.

0113 采购经理其他分类

采购代理和官员 Purchasing agents and officers [1225](1225)

零售及批发买家 Retail and wholesale buyers [6222](6222)

仓库经理(0714基金操作和维护经理)Warehouse managers (in [0714](0714) Facility operation and maintenance managers )

0113 采购经理职称头衔

建筑用品采购经理 building supplies purchasing manager

首席采购 chief, purchasing

服装采购总监 clothing purchasing director

服装采购经理 clothing purchasing manager

合同总监 contract director

经理人合约 contract manager

董事,采购业务 director, procurement operations

董事,采购 director, purchasing

董事,供应链管理 director, supply management

电子元器件采购主管 electronic components purchasing chief

电子元器件采购总监 electronic components purchasing director

电子元器件采购经理 electronic components purchasing manager

设备管理者 equipment manager

食品采购总监 food purchasing director

食品采购经理 food purchasing manager

硬件采购总监 hardware purchasing director

硬件采购经理 hardware purchasing manager

经理,采购 manager, procurement

经理,采购合同 manager, purchasing contracts

物资和服务采购经理 material and services purchasing manager

物料经理 material manager

商品采购总监 merchandise purchasing director

商品采购经理 merchandise purchasing manager

办公设备的采购经理 office equipment purchasing manager

采购总监 procurement director

采购经理 procurement manager

采购业务主管 procurement operations director

采购负责 purchasing chief

采购合同总监 purchasing contracts director

采购合同经理 purchasing contracts manager

采购总监 purchasing director

采购经理 purchasing manager

供应链总监 supply chain director

供应链物流经理 supply chain logistics manager

供应链经理 supply chain manager

供应科长 supply chief

提供服务的首席 supply service chief

供应管理总监 supply-management director












加拿大技术移民 NOC 0111财务经理

0111 财务经理 Financial managers NOC - LEVEL 0


Financial managers plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the operation of financial and accounting departments. They develop and implement the financial policies and systems of establishments. Financial managers establish performance standards and prepare various financial reports for senior management. They are employed in financial and accounting departments in companies throughout the private sector and in government.

0111 财务经理头衔范例

主记员 - 金融服务 controller – financial services

董事 - 金融服务 director – financial services

会计主任 director of accounting

财务总监 finance director

财务管理员 financial administrator

经理,财务控制 manager, financial control

经理,财务规划和分析 manager, financial planning and analysis

经理,内部审计服务 manager, internal audit services

出纳员 treasurer

0111 财务经理主要职责


Plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the operation of an accounting, audit or other financial department


Develop and implement the financial policies, systems and procedures of an establishment


Prepare or co-ordinate the preparation of financial statements, summaries, and other cost-benefit analyses and financial management reports


Co-ordinate the financial planning and budget process, and analyze and correct estimates


Supervise the development and implementation of financial simulation models


Evaluate financial reporting systems, accounting procedures and investment activities and make recommendations for changes to procedures, operating systems, budgets and other financial control functions to senior managers and other department or regional managers


Recruit, organize, train and manage staff


Act as liaison between the organization and its shareholders, the investing public and external financial analysts


Establish profitability standards for investment activities and handle mergers and/or acquisitions


Notify and report to senior management concerning any trends that are critical to the organizations financial performance.

0111 财务经理任职要求


A bachelors degree in business administration, economics, commerce or a related field is required.


A masters degree in business administration (concentration in finance), or another masters level management program may be required.


Several years of experience in accounting, auditing, budgeting, financial planning and analysis or other financial activities are required.

会计和审计经理可能需要会计资格认证,例如 CA,CMA,CGA

Accounting and audit managers may require a recognized accounting designation (CA, CMA or CGA).

0111 财务经理附加信息


Progression to senior management positions, such as vice-president of finance, is possible with experience.

0111 财务经理其他分类

银行,信贷和其他投资管理 Banking, credit and other investment managers [0122](0122)

会计和审计公司管理(0125 其它商业服务经理)Managers of accounting and auditing firms (in [0125](0125) Other business services managers)

高级经理-财务,通讯和其他商业服务 Senior managers - financial, communications and other business services [0013](0013)

0111 财务经理职称头衔

会计及财务控制主管 accounting and financial control chief

会计和财务控制总监 accounting and financial control director

会计部经理 accounting department manager

会计主任 accounting director

会计经理 accounting manager

会计经理 - 金融服务部门 accounting manager – financial services department

会计办公室经理 accounting office manager

管理员,养老金计划 administrator, pension plans

分配首席会计师 assigned public accountants chief

助理会计经理 assistant accounting manager

助理司库 - 财政 assistant treasurer – finances

审计及合规总监 audit and compliance director

审计部门经理 auditing department manager

科长,会计及财务控制 chief, accounting and financial control

藏品部经理 collections department manager

控制器 - 金融服务 controller – financial services

企业预算编制和分析经理 corporate budgeting and analysis manager

企业融资经理 corporate financing manager

企业风险部门经理 corporate risk department manager

部门经理,集合 department manager, collections

董事 - 金融服务 director – financial services

会计主任 director of accounting

董事,会计及财务控制 director, accounting and financial control

董事,审计与合规 director, audit and compliance

董事,预算和部门的盈利能力 director, budget and sectoral profitability

董事,财务 director, finance

董事,财务评估 director, financial evaluations

董事,财务规划和报告 director, financial planning and reporting

董事,融资和管理 director, financing and administration

主任司库 - 金融服务 director-treasurer – financial services

金融和控制经理 finance and control manager

首席财务长 finance chief

财务总监 finance director

财务经理 finance manager

财务管理员 financial administrator

财务审计部经理 financial audit manager

财务控制经理 financial control manager

财务总监 financial controller

财务总监 financial director

财务评估总监 financial evaluations director

财务经理 financial manager

财务策划及咨询服务部经理 financial planning and advisory service manager

财务规划和分析经理 financial planning and analysis manager

财务规划和报告主管 financial planning and reporting director

财务规划和报告管理 financial planning and reporting manager

金融资源服务统筹 financial resources service co-ordinator

融资及行政总监 financing and administration director

集团会计经理 group accounting manager

独立公共会计师首席 independent public accountants chief

内部审计经理 internal audit manager

内部审计服务经理 internal audit services manager

投资研究总监 investments research director

会计部门经理 manager of accounting department

审计部经理 manager of auditing department

经理,会计 manager, accounting

经理,审计部部长; manager, auditing department

经理,收集 manager, collection

经理,企业的预算编制和分析 manager, corporate budgeting and analysis

经理,企业融资 manager, corporate financing

企业风险部门经理, manager, corporate risk department

经理,财务 manager, finance

经理,财务控制 manager, financial control

经理,财务规划和分析 manager, financial planning and analysis

经理,财务规划和报告 manager, financial planning and reporting

经理,内部审计服务 manager, internal audit services

经理,内部审计 manager, internal audits

经理,养老服务 manager, pension services

退休金计划管理员 pension plans administrator

养老服务经理 pension services manager

区域财务总管 - 金融服务 regional controller – financial services

研究总监,投资 research director, investments

收入核算会计和控制科科长 revenue accounting and controls section chief

司库 treasurer

司库和主计长- 财政 treasurer and controller – finances












加拿大技术移民 NOC 1241 行政助理

1241 行政助理 Administrative assistants NOC - LEVEL B


Administrative assistants perform a variety of administrative duties in support of managerial and professional employers. They are employed throughout the private and public sectors.

1241 行政助理头衔范例

行政助理 administrative assistant

执行秘书(除法律和医学) executive secretary (except legal and medical)

办公室行政助理 office administrative assistant

私人秘书 private secretary

秘书(除法律和医学) secretary (except legal and medical)

技术秘书 technical secretary

1241 行政助理主要职责


Prepare, key in, edit and proofread correspondence, invoices, presentations, brochures, publications, reports and related material from machine dictation and handwritten copy


Open and distribute incoming regular and electronic mail and other material and co-ordinate the flow of information internally and with other departments and organizations


Schedule and confirm appointments and meetings of employer


Order office supplies and maintain inventory


Answer telephone and electronic enquiries and relay telephone calls and messages


Set up and maintain manual and computerized information filing systems


Determine and establish office procedures


Greet visitors, ascertain nature of business and direct visitors to employer or appropriate person


Record and prepare minutes of meetings


Arrange travel schedules and make reservations


May compile data, statistics and other information to support research activities


May supervise and train office staff in procedures and in use of current software.


May organize conferences

1241 行政助理任职要求


Completion of secondary school is usually required.


Completion of a one- or two-year college or other program for administrative assistants or secretaries or


Previous clerical experience is required.

1241 行政助理其他分类

法庭记者,医疗打字员和相关的职业 Court reporters, medical transcriptionists and related occupations [1251](1251)

行政助理 Executive assistants [1222](1222)

法律行政助理 Legal administrative assistants [1242](1242)

医疗行政助理 Medical administrative assistants [1243](1243)

办公室经理(行政人员) Office managers (in [1221](1221) Administrative officers )

1241 行政助理职称头衔

行政助理 administrative assistant

行政助理 - 办公室 administrative assistant – office

行政秘书 administrative secretary

任命秘书 appointment secretary

教堂的秘书 church secretary

合同书记 contracts secretary

执行秘书(除法律和医学) executive secretary (except legal and medical)

财政部长 finance secretary

人力资源书记 human resources secretary

贷款和赠款行政助理 loans and grants administrative assistant

办公室行政助理 office administrative assistant

贴身秘书 personal secretary

私人秘书 private secretary

记录秘书 recording secretary

销售书记 sales secretary

学校秘书 school secretary

秘书(除法律和医学) secretary (except legal and medical)

书记,教堂 secretary, church

书记,学校 secretary, school

司业务员 secretary-clerk

税务服务秘书 taxation service secretary

技术秘书 technical secretary












加拿大技术移民 NOC 2282 用户技术支持人员

2282 用户技术支持人员 User support technicians NOC - LEVEL B


Technicians in this group provide first-line technical support to computer users experiencing difficulties with computer hardware and with computer applications and communications software. They are employed by computer hardware manufacturers and retailers, software developers, in call centres and in information technology units throughout the private and public sectors. Technicians in this group are also employed by independent technical support companies or they may be self-employed.

2282 用户技术支持人员头衔范例

呼叫中心代理 - 技术支持 call centre agent – technical support

客户支持代表 - 系统 client support representative – systems

计算机帮助台代表 - 系统 computer help desk representative – systems

计算机帮助台主管 computer help desk supervisor

硬件安装技师 hardware installation technician

硬件技术支持分析师 hardware technical support analyst

帮助台技术员 help desk technician

软件安装技师 software installation technician

软件技术支持分析师 software technical support analyst

系统支持代表 systems support representative

技术支持分析师 - 系统 technical support analyst – systems

技术支持主管 technical support supervisor

用户技术支持人员 user support technician

2282 用户技术支持人员主要职责


Communicate electronically and in person with computer users experiencing difficulties to determine and document problems experienced


Consult user guides, technical manuals and other documents to research and implement solutions


Emulate or reproduce technical problems encountered by users


Provide advice and training to users in response to identified difficulties


Provide business systems, network and Internet support to users in response to identified difficulties


Collect, organize and maintain a problems and solutions log for use by other technical support analysts


Participate in the redesign of applications and other software


May supervise other technical support workers in this group.

2282 用户技术支持人员任职要求


Completion of a college program in computer science, computer programming or network administration is usually required.


College or other courses in computer programming or network administration are usually required.


Certification or training provided by software vendors may be required by some employers.

2282 用户技术支持人员附加信息


Progression to computer programming, interactive media development, Web development or systems analysis is possible with experience.

2282 用户技术支持人员其他分类

计算机网络技术人员 Computer network technicians [2281](2281)

计算机程序员和互动媒体开发 Computer programmers and interactive media developers [2174](2174)

信息系统分析师和顾问 Information systems analysts and consultants [2171](2171)

信息系统测试技术员 Information systems testing technicians [2283](2283)

2282 用户技术支持人员职称头衔

分析师,系统技术支持 analyst, systems technical support

呼叫中心代理 - 技术支持 call centre agent – technical support

客户支持代表 - 系统 client support representative – systems

计算机帮助台代表 - 系统 computer help desk representative – systems

计算机帮助台主管 computer help desk supervisor

硬件安装技师 hardware installation technician

硬件技术支持分析师 hardware technical support analyst

帮助台代理,技术 help desk agent, technical

帮助台系统分析师 - help desk analyst – systems

帮助台主管,电脑 help desk supervisor, computer

帮助台技术经纪人 help desk technical agent

帮助台技术员 help desk technician

安装技术员,硬件 installation technician, hardware

安装技术人员,软件 installation technician, software

PC(个人电脑)支持分析师 PC (personal computer) support analyst

软件安装技师 software installation technician

软件技术支持分析师 software technical support analyst

主管,技术支持 supervisor, technical support

系统支持代表 systems support representative

系统的技术支持分析师 systems technical support analyst

技术帮助台代理 technical help desk agent

技术支持分析师 - 系统 technical support analyst – systems

技术支持主管 technical support supervisor

用户技术支持人员 user support technician












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