
技术移民澳洲的条件 澳洲技术技术移民条件 澳洲技术移民经验



1,调查方式 申请人的单位一旦接到使馆电话(使馆方面也可能不表明自已的身份都有可能)在接下来的一天至一周之内会多次给申请人的领导及申请人打电话反复调查。大致顺序:推荐人——人事部门——申请人。每个电话之间的间隔短至数秒长也不过几分钟让所有被要求参加配合调查的人没有交换信息和研究准备的时间。2背景调查常见问题 准备原则:让使馆调查后认为你的工作经历是真实的,因此要用一颗平常心去准备背景调查,除了推荐人,其他部门不要特别刻意,让人明显感觉就是有预谋的逢场作戏就不好了。对于非推荐人,问题不一定都100% 回答准确,有些时间记不住是正常的,不出大的误差就可以。做到可以不说,但不要乱说。参考:对于一些常见问题的参考回答,不是标准答案,只作为参考,建议根据您的具体情况来确定。3推荐人调查常见问题及参考回答 1) 推荐信是你写的还是别人写好你签字的?我写的,我的英语写作还可以。我写的中文,秘书给我翻译的英文,我签的字。2)为什么找你写推荐信?我是XXX(职务),对所有员工都有大体了解,XXX表现突出,我写推荐信能给出一个比较客观、综合的评定。我是XXX(职务),由于工作需要,我们接触较多,对XXX的任职和工作比较清楚。3)他如何跟你沟通的?向我如实陈述他/她移民的想法,作为XXX,我是舍不得这样的人才走,但还是尊重他/她的选择。4)其他可能问题:你的签名是中文还是英文?


4申请人调查常见问题及参考回答 1)是自己申请的吗?自己申请的。2) 雅思是自己准备的还是参加培训了?自己准备的。3) 为什么选择登陆XXX城市(申请表中)?没有特殊情况就说有朋友,有同学,有亲戚,曾经去过等等,或者说对这个城市有所了解,喜欢这个城市。如果这样说的话需要你这个城市有个基本的认识。5其他可能问题:公司基本情况 1)你们公司什么时间成立的?2) 公司什么性质?哪个部门批准的?3)公司经营什么业务?4)公司有多少员工?5)公司的地址在哪里?6)工作场所一直是这个吗?7)公司的全称是什么?8) 你们公司具体做什么业务?9) 公司法人是谁?10)你们公司总经理是谁?11) 你们公司的组织结构是什么样的?有哪些部门?12)每个部门具体职责是什么?13)每个部门多少人?14)你公司有几个房间?


6部门情况 1) 你们所在的部门有多少人?同事的名字?2)你们部门负责人是谁?3)你毕业后工作几年了?4)是什么时候来到这家公司的?----具体到年月这个要非常清楚5)在这个部门里负责什么工作?6) 每天都作些什么?7)推荐人和你的工作关系?8) 推荐信是谁写的?7工作时间、工资1)每月几号发工资?以什么形式发放?2)工资是怎么发放的?3) 所得税是怎么扣的?4)每天上班起止时间?你们每周工作多少小时?每天上班有打卡纪录吗?5) 有加班吗?加班费有没有?6) 你们公司有没有年假?8财务人事 1)你们公司财务部有几个人,具体分工是什么:2)你们公司人事部有几个人,具体怎么分工的?3)你公司的开户银行是哪个?还和哪些银行有联系?4) 你们公司的出纳名字是什么?怎么拼写?5) 你公司的业务流程是怎样的?你能描述一下吗?能给出具体的例子吗?9其它方面 1) 有你做过工作的纪录吗?2) 有完成的工作项目吗?谁能证明?3)电脑里有没有你从事工作的文档4)有没有合同?有没有工资单?5) 纳税证明?6) 你桌子上有什么东西?7) 你办公室里有几个人左边是谁?右边是谁?8) 能告诉我几个同事的名字和手机号码吗?10其它人 其他人只要知道你在这家公司工作就可以。综上可以看出,澳洲技术移民背景调查时,申请人和推荐人对推荐信上的内容一定要清楚,如果申请人的背景都是真实的,简单协调一下不会有什么大问题。











二. 通常使馆进行电话调查有两段时间




三. 签证申请递交后,使馆受签证官的委托对申请人的职业背景进行调查;


2、大多数情况下,说中文。 如果你雅思分数比较高,很可能会直接英文对话(上门情况下),测试下你的实际交流能力






Security (Background) Clearance

Whenever possible, any applicant for immigration to Canada over the age of 18 years must provide proof of no criminal record in any country in which he/she has resided within the previous 10 years (sometimes longer). In most cases, applicants have little difficulty obtaining such "police certificates" from most countries. This is generally done through a law enforcement office of such a country, and sometimes through other government departments. In cases of extenuating

circumstances, however, it may be possible for a Visa Office to waive this requirement. Police clearance documents (certificates of no criminal record) are typically considered valid for six months, although this can be subject to the policies of different posts, and discretion in cases of extenuating circumstance.

In all cases of immigration, a background clearance is conducted to ensure that applicants who "are, or have been, involved in espionage, subversion, or terrorism" are detected. The following is an excerpt of the Canadian Immigration Selection and Control Manual, which discusses this often misunderstood aspect of the immigration process.


NOTE: Elements of the security careening process have been exempted from public access in accordance with the terms of sections 15 and 16 of the Access to Information Act. Visa officers abroad and Immigration officers h Canada should read these guidelines in conjunction with tine restricted chapter IC 1.

1) Purpose

To maintain and protect the safety and good order of Canadian society by preventing the admission of persons who threaten the internal security of Canada or endanger the lives or safety of persons in Canada; to promote international order and justice by denying the use of Canadian territory to persons who are likely to engage in subversive or criminal activity.

2) Applicability of the Act

a) A19 applies to persons who are seeking to come into Canada end who are inadmissible by virtue of membership in one or more of the classes of persons described in that section. A 27 relates to persons who have been admitted to Canada and who are reportable for having contravened the Act in a manner which calls for their removal. For the purposes of this chapter, the most relevant paragraphs are:

1.A19(1)(e): This covers all subversion, past, present and future, in or outside Canada against democratic institutions or processes as they are understood in Canada. this subsection does not apply to persons who may attempt to subvert non-democratic regimes. Mere membership in, or association wan, an organization which promotes subversion is not grounds for inclusion in the category, although such membership or association may constitute evidence that a person comes within this inadmissible class. (Persons who have been involved in subversion or espionage may be amended, provided they can satisfy the Minister that they are not a threat to Canada).

2.A19(1)(f): This refers to persons who are likely to engage in or instigate subversion by force of any government, while in Canada. Such activities, H conducted in Canada, could endanger the Canadian public and our relations with other countries. Activities aimed at the arousal or organization of public sentiment to pressure undemocratic governments to change their policies would not place an individual in this inadmissible class.

3.A19(1)(9): Refers to persons likely to engage in acts of violence that would or might endanger the lives or safety of persons in Canada, and members and associates of organizations likely to engage in such acts. (Again, it should be remembered that membership in an organization is not grounds in itself for refusal of a visa).

4.A 27(1 )(a): Refers to permanent residents who, it they were immigrants, would be inadmissible because they are described in A19(1)(c), (d), (e) or (9), or in A19(2)(a).

5.A27(1)(c): Refers to permanent residents engaged In or instigating subversion by force of any government while in Canada.

6.A 27(2)(c): Refers to persons in Canada other than Canadian citizens or permanent residents who are engaged In, or instigate, subversion by force of any government.

b) Criminal Inadmissibility

1.A 19(1 )(c) and (d) and 1 9(2)(a) and (b) refer to persons who have been convicted of, or concerning whom there are reasonable grounds to believe they will commit In Canada, criminaloffenses of varying degrees of seriousness. Membership in one of these classes may serve to make an individual inadmissible 10 Canada. These subsections contain provisions which enable an individual to demonstrate that he has been rehabilitated aver the passage of a prescribed period of time since the conviction was registered.

2.The above is a brief explanation of the subsections of the Immigration Act with which this chapter is primarily concerned. For a more complete understanding, it will be necessary to refer to the legislation itself.

3) Definition of Security Screening

The term "security screenings" refers to the procedures used to identify persons seeking admission to Canada who are, or have been, involved in espionage, subversion, or terrorism. it should be noted that, although the term refers to tine scrutinization of an applicant's political orientation, beliefs and activities, as part of the normal immigrant selection process, criminal records checks are also conducted wherever possible. In every day use, the term "security screening" has sometimes been expanded to include the measures to identify those who have been convicted of criminal offenses. It should be noted, however, that a security screening clearance does not mean that the individual does not have a criminal record.

4) Importance of Security Screening

1.The security of Canada is a matter of vital concern. The guidelines which follow are for the information of visa and examining officers who are responsible for ensuring that persons who are likely to constitute a threat to Canada are denied entry. Every officer should be aware of the significance of these procedures and of the necessity for strict compliance.

2.Security screening decisions are based on information from every available source. All available Information must be carefully weighed against established criteria to determine whether the presence of an individual in Canada is considered to be inimical to the functioning

of a democratic society and Government as these are understood in Canada. Where there is doubt concerning the security threat posed by an applicant, the interests of Canada should normally be paramount.

3.i) The responsibility for responding to queries concerning delays in immigration processing rests with the CEIC. On no occasion should members of the public be told to direct their

inquiries to the Department of External Affairs, CSIS, or any other government department.

ii) While Commission officials may refer to the "background inquiries" carried out by the Commission, it is considered a breach of security to discuss specific details of the security screening process.

It will be noted from the above discussion that there is a clear distinction between the police clearance, which is undertaken by the applicant, and the background clearance, in which the applicant does not have an active involvement. Unfortunately, a common price for this additional measure of security, is that applications can be delayed by the requirement for the background clearance, while the applicant had already completed police clearances. This is a price, however, which all applicants will appreciate once they are established Canadians.



一电话号码:1、申请者提供的电话(工作证明;简历或移民申请表中填写的号码)2、 有总机自动播号的使馆可能播“0”之后随意询问关于申请人的信息或直接询问总机接线员(请与接线员提前打招呼)3、 通过“114”查号台,得到号码随意调查。(在“114”有登记的公司,申请人一定具体分析每个号码是什么部门,每个部门对您的情况掌握程度)

二调查对象:1、 总经理(或推荐人、机构或部门负责人)2、 人事部门或办公室主任等负责人事的人员3、主申请人及配偶(着重调查主申请人,副申请不作为主要调查对象)4、若公司较小没有人事部门,使馆可能会找您的同事来核实一些基本情况5、申请人曾经在多个公司就职,使馆在着重调查现所在公司之外,也会打电话给前一公司的负责人来询问您在该公司就职时的情况。6、申请人单位曾经搬迁过,使馆可能要找公司前租用写字间的物业部门核实是否有过该单位在此办公。


四调查内容:(所要被要求参加配合调查的人回答的信息应一致!!!!!!!)1、贵公司是否有X X(申请人),是哪年哪月由哪分配(调转)至本单位的,进入什么部门, 担任何职,主要工作任务和职责。2、公司成立日期,设立了那些部门(科室),每个部门的工作范围和职责。3、公司规模,有多少员工,每个部门有多少员工,部门(或科室)的负责人的名字;公司总经理(或院长、部长)的名字,公司总经理(或院长、部长)有调整的,前任及现任领导人的名字、性别、相貌特征简单描述。4、掌握公司多个电话号码、存在地址变迁的要掌握新、旧两个地址并精确到写字间房号(不要凭空捏造,因为使馆有可能给大厦物业打电话核实)5、关于工资收入,请按该公司真实的员工收入情况说,以便与经理或人事部门的回答相符






l 已婚的申请人不但要完全掌握自身的工作证明和简历,同时要熟悉配偶的工作证明和简历及工作单位大致地址和电话。配偶的出生日期及两人的结婚日期,作为夫妻应充分了解的信息,在完全掌握的基础上准确回答。在主申请被调查之后请速与配偶联系,可能几分钟后配偶会接到使馆的电话。l 以上信息仅供参考,使馆调查人员(全部是中国人)的问题灵活多变,请参照以上问题和专业充分准备,沉着、冷静、机智的应对调查人员。 


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