1227 法院人员和治安法官 Court officers and justices of the peace NOC

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1227 法院人员和治安法官 Court officers and justices of the peace NOC - LEVEL B


Court officers co-ordinate the administrative and procedural functions of federal, provincial and territorial courts, such as scheduling trials and overseeing the maintenance of court records. Justices of the peace administer oaths, issue subpoenas, summonses and warrants and perform other court-related duties such as conducting bail hearings. They are employed by federal and provincial courts.

1227 法院人员和治安法官头衔范例

最高法院登记处 Supreme Court registrar

法院服务统筹 co-ordinator of court services

宣誓书处长 commissioner of affidavits

婚姻处长 commissioner of marriages

法院管理员 court administrator

法院书记员主管 court clerk supervisor

法院人员 court officer

法院司法常务官 court registrar

副司法常务官 - 法院 deputy registrar – courts

司法管理员 judicial administrator

法院管理员 judicial court administrator

司法人员 judicial officer

治安法官 justice of the peace

经理,法院服务 manager, court services

破产登记员 registrar of bankruptcy

审讯统筹 - 法院 trial co-ordinator – courts

1227 法院人员和治安法官主要职责

法院人员执行部分或全部下列职责Court officers perform some or all of the following duties:


Co-ordinate administrative services and establish work priorities for court staff


Schedule court trials and arrange pre-trial conferences and hearings


Call courts of law to order, read charges and take pleas from defendants


Record court commencement, trial proceedings and judgements


Collect and record sheriff fees, transcription fees and other court administrative and services fees


Oversee the maintenance of judicial court records


Assist in preparing annual budgets


May be justices of the peace.

治安法官执行部分或全部下列职责Justices of the peace perform some or all of the following duties:


Issue subpoenas, summonses and warrants, including search warrants


Receive affidavits, declarations and affirmations


Administer oaths


Conduct bail hearings


Release defendants on judges orders and explain rights and obligations


Hear evidence at trials on summary conviction offences and may preside over trials of criminal offences at the discretion of the chief judge of the jurisdiction or as provided for in federal, provincial or territorial statutes


Perform civil marriages.

1227 法院人员和治安法官任职要求


Court officers usually require a university degree in law, business or public administration or a college diploma in public administration or legal studies.


Completion of a justice registrar, justice of the peace or other court training program is required for court officers and justices of the peace.


Several years of experience as a court clerk or in another court service occupation are usually required.


Justices of the peace in the provinces are appointed by the lieutenant governor in council and, in the territories, by federally appointed territorial commissioners.

1227 法院人员和治安法官附加信息


Progression to senior positions such as senior court administrator is possible through experience.


The duties and responsibilities of justices of the peace vary significantly depending on the level of their authority. They may be employed part-time on a fee-for-service basis in small communities. Their duties range from receiving affidavits and similar documents, to presiding in courts and hearing and determining prosecutions under provincial/territorial and federal laws.

1227 法院人员和治安法官其他分类

行政人员 Administrative officers [1221](1221)

法院书记员 Court clerks [1416](1416)

律师助理和相关职业 Paralegal and related occupations [4211](4211)

警长和法警 Sheriffs and bailiffs [4421](4421)

1227 法院人员和治安法官职称头衔

法院管理员 administrator of the court

管理员,法院 administrator, court

助理副司法常务官 - 法院 assistant deputy registrar – courts

助理司法常务官 - 法院 assistant registrar – courts

公民法官 citizenship judge

遗嘱认证业务员 clerk of probate

法院诉讼员 clerk of proceedings – courts

法庭书记员 clerk of the court

王室书记员 - 法院 clerk of the Crown – courts

干事,最高法院 clerk, Supreme Court

宣誓书处长 commissioner of affidavits

婚姻处长 commissioner of marriages

法院服务统筹 co-ordinator of court services

县法院司法常务官 county court registrar

法院管理员 court administrator

法院书记员主管 court clerk supervisor

法院副管理员 court deputy administrator

法院上诉过户登记 court of appeal registrar

法院人员 court officer

法院司法常务官 court registrar

法院服务经理 court services manager

法院主管 court supervisor

法庭官员 courtroom officer

契税记录 deed recorder

契税过户登记 deed registrar

法庭副管理员 deputy administrator of the court

副法院司法常务官 deputy court registrar

副土地注册处处长 deputy land registrar

副司法常务官 - 法院 deputy registrar – courts

区法院司法常务官 district court registrar

征用人员 expropriation officer

家庭法院管理员 family court administrator

家事法庭登记处 family court registrar

家庭法院主管 family court supervisor

司法管理员 judicial administrator

法院管理员 judicial court administrator

司法人员 judicial officer

司法人员 - 法院 judicial officer – courts

司法服务管理员 judicial services administrator

正义和平 justice of the peace

土地注册处处长 land registrar

法律服务人员 - 法院 legal services officer – courts

经理,法院服务 manager, court services

人员,法院 officer, court

法院的首席书记 prothonotary

事迹记录员 recorder of deeds

遗嘱记录员 recorder of wills

过户登记处 - 法院 registrar – courts

破产登记员 registrar of bankruptcy

事迹登记员 registrar of deeds

遗嘱认证登记员 registrar of probate

遗嘱登记官 registrar of wills

注册表人员 - 婚姻 registry officer – marriages

小额索偿法庭登记员 small claims court registrar

小额钱债法庭主管 small claims court supervisor

在最高法院任职 Supreme Court clerk

最高法院登记处 Supreme Court registrar

代孕法院司法常务官 surrogate court registrar

法庭统筹 - 法院 trial co-ordinator – courts













2224 保护和渔政人员 Conservation and fishery officers  NOC

2224 保护和渔政人员 Conservation and fishery officers NOC - LEVEL B


This unit group includes conservation and fishery officers, inspectors and observers who enforce federal and provincial regulations established for the protection of fish, wildlife and other natural resources and collect and relay information on resource management. They are employed by federal and provincial government departments.

2224 保护和渔政人员头衔范例

保育人员 conservation officer

鱼类和野生动物官员 fish and wildlife officer

渔政人员 fishery officer

护林员 - 野生动物管理 forest ranger – wildlife management

游戏官 game officer

游戏区长 game warden

自然资源人员 natural resources officer

巡山员 park ranger

2224 保护和渔政人员主要职责


Generate public awareness of fish and wildlife conservation and regulations


Conduct patrols by truck, aircraft, boat, or on foot, to ensure compliance with the provincial and federal statutes relating to fish, wildlife and the environment


Investigate complaints, arrest violators, prepare briefs and present evidence in court


Issue licences, export documents and special permits and collect royalties assessed on fish, wildlife and timber resources


Implement and supervise approved techniques in preventing or overcoming damage caused by wildlife


Perform resource protection duties, such as inspecting fishing gear and equipment and monitoring fishing activities for compliance with regulations


Gather resource data by making inventories of fish, collecting water samples and assisting biologists in scientific research


Supervise or provide firearms safety training courses and trapper education courses.

2224 保护和渔政人员任职要求


Completion of a college program in renewable resources management, environmental conservation or a related discipline is usually required.


On-the-job training and courses related to law enforcement and resource management are provided.


A class-5 drivers licence, pesticide applicators licence and explosives licence may be required.

2224 保护和渔政人员附加信息


Progression to senior and supervisory positions is possible with experience.

2224 保护和渔政人员其他分类

生物技术专家和技术人员 Biological technologists and technicians [2221](2221)

鱼督察(农业和鱼类产品的检查员) Fish inspectors (in [2222](2222) Agricultural and fish products inspectors )

林业技师和技术人员 Forestry technologists and technicians [2223](2223)

2224 保护和渔政人员职称头衔

保育人员 conservation officer

区督察 - 渔业 district inspector – fisheries

监区主管 - 渔业 district supervisor – fisheries

码头显示器 - 渔业 dockside monitor – fisheries

码头观察员 - 渔业 dockside observer – fisheries

鱼和野味监狱长 fish and game warden

鱼类和野生动物官员 fish and wildlife officer

渔业督察 fisheries inspector

渔业观察员 fisheries observer

渔业官员 fisheries officer

渔政人员 fishery officer

捕鱼区主管 fishing area supervisor

护林员 - 野生动物管理 forest ranger – wildlife management

游戏官 game officer

游戏区长 game warden

巡视员,渔业 inspector, fisheries

自然资源人员 natural resources officer

观察员,渔业 observer, fisheries

人员,养护 officer, conservation

人员,渔业 officer, fisheries

人员,游戏 officer, game

巡山工 park ranger

主管,渔业督察 supervisor, fisheries inspectors

主管,渔业官员 supervisor, fisheries officers












1221 行政人员 Administrative officers NOC

1221 行政人员 Administrative officers NOC - LEVEL B


Administrative officers oversee and implement administrative procedures, establish work priorities, conduct analyses of administrative operations and co-ordinate acquisition of administrative services such as office space, supplies and security services. They are employed throughout the private and public sectors. Administrative officers who are supervisors are included in this group.

1221 行政人员头衔范例

获取信息和隐私官员 access to information and privacy officer

行政人员 administrative officer

行政服务协调员 administrative services co-ordinator

协调员,办公服务 co-ordinator, office services

表单管理人员 forms management officer

联络官 liaison officer

办公室管理员 office administrator

办公室经理 office manager

策划主任 planning officer

分析师 - 获取信息 records analyst – access to information

剩余资产人员 surplus assets officer

大学招生人员 university admissions officer

1221 行政人员主要职责


Oversee and co-ordinate office administrative procedures and review, evaluate and implement new procedures


Establish work priorities, delegate work to office support staff, and ensure deadlines are met and procedures are followed


Carry out administrative activities associated with admissions to post-secondary educational institutions


Administer policies and procedures related to the release of records in processing requests under government access to information and privacy legislation


Co-ordinate and plan for office services, such as accommodation, relocations, equipment, supplies, forms, disposal of assets, parking, maintenance and security services


Conduct analyses and oversee administrative operations related to budgeting, contracting and project planning and management processes


Assist in preparation of operating budget and maintain inventory and budgetary controls


Assemble data and prepare periodic and special reports, manuals and correspondence


May supervise records management technicians and related staff.

1221 行政人员任职要求


Completion of secondary school is required.


A university degree or college diploma in business or public administration may be required.


Experience in a senior clerical or executive secretarial position related to office administration is usually required.


Project management certification may be required by some employers.

1221 行政人员附加信息


Progression to administrative service management positions is possible with experience.

1221 行政人员其他分类

行政服务经理(其他行政服务经理) Administrative services managers (in [0114](0114) Other administrative services managers )

会议和活动策划 Conference and event planners [1226](1226)

行政助理 Executive assistants [1222](1222)

物业管理员 Property administrators [1224](1224)

1221 行政人员职称头衔

获取信息和隐私人员 access to information and privacy officer

信息访问员 access to information officer

管理分析师 administration analyst

管理人员 administration officer

管理服务协调员 administration services co-ordinator

管理分析师 administrative analyst

行政协调员 administrative co-ordinator

行政人员 administrative officer

行政规划人员 administrative planning officer

行政服务协调员 administrative services co-ordinator

行政服务人员 administrative services officer

行政支持人员 administrative support officer

行政技师 administrative technician

管理员,储备 administrator, reserve

招生人员,中学后教育机构 admissions officer, post-secondary educational institution

乐队管理员 band administrator

双语服务协调员 bilingual services co-ordinator

预算分析师 budget analyst

业务代表 - 俱乐部,小屋或社会 business representative – club, lodge or society

商业服务人员 business services officer

首席监考 chief invigilator

民间应急措施主任 civil emergency measures officer

理赔人员 claims officer

通信服务协调员 communications service co-ordinator

协调员,中英双语服务 co-ordinator, bilingual services

协调员,办公服务 co-ordinator, office services

皇冠资产分发干事 Crown assets distribution officer

文档和项目分析师 documentation and projects analyst

考试监考老师,中学后机构 exam invigilator, post-secondary institution

考试监考官,专科院校 exam proctor, post-secondary institution

考试监事,大专机构 exam supervisor, post-secondary institution

财政援助人员 financial aid officer

协调员财政援助 - 大专或大学 financial assistance co-ordinator – college or university

财政援助人员 financial assistance officer

表单管理人员 forms management officer

自由信息人员 freedom of information officer

投资移民计划协调员 immigrant investors program co-ordinator

执行官员 implementation officer

租赁管理主管 lease administration supervisor

联络官 liaison officer

管理规划人员 management planning officer

本土乐队管理员 Native band administrator

本地储备管理员 Native reserve administrator

非技术项目经理 non-technical project manager

办公室行政技师 office administrative technician

办公室管理员 office administrator

办公自动化管理员 office automation administrator

办公自动化协调员 office automation co-ordinator

办公自动化技术员 office automation technician

办公室协调员 office co-ordinator

办公室经理 office manager

办公服务协调员 office services co-ordinator

人员,获得信息和隐私 officer, access to information and privacy

官员,民间应急措施 officer, civil emergency measures

官方语言协调员 official languages co-ordinator

申诉专员主任 ombudsman officer

工作人员 - 管理 operating officer – administration

营运总监 - 管理 operational officer – administration

操作人员 - 管理 operations officer – administration

组织和生产力项目经理 organization and productivity project manager

组织和生产力项目官员 organization and productivity project officer

停车场协调员 parking co-ordinator

策划主任 planning officer

初步按规划师 preliminary press planner

印前策划人 - 出版 prepress planner – publishing

隐私官 privacy officer

项目管理人员 project administration officer

项目经理 - 非技术 project manager – non-technical

公共受托人 public trustee

分析师 - 获取信息 records analyst – access to information

区域服务主任 regional services chief

搬迁专员 relocation commissioner

储备管理员 reserve administrator

学生援助人员 student aid officer

学生援助人员 student assistance officer

剩余资产人员 surplus assets officer

技术助理 - 办公室支持 technical assistant – office support

测试管理员 test administrator

测试协调员 testing co-ordinator

测试主管 testing supervisor

大学招生人员 university admissions officer












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