9224 主管,家具及固定装置制造业

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9224 主管,家具及固定装置制造业 Supervisors, furniture and fixtures manufacturing NOC - LEVEL B


Supervisors in this unit group supervise and co-ordinate the activities of workers who manufacture furniture and fixtures made of wood or other materials. They are employed in furniture and fixtures manufacturing establishments.

9224 主管,家具及固定装置制造业头衔范例

领班/男/女,书桌组装 foreman/woman, desk assembly

领班/男/女,家私组装 foreman/woman, furniture assembly

工头/男/女,木工机床操作员 - 家具及固定装置的制造 foreman/woman, woodworking machine operators – furniture and fixtures manufacturing

层压领班/男/女 laminating foreman/woman

主管,家具及固定装置制造业 supervisor, furniture and fixture manufacturing

主管,家具选手 supervisor, furniture finishers

主管,木工机床操作员 supervisor, woodworking machine operators

9224 主管,家具及固定装置制造业主要职责


Supervise, co-ordinate and schedule the activities of workers who assemble furniture and fixtures of any materials, operate woodworking machines and finish furniture to specified colour or finish


Establish methods to meet work schedules and co-ordinate work activities with other departments


Resolve work problems and recommend work measures to improve productivity and product quality


Requisition materials and supplies


Train staff in job duties, safety procedures and company policy


Recommend personnel actions such as hirings and promotions


Prepare production and other reports.

9224 主管,家具及固定装置制造业任职要求


Completion of secondary school is usually required.


Experience as a furniture and fixture assembler, woodworking machine operator, cabinetmaker or furniture finisher, is usually required.

9224 主管,家具及固定装置制造业其他分类

橱柜制造商 Cabinetmakers [7272](7272)

承包商和主管,木工行业 Contractors and supervisors, carpentry trades [7204](7204)

家具和夹具装配工和检查员 Furniture and fixture assemblers and inspectors [9532](9532)

家具装订工和整修工 Furniture finishers and refinishers [9534](9534)

主管以外的其他家具和灯具,木材加工木制品和木制品制造(主管,其他产品的制造和装配) Supervisors of millwork and wood product manufacturing other than furniture and fixture, and wood machining (in [9227](9227) Supervisors, other products manufacturing and assembly )

木工机床操作员 Woodworking machine operators [9437](9437)

9224 主管,家具及固定装置制造业职称头衔

抛光和上漆领班/男/女 - 家具及固定装置的制造 buffing and lacquering foreman/woman – furniture and fixtures manufacturing

椅子装配领班/男/女 - 家具及固定装置的制造 chair assembly foreman/woman – furniture and fixtures manufacturing

台装配领班/男/女 - 家具及固定装置的制造 desk assembly foreman/woman – furniture and fixtures manufacturing

整理客房领班/男/女 - 家具及装设品制造业 finishing room foreman/woman – furniture and fixtures manufacturing

领班/男/女,抛光和上漆 - 家具及装设品制造业 foreman/woman, buffing and lacquering – furniture and fixtures manufacturing

领班/男/女,橱柜装配和木材家具制造商 foreman/woman, cabinet assemblers and wood furniture makers

领班/男/女,椅子组装 - 家具及固定装置的制造 foreman/woman, chair assembly – furniture and fixtures manufacturing

领班/男/女,装饰 - 家具及装设品制造业 foreman/woman, decorating – furniture and fixtures manufacturing

领班/男/女,书桌组装 foreman/woman, desk assembly

领班/男/女,书桌组装 - 家具及固定装置的制造 foreman/woman, desk assembly – furniture and fixtures manufacturing

领班/男/女,家私组装 foreman/woman, furniture assembly

领班/男/女,家私组装 - 家具及固定装置的制造 foreman/woman, furniture assembly – furniture and fixtures manufacturing

领班/男/女,家具部件打磨部 foreman/woman, furniture components sanding department

领班/男/女,家具选手 - 家具及固定装置的制造 foreman/woman, furniture finishers – furniture and fixtures manufacturing

领班/男/女,家具精加工 - 家具及固定装置的制造 foreman/woman, furniture finishing – furniture and fixtures manufacturing

领班/男/女,家具上浆 - 家具及固定装置的制造 foreman/woman, furniture gluers – furniture and fixtures manufacturing

领班/男/女,督察家具 - 家具及固定装置的制造 foreman/woman, furniture inspectors – furniture and fixtures manufacturing

领班/男/女,涂胶 - 家具及固定装置的制造 foreman/woman, gluing – furniture and fixtures manufacturing

领班/男/女,层压 - 家具及固定装置的制造 foreman/woman, laminating – furniture and fixtures manufacturing

领班/男/女,机械加工 - 家具及固定装置的制造 foreman/woman, machining – furniture and fixtures manufacturing

领班/男/女,床垫制造 foreman/woman, mattress manufacturing

领班/男/女,金属家具装配 foreman/woman, metal furniture assembly

领班/男/女,涂料部门 - 家具及固定装置的制造 foreman/woman, paint department – furniture and fixtures manufacturing

领班/男/女,刨床,车床,牛头刨床及相关木材加工工人 - 家具及固定装置的制造 foreman/woman, planers, turners, shapers and related wood-machining workers – furniture and fixtures manufacturing

领班/男/女,饰面 - 家具及固定装置的制造 foreman/woman, veneering – furniture and fixtures manufacturing

领班/男/女,饰店 - 家具及固定装置的制造 foreman/woman, veneering shop – furniture and fixtures manufacturing

领班/男/女,木材加工工人 - 家具及固定装置的制造 foreman/woman, wood machining workers – furniture and fixtures manufacturing

领班/男/女,木材砂光机 - 家具及装设品制造业 foreman/woman, wood sanders – furniture and fixtures manufacturing

领班/男/女,锯木(锯木厂除外) foreman/woman, wood sawing (except sawmill)

领班/男/女,木材加工质量控制检查员 - 家具及装设品制造业 foreman/woman, wood-machining quality-control inspectors – furniture and fixtures manufacturing

领班/男/女,木工机械部 foreman/woman, woodworking machine department

工头/男/女,木工机床操作员 - 家具及固定装置的制造 foreman/woman, woodworking machine operators – furniture and fixtures manufacturing

家具及固定装置的生产主管 furniture and fixtures manufacturing supervisor

家具组装领班/男/女 - 家具及固定装置的制造 furniture assembly foreman/woman – furniture and fixtures manufacturing

家具部件打磨部领班/男/女 furniture components sanding department foreman/woman

家具选手领班/男/女 - 家具及装设品制造业 furniture finishers foreman/woman – furniture and fixtures manufacturing

家具选手监督员 furniture finishers supervisor

整理领班/男/女的家具 - 家具及装设品制造业 furniture finishing foreman/woman – furniture and fixtures manufacturing

家具上浆机领班/男/女 - 家具及装设品制造业 furniture gluers foreman/woman – furniture and fixtures manufacturing

家具督察领班/男/女 furniture inspectors foreman/woman

胶合领班/男/女 - 家具及装设品制造业 gluing foreman/woman – furniture and fixtures manufacturing

层压领班/男/女 laminating foreman/woman

层压领班/男/女 - 家具及装设品制造业 laminating foreman/woman – furniture and fixtures manufacturing

加工领班/男/女 - 家具及装设品制造业 machining foreman/woman – furniture and fixtures manufacturing

床垫制造领班/男/女 mattress manufacturing foreman/woman

金属家具装配领班/男/女 metal furniture assembly foreman/woman

油漆部领班/男/女 - 家具及固定装置的制造 paint department foreman/woman – furniture and fixtures manufacturing

刨床,车床,牛头刨床和相关的木材加工工人领班/男/女 - 家具及装设品制造业 planers, turners, shapers and related wood-machining workers foreman/woman – furniture and fixtures manufacturing

车间领班/男/女,饰面 - 家具及装设品制造业 shop foreman/woman, veneering – furniture and fixtures manufacturing

主管,家具及固定装置制造业 supervisor, furniture and fixture manufacturing

主管,家具选手; supervisor, furniture finishers

主管,木工机床操作员 supervisor, woodworking machine operators

主管,木工机床操作员 - 家具及固定装置的制造 supervisor, woodworking machine operators – furniture and fixtures manufacturing

饰面领班/男/女 - 家具及装设品制造业 veneering foreman/woman – furniture and fixtures manufacturing

饰店领班/男/女 - 家具及装设品制造业 veneering shop foreman/woman – furniture and fixtures manufacturing

木材加工工人领班/男/女 - 家具及装设品制造业 wood machining workers foreman/woman – furniture and fixtures manufacturing

木材砂光机领班/男/女 - 家具及装设品制造业 wood sanders foreman/woman – furniture and fixtures manufacturing

锯木的领班/男/女(锯木厂除外) wood sawing foreman/woman (except sawmill)

木材加工的质量控制检查员领班/男/女 - 家具及装设品制造业 wood-machining quality-control inspectors foreman/woman – furniture and fixtures manufacturing

木工机部领班/男/女 - 家具及固定装置的制造 woodworking machine department foreman/woman – furniture and fixtures manufacturing

木工机床操作员主管 - 家具及固定装置的制造 woodworking machine operators supervisor – furniture and fixtures manufacturing














9226 主管,其他机械和金属制品制造业

9226 主管,其他机械和金属制品制造业 Supervisors, other mechanical and metal products manufacturing NOC - LEVEL B


Supervisors in this unit group supervise and co-ordinate the activities of workers who fabricate, assemble and inspect mechanical and metal products, such as aircraft and aircraft parts, heavy trucks, buses, trailers, motor vehicle engines, transmissions, heating equipment, commercial refrigeration and similar metal products. They are employed by a wide variety of manufacturing companies.

9226 主管,其他机械和金属制品制造业 头衔范例

飞机装配领班/男/女 aircraft assembly foreman/woman

发动机装配领班/男/女(飞机除外) engine assembly foreman/woman (except aircraft)

领班/男/女,金属加工机床操作员 foreman/woman, metalworking machine operators

领班/女性,手机之家组装 foreman/woman, mobile home assembly

船厂画家领班/男/女 shipyard painter foreman/woman

主管,直升机总成 supervisor, helicopter assembly

主管,雪地摩托装配 supervisor, snowmobile assembly

卡车拖车装配领班/男/女 truck trailer assembly foreman/woman

9226 主管,其他机械和金属制品制造业 主要职责


Supervise, co-ordinate and schedule activities of workers who assemble and inspect products such as aircraft, buses, heavy trucks, transmissions, automobile engines and refrigeration and heating equipment


Establish methods to meet work schedules and co-ordinate work activities with other departments


Resolve work problems and recommend measures to improve productivity and product quality


Requisition materials and supplies


Train staff in job duties, safety procedures and company policies


Recommend personnel actions such as hirings and promotions


Prepare production and other reports


May set up machines and equipment.

9226 主管,其他机械和金属制品制造业 任职要求


Completion of secondary school is usually required.


Post-secondary education may be required for some occupations in this group.


Several years of experience as an assembler or inspector in the same company are usually required.

9226 主管,其他机械和金属制品制造业 其他分类

飞机发动机总装和机钳工主管( 承包商和监督员,机械行业) Aircraft engine assembly and machine fitters supervisors (in [7301](7301) Contractors and supervisors, mechanic trades )

承包商和主管,机械加工,金属成型,塑造,树立行业及相关行业 Contractors and supervisors, machining, metal forming, shaping and erecting trades and related occupations [7201](7201)

主管,电器产品制造业 Supervisors, electrical products manufacturing [9223](9223)

主管,机动车组装 Supervisors, motor vehicle assembling [9221](9221)

9226 主管,其他机械和金属制品制造业 职称头衔

飞机装配领班/男/女 aircraft assembly foreman/woman

飞机装配检验领班/男/女 aircraft assembly inspection foreman/woman

飞机总装主管 aircraft assembly supervisor

飞机液压设备安装领班/男/女 aircraft hydraulic equipment installation foreman/woman

飞机零部件,蚀刻领班/男/女 aircraft parts etching foreman/woman

飞机操纵领班/男/女 aircraft rigging foreman/woman

装配领班/男/女,农业设备 assembly foreman/woman, agricultural equipment

装配领班/男/女,发动机配件(飞机除外) assembly foreman/woman, engine accessories (except aircraft)

装配领班/男/女,发动机(飞机除外) assembly foreman/woman, engines (except aircraft)

装配领班/男/女,农具 assembly foreman/woman, farm implements

装配领班/男/女,直升机 assembly foreman/woman, helicopters

装配领班/男/女,拖拉机拖车 assembly foreman/woman, tractor-trailers

装配检验领班/男/女,飞机 assembly inspection foreman/woman, aircraft

装配主管,发动机(飞机除外) assembly supervisor, engines (except aircraft)

装配主管,直升机 assembly supervisor, helicopters

装配主管,移动房屋 assembly supervisor, mobile homes

装配主管,小型发动机 assembly supervisor, small engines

组装主管,拖拉机拖车 assembly supervisor, tractor-trailers

球和滚子轴承装配领班/男/女 ball and roller-bearings assembly foreman/woman

工程机械装配领班/男/女 construction machinery assembly foreman/woman

柴油发动机装配领班/男/女 diesel engine assembly foreman/woman

电镀领班/男/女 electroplating foreman/woman

发动机配件组装领班/男/女(飞机除外) engine accessories assembly foreman/woman (except aircraft)

发动机装配领班/男/女(飞机除外) engine assembly foreman/woman (except aircraft)

发动机装配主管(飞机除外) engine assembly supervisor (except aircraft)

引擎重建店领班/女性(飞机除外) engine rebuilding shop foreman/woman (except aircraft)

发动机测试领班/男/女(飞机除外) engine testing foreman/woman (except aircraft)

农机检验领班/男/女 farm machinery inspection foreman/woman

领班/男/女,农业设备的组装 foreman/woman, agricultural equipment assembly

领班/男/女,飞机组装 foreman/woman, aircraft assembly

领班/男/女,飞机机身装配 foreman/woman, aircraft fuselage assembly

领班/男/女,飞机画家 foreman/woman, aircraft painters

领班/男/女,球和滚子轴承装配 foreman/woman, ball and roller-bearings assembly

领班/男/女,工程机械装配 foreman/woman, construction machinery assembly

领班/男/女,电镀 foreman/woman, electroplating

领班/男/女,发动机总成(飞机除外) foreman/woman, engine assembly (except aircraft)

领班/男/女,发动机护板总成(飞机除外) foreman/woman, engine guard assembly (except aircraft)

领班/男/女,发动机改造店(飞机除外) foreman/woman, engine rebuilding shop (except aircraft)

领班/男/女,发动机测试(飞机除外) foreman/woman, engine testing (except aircraft)

领班/男/女,锐意店 - 金属制品制造业 foreman/woman, forge shop – metal products manufacturing

领班/男/女,锻压机床操作员 foreman/woman, forging-machine operators

领班/男/女,镀锌 foreman/woman, galvanizing

领班/男/女,花园拖拉机装配 foreman/woman, garden tractor assembly

领班/男/女,直升机总成 foreman/woman, helicopter assembly

领班/男/女,工业卡车组装 foreman/woman, industrial truck assembly

领班/男/女,轻农业和农机设备组装 foreman/woman, light agricultural and farm equipment assembly

领班/男/女,光建筑机械装配 foreman/woman, light construction machinery assembly

领班/男/女,轻工,农用和工程机械装配 foreman/woman, light industrial, farm and construction machinery assembly

领班/男/女,光材料处理设备组装 foreman/woman, light material-handling equipment assembly

领班/男/女,金属缓冲器 foreman/woman, metal buffers

领班/男/女,金属抛光 foreman/woman, metal buffing

领班/男/女,金属制品的检验和测试 foreman/woman, metal products inspection and testing

领班/男/女,金属加工机床操作员 foreman/woman, metalworking machine operators

领班/女性,手机之家组装 foreman/woman, mobile home assembly

领班/男/女,涂料部门 - 飞机制造 foreman/woman, paint department – aircraft manufacturing

领班/男/女,涂料部门 - 重型装备制造 foreman/woman, paint department – heavy equipment manufacturing

领班/男/女,涂料部门 - 重型卡车,客车和挂车制造 foreman/woman, paint department – heavy truck, bus and trailer manufacturing

领班/男/女,涂料部门 - 机械制造业 foreman/woman, paint department – machinery manufacturing

领班/男/女,涂料部门 - 金属制品制造业 foreman/woman, paint department – metal products manufacturing

领班/男/女,涂料部门 - 铁路机车车辆 foreman/woman, paint department – railway rolling stock

领班/男/女,涂料部门 - 造船 foreman/woman, paint department – shipbuilding

领班/男/女,涂料部门 - 交通运输设备制造业(汽车除外) foreman/woman, paint department – transport equipment manufacturing (except motor vehicles)

领班/男/女,画家 - 金属制品 foreman/woman, painters – metal products

领班/男/女,动力传动总成 foreman/woman, power transmission assembly

领班/男/女,旋耕机总成 foreman/woman, rototiller assembly

领班/男/女,船厂画家 foreman/woman, shipyard painters

领班/男/女,小型发动机总成 foreman/woman, small engine assembly

领班/男/女,吹雪机拖拉机装配 foreman/woman, snowblower tractor assembly

领班/男/女,雪地摩托总成 foreman/woman, snowmobile assembly

领班/男/女,拖拉机挂车装配 foreman/woman, tractor-trailer assembly

领班/男/女,卡车装配 foreman/woman, truck assembly

领班/男/女,卡车拖车总成 foreman/woman, truck trailer assembly

领班/男/女,自动售货机组件 foreman/woman, vending machine assembly

锻造车间领班/男/女 - 金属制品制造业 forge shop foreman/woman – metal products manufacturing

伪造工头/男/女 - 金属制品制造业 forgers foreman/woman – metal products manufacturing

镀锌领班/男/女 galvanizing foreman/woman

直升机装配领班/男/女 helicopter assembly foreman/woman

直升机组装主管 helicopter assembly supervisor

吊装,起重设备装配领班/男/女 hoisting-and-lifting equipment assembly foreman/woman

房子拖车装配领班/男/女 house trailer assembly foreman/woman

检查领班/男/女,农机具 inspection foreman/woman, farm machinery

光农业和农机设备组装领班/男/女 light agricultural and farm equipment assembly foreman/woman

轻型农用机械装配领班/男/女 light agricultural machinery assembly foreman/woman

轻型建筑机械装配领班/男/女 light construction machinery assembly foreman/woman

物料搬运设备装配领班/男/女 material-handling equipment assembly foreman/woman

金属缓冲区领班/男/女 metal buffers foreman/woman

金属抛光领班/男/女 metal buffing foreman/woman

金属制品的检验和测试领班/男/女 metal products inspection and testing foreman/woman

金属加工机床操作员领班/男/女 metalworking machine operators foreman/woman

手机之家装配领班/男/女 mobile home assembly foreman/woman

手机之家装配主管 mobile home assembly supervisor

住房汽车装配领班/男/女 motor home assembly foreman/woman

舷外马达装配领班/男/女 outboard motor assembly foreman/woman

油漆部门领班/男/女 - 铁路机车车辆制造 paint department foreman/woman – railway rolling stock manufacturing

油漆部门领班/男/女 - 造船 paint department foreman/woman – shipbuilding

画家领班/男/女,船厂 painter foreman/woman, shipyard

画家工头/男/女 - 金属制品制造业 painters foreman/woman – metal products manufacturing

动力传动总成领班/男/女 power transmission assembly foreman/woman

印刷设备组装工头/男/女 printing equipment assembly foreman/woman

船厂画家领班/男/女 shipyard painter foreman/woman

车间领班/男/女,发动机重建(飞机除外) shop foreman/woman, engine rebuilding (except aircraft)

小型发动机装配领班/男/女 small engine assembly foreman/woman

小型发动机总成主管 small engine assembly supervisor

雪地车装配领班/男/女 snowmobile assembly foreman/woman

雪地车装配主管 snowmobile assembly supervisor

飞船组件领班/男/女 spacecraft subassembly foreman/woman

主管,飞机总装 supervisor, aircraft assembly

主管,电镀 supervisor, electroplating

主管,发动机总成(飞机除外) supervisor, engine assembly (except aircraft)

主管,直升机总成 supervisor, helicopter assembly

主管,手机之家组装 supervisor, mobile home assembly

主管,造船 supervisor, shipbuilding

主管,小型发动机总成 supervisor, small engine assembly

主管,雪地摩托装配 supervisor, snowmobile assembly

主管,拖拉机挂车装配 supervisor, tractor-trailer assembly

主管,卡车拖车总成 supervisor, truck trailer assembly

拖拉机拖车装配领班/男/女 tractor-trailer assembly foreman/woman

拖拉机拖车装配主管 tractor-trailer assembly supervisor

拖车装配领班/男/女 trailer assembly foreman/woman

传输重建店领班/男/女 transmission-rebuilding shop foreman/woman

卡车组装领班/男/女 truck assembly foreman/woman

卡车拖车装配领班/男/女 truck trailer assembly foreman/woman

卡车拖车装配主管 truck trailer assembly supervisor













9214 主管,塑料和橡胶制品制造业

9214 主管,塑料和橡胶制品制造业 Supervisors, plastic and rubber products manufacturing NOC - LEVEL B


Supervisors in this unit group supervise and co-ordinate the activities of workers who operate processing machines and who fabricate, assemble and inspect rubber or plastic products. They are employed by rubber and plastic products manufacturing companies and in plastic parts divisions of other manufacturing companies.

9214 主管,塑料和橡胶制品制造业头衔范例

领班/男/女,吹塑 foreman/woman, blow moulding

领班/男/女,压延 - 橡胶和塑料生产 foreman/woman, calendering – rubber and plastic manufacturing

领班/男/女,挤压 - 橡胶和塑料生产 foreman/woman, extruding – rubber and plastic manufacturing

主管,注塑成型 - 塑料制品制造 supervisor, injection moulding – plastic products manufacturing

主管,塑料制品制造 supervisor, plastic products manufacturing

主管,橡胶制品制造 supervisor, rubber products manufacturing

主管,轮胎制造 supervisor, tire building

9214 主管,塑料和橡胶制品制造业主要职责


Supervise, co-ordinate and schedule the activities of production workers who operate processing machines and who fabricate, assemble, finish or inspect plastic or rubber parts and products


Establish methods to meet work schedules and co-ordinate work activities with other departments


Resolve work problems and recommend measures to improve productivity and product quality


Requisition materials and supplies


Train staff in job duties, safety procedures and company policies


Recommend personnel actions such as hirings and promotions


Prepare production and other reports


May set up machines and equipment.

9214 主管,塑料和橡胶制品制造业任职要求


Completion of secondary school is usually required.


Post-secondary education in sciences or plastics technology may be required for some positions in this group.


Several years of experience as a machine operator or an assembler in rubber or plastic products manufacturing is usually required.

9214 主管,塑料和橡胶制品制造业其他分类

橡胶和塑料制品制造业劳动者 Labourers in rubber and plastic products manufacturing [9615](9615)

塑料产品装配工,整理工和检查员 Plastic products assemblers, finishers and inspectors [9535](9535)

塑料加工机械操作员 Plastics processing machine operators [9422](9422)

橡胶加工机器操作员及有关人员 Rubber processing machine operators and related workers [9423](9423)

9214 主管,塑料和橡胶制品制造业职称头衔

装配领班/男/女 - 橡胶和塑料生产 assemblers foreman/woman – rubber and plastic manufacturing

装配主管 - 橡胶和塑料制品制造业 assemblers supervisor – rubber and plastic products manufacturing

汽车轮胎制造商领班/男/女 automobile tire builders foreman/woman

皮带建筑工头/男/女 - 橡胶和塑料生产的 belt building foreman/woman – rubber and plastic manufacturing

吹塑领班/男/女 - 橡胶和塑料生产 blow moulding foreman/woman – rubber and plastic manufacturing

压延领班/男/女 - 橡胶和塑料生产 calendering foreman/woman – rubber and plastic manufacturing

复合领班/男/女 - 橡胶和塑料生产 compounding foreman/woman – rubber and plastic manufacturing

压缩成型领班/男/女 - 橡胶及制品制造 compression moulding foreman/woman – rubber and products manufacturing

输送带领班/男/女 - 橡胶制造 conveyor belt foreman/woman – rubber manufacturing

固化领班/男/女 - 橡胶制造 curing foreman/woman – rubber manufacturing

固化主管 - 橡胶制品制造业 curing supervisor – rubber products manufacturing

挤出主管 - 橡胶和塑料制品制造业 extruding supervisor – rubber and plastic products manufacturing

挤出领班/男/女 - 橡胶和塑料生产 extrusion foreman/woman – rubber and plastic manufacturing

挤出主管 - 橡胶和塑料制品制造业 extrusion supervisor – rubber and plastic products manufacturing

玻璃纤维塑料领班/男/女 fibreglass plastics foreman/woman

玻璃纤维塑料加工主管 fibreglass plastics processing supervisor

橡胶和塑料生产的整理和修剪领班/男/女 - finishing and trimming foreman/woman – rubber and plastic manufacturing

整理和修剪主管 - 橡胶和塑料制品制造业 finishing and trimming supervisor – rubber and plastic products manufacturing

完成主管 - 塑料制品制造 finishing supervisor – plastic products manufacturing

完成主管 - 橡胶制品制造业 finishing supervisor – rubber products manufacturing

泡沫产品检验领班/男/女 - 橡胶制造 foam products inspection foreman/woman – rubber manufacturing

发泡制品检验主管 - 橡胶制品制造业 foam products inspection supervisor – rubber products manufacturing

鞋类检验领班/男/女 - 橡胶制造 footwear inspection foreman/woman – rubber manufacturing

鞋类检验主管 - 橡胶制品制造业 footwear inspection supervisor – rubber products manufacturing

领班/男/女,装配 - 橡胶和塑料生产 foreman/woman, assemblers – rubber and plastic manufacturing

领班/男/女,带建设 - 橡胶制造 foreman/woman, belt building – rubber manufacturing

领班/男/女,吹塑 foreman/woman, blow moulding

领班/男/女,吹塑机 - 橡胶和塑料生产 foreman/woman, blow moulding – rubber and plastic manufacturing

领班/男/女,压延 - 橡胶和塑料生产 foreman/woman, calendering – rubber and plastic manufacturing

领班/男/女,输送带建设 - 橡胶制造 foreman/woman, conveyor belt building – rubber manufacturing

领班/男/女,固化 - 橡胶制造 foreman/woman, curing – rubber manufacturing

领班/男/女,挤压 - 橡胶和塑料生产 foreman/woman, extruding – rubber and plastic manufacturing

领班/男/女,挤出 - 橡胶和塑料生产 foreman/woman, extrusion – rubber and plastic manufacturing

领班/男/女,玻璃纤维塑料 foreman/woman, fibreglass plastics

领班/男/女,精加工 - 塑料制造 foreman/woman, finishing – plastic manufacturing

领班/男/女,精加工 - 橡胶制造 foreman/woman, finishing – rubber manufacturing

领班/男/女,整理和修剪 - 橡胶和塑料生产 foreman/woman, finishing and trimming – rubber and plastic manufacturing

领班/男/女,发泡制品检验 - 橡胶制造 foreman/woman, foam products inspection – rubber manufacturing

领班/男/女,鞋类检验 - 橡胶制造 foreman/woman, footwear inspection – rubber manufacturing

注塑领班/男/女, - 橡胶和塑料生产 foreman/woman, injection moulding – rubber and plastic manufacturing

领班/男/女,消光检查 - 橡胶制造 foreman/woman, matting inspection – rubber manufacturing

领班/男/女,混合 - 橡胶和塑料生产 foreman/woman, mixing – rubber and plastic manufacturing

领班/男/女,模压橡胶鞋 foreman/woman, moulded rubber footwear

领班/男/女,成型 - 橡胶和塑料生产 foreman/woman, moulding – rubber and plastic manufacturing

领班/男/女,涂料部门 - 塑料制品 foreman/woman, paint department – plastic products

领班/男/女,涂料部门 - 橡胶制品 foreman/woman, paint department – rubber products

领班/男/女,塑料督察 foreman/woman, plastic inspectors

领班/男/女,塑料制品制造 foreman/woman, plastic products manufacturing

领班/男/女,塑料加工店 foreman/woman, plastics-processing shop

领班/男/女,翻新轮胎检查 foreman/woman, retread tire inspection

领班/男/女,滚建设 - 橡胶制造 foreman/woman, roll building – rubber manufacturing

领班/男/女,橡胶制品浸渍 foreman/woman, rubber goods dipping

领班/男/女,胶管建设 foreman/woman, rubber hose building

领班/男/女,橡胶软管的检查和测试 foreman/woman, rubber hose inspection and testing

领班/男/女,橡胶制品督察 foreman/woman, rubber products inspectors

领班/男/女,橡胶制品制造业 foreman/woman, rubber products manufacturing

领班/男/女,snowtrack - 橡胶制造 foreman/woman, snowtrack – rubber manufacturing

领班/男/女,备料 - 橡胶制造 foreman/woman, stock preparation – rubber manufacturing

领班/男/女,轮胎建设 foreman/woman, tire building

领班/男/女,轮胎整理 foreman/woman, tire finishing

领班/男/女,轮胎检查 foreman/woman, tire inspection

领班/男/女,轮胎翻新 foreman/woman, tire retread

领班/男/女,轮胎备料 foreman/woman, tire stock preparation

领班/男/女,硫化 - 橡胶制造 foreman/woman, vulcanizing – rubber manufacturing

软管建筑工头/男/女 - 橡胶制造 hose building foreman/woman – rubber manufacturing

注塑领班/男/女 - 橡胶和塑料生产 injection moulding foreman/woman – rubber and plastic manufacturing

注塑主管 - 塑料制品制造 injection moulding supervisor – plastic products manufacturing

内胎建筑工头/男/女 inner tube building foreman/woman

消光检查领班/男/女 - 橡胶制造 matting inspection foreman/woman – rubber manufacturing

消光检验主管 - 橡胶制品制造业 matting inspection supervisor – rubber products manufacturing

面粉厂领班/男/女 - 橡胶制品制造业 millroom foreman/woman – rubber products manufacturing

面粉厂主管 - 橡胶制品制造业 millroom supervisor – rubber products manufacturing

混合主管 - 橡胶和塑料制品制造业 mixing supervisor – rubber and plastic products manufacturing

模塑鞋类检验主管 - 橡胶和塑料制品制造业 moulded footwear inspection supervisor – rubber and plastic products manufacturing

模压橡胶鞋领班/男/女 moulded rubber footwear foreman/woman

注塑领班/男/女 - 橡胶和塑料生产 moulding foreman/woman – rubber and plastic manufacturing

成型主管 - 橡胶和塑料制品制造业 moulding supervisor – rubber and plastic products manufacturing

涂料部门主管 - 塑料制品制造 paint department supervisor – plastic products manufacturing

油漆部门主管 - 橡胶制品制造业 paint department supervisor – rubber products manufacturing

塑料制品检验主管 plastic products inspection supervisor

塑料制品督察监督员 plastic products inspectors supervisor

塑料制品制造主管 plastic products manufacturing supervisor

塑料车间领班/男/女 plastics shop foreman/woman

塑料加工店主管 plastics-processing shop supervisor

翻新轮胎检测领班/男/女 retread tire inspection foreman/woman

翻新轮胎检测主管 - 橡胶制品制造业 retread tire inspection supervisor – rubber products manufacturing

滚建筑工头/男/女 - 橡胶的制造 roll building foreman/woman – rubber manufacturing

滚建设主管 - 橡胶制品制造业 roll building supervisor – rubber products manufacturing

胶鞋成型主管 rubber footwear moulding supervisor

橡胶油箱领班/男/女 rubber fuel tank foreman/woman

橡胶垫片领班/男/女 rubber gasket making foreman/woman

橡胶制品浸渍领班/男/女 rubber goods dipping foreman/woman

橡胶制品浸渍主管 rubber goods dipping supervisor

橡胶软管建筑物主管 rubber hose building supervisor

橡胶软管领班/男/女 rubber hose foreman/woman

橡胶软管的检查和测试领班/男/女 rubber hose inspection and testing foreman/woman

橡胶制品检验主管 rubber products inspection supervisor

橡胶制品督察监督员 rubber products inspectors supervisor

橡胶制品生产主管 rubber products manufacturing supervisor

采样主管 - 橡胶和塑料制品制造业 sampling supervisor – rubber and plastic products manufacturing

snowtrack领班/男/女 - 橡胶制造 snowtrack foreman/woman – rubber manufacturing

雾化室主管 - 橡胶和塑料制品制造业 spray chamber supervisor – rubber and plastic products manufacturing

备料领班/男/女 - 橡胶制造 stock preparation foreman/woman – rubber manufacturing

主管,装配 - 橡胶和塑料制品制造业 supervisor, assemblers – rubber and plastic products manufacturing

主管,固化 - 橡胶制品制造业 supervisor, curing – rubber products manufacturing

主管,挤出 - 橡胶和塑料制品制造业 supervisor, extruding – rubber and plastic products manufacturing

主管,挤出 - 橡胶和塑料制品制造业 supervisor, extrusion – rubber and plastic products manufacturing

主管,精加工 - 塑料制品制造 supervisor, finishing – plastic products manufacturing

主管,精加工 - 橡胶制品制造 supervisor, finishing – rubber products manufacturing

主管,整理和修剪 - 橡胶和塑料制品制造业 supervisor, finishing and trimming – rubber and plastic products manufacturing

主管,鞋类检验 - 橡胶制品制造业 supervisor, footwear inspection – rubber products manufacturing

主管,软管建筑 - 橡胶制品制造业 supervisor, hose building – rubber products manufacturing

主管,注塑成型 - 塑料制品制造 supervisor, injection moulding – plastic products manufacturing

主管,内管建设 supervisor, inner tube building

主管,消光检查 - 橡胶制品制造业 supervisor, matting inspection – rubber products manufacturing

主管,millroom - 橡胶制品制造业 supervisor, millroom – rubber products manufacturing

主管,混合 - 橡胶和塑料制品制造业 supervisor, mixing – rubber and plastic products manufacturing

主管,成型 - 橡胶和塑料制品制造业 supervisor, moulding – rubber and plastic products manufacturing

主管,涂料部门 - 塑料制品制造 supervisor, paint department – plastic products manufacturing

主管,涂料部门 - 橡胶制品制造 supervisor, paint department – rubber products manufacturing

主管,塑料制品检验 supervisor, plastic products inspection

主管,塑料制品督察 supervisor, plastic products inspectors

主管,塑料制品制造 supervisor, plastic products manufacturing

主管,塑料加工店 supervisor, plastics-processing shop

主管,质量控制 - 橡胶和塑料制品制造业 supervisor, quality control – rubber and plastic products manufacturing

主管,翻新轮胎的检查 - 橡胶制品制造业 supervisor, retread tire inspection – rubber products manufacturing

主管,滚动建设 - 橡胶制品制造业 supervisor, roll building – rubber products manufacturing

主管,胶鞋成型 supervisor, rubber footwear moulding

主管,橡胶制品浸渍 supervisor, rubber goods dipping

主管,胶管建设 supervisor, rubber hose building

主管,橡胶产品检验 supervisor, rubber products inspection

主管,橡胶制品督察 supervisor, rubber products inspectors

主管,橡胶制品制造 supervisor, rubber products manufacturing

主管,取样 - 橡胶和塑料制品制造业 supervisor, sampling – rubber and plastic products manufacturing

主管,盐雾试验箱 - 橡胶和塑料制品制造业 supervisor, spray chamber – rubber and plastic products manufacturing

主管,热成型 - 塑料制品制造 supervisor, thermoforming – plastics products manufacturing

主管,轮胎建设 supervisor, tire building

主管,轮胎整理 supervisor, tire finishing

主管,轮胎检查 supervisor, tire inspection

主管,轮胎翻新 supervisor, tire retreading

主管,轮胎备料 supervisor, tire stock preparation

主管,内胎建设 supervisor, tire tube building

主管,V型皮带建筑 - 橡胶制品制造业 supervisor, V-belt building – rubber products manufacturing

主管,硫化 - 橡胶制品制造业 supervisor, vulcanization – rubber products manufacturing

热领班/男/女 - 塑料制造 thermoforming foreman/woman – plastic manufacturing

热主管 - 塑料制品制造 thermoforming supervisor – plastic products manufacturing

轮胎建筑工头/男/女 tire building foreman/woman

轮胎成型主管 tire building supervisor

轮胎整理领班/女人 tire finishing foreman/woman

轮胎整理主管的 tire finishing supervisor

轮胎检查监督员 tire inspection supervisor

轮胎翻新领班/男/女 tire retread foreman/woman

轮胎翻新主管 tire retreading supervisor

轮胎备料领班/男/女 tire stock preparation foreman/woman

V型皮带领班/男/女 - 橡胶制造 V-belt foreman/woman – rubber manufacturing

硫化主管 - 橡胶制品制造业 vulcanization supervisor – rubber products manufacturing





















9217 主管,纺织,面料,毛皮及皮革制品加工及制造

9217 主管,纺织,面料,毛皮及皮革制品加工及制造 Supervisors, textile, fabric, fur and leather products processing and manufacturing NOC - LEVEL B


Supervisors in this unit group supervise and co-ordinate the activities of workers engaged in textile, fabric, fur and leather products processing and manufacturing. They are employed by textile manufacturing companies, tanneries and other manufacturers of fabric, fur and leather products.

9217 主管,纺织,面料,毛皮及皮革制品加工及制造头衔范例

靴子和鞋领班/男/女 boot and shoe foreman/woman

帆布制品制造领班/男/女 canvas products manufacturing foreman/woman

切割部领班/男/女,织物 cutting department foreman/woman, fabric

染料室主管 dye room supervisor

刺绣主管 - 面料产品 embroidery supervisor – fabric products

成品主管 - 纺织品 finishing supervisor – textiles

领班/男/女 - 纺织加工 foreman/woman – textile processing

毛皮修整领班/男/女 fur dressing foreman/woman

帽子和帽子制造商领班/男/女 hat and cap makers foreman/woman

样品室领班/男/女,皮革制品 sample room foreman/woman, leather products

缝纫机运营主管 sewing machine operators supervisor

拼接部门主管 stitching department supervisor

主管,针织 supervisor, knitting

制革工头/男/女 tannery foreman/woman

9217 主管,纺织,面料,毛皮及皮革制品加工及制造主要职责


Supervise, co-ordinate and schedule the activities of production workers who operate machines to process natural, synthetic and hybrid textile fibre, yarn and thread; bleach, dye and finish textiles; operate manufacturing machines to cut, stitch and produce fabric, fur or leather garments and other products; and inspect textiles products


Establish methods to meet work schedules and co-ordinate work activities with other departments


Resolve work problems and recommend measures to improve productivity and product quality


Requisition materials and supplies


Train staff in job duties, safety procedures and company policies


Recommend personnel actions such as hirings and promotions


Prepare production and other reports


May set up machines and equipment.

9217 主管,纺织,面料,毛皮及皮革制品加工及制造任职要求


Completion of secondary school is usually required.


Post-secondary education in textile technology or a related field may be required for some positions in this group.


Several years of experience as a worker in the unit group being supervised are usually required.


Experience may be required in a specific process, or with a specific product or type of equipment.

9217 主管,纺织,面料,毛皮及皮革制品加工及制造附加信息


There is some mobility among supervisory positions in this group.


Progression to managerial positions is possible with experience.

9217 主管,纺织,面料,毛皮及皮革制品加工及制造其他分类

机器操作员及有关人员,在纺织,面料,皮革和毛皮产品加工和制造 Machine operators and related workers in textile, fabric, fur and leather products processing and manufacturing [944](944)

主印染纺织品色技术人员( 化学技师和技术员) Master dyers and textile colour technologists (in [2211](2211) Chemical technologists and technicians )

裁缝,皮货和女帽 Tailors, dressmakers, furriers and milliners [6342](6342)

纺织制造技师和技术员( 工业工程与制造技师和技术员) Technologists and technicians in textile manufacturing (in [2233](2233) Industrial engineering and manufacturing technologists and technicians )

纺织机械师( 建设技工和工业机械) Textile machinery mechanics (in [7311](7311) Construction millwrights and industrial mechanics )

9217 主管,纺织,面料,毛皮及皮革制品加工及制造职称头衔

改建主管 - 服装制造 alterations supervisor – clothing manufacturing

装配主管 - 面料,毛皮及皮革制品制造 assemblers supervisor – fabric, fur and leather products manufacturing

梁部领班/男/女 - 隐藏和毛皮加工 beam department foreman/woman – hide and pelt processing

漂白领班/男/女 - 纺织品 bleaching foreman/woman – textiles

引导和鞋领班/男/女 boot and shoe foreman/woman

制靴者和修鞋的领班/男/女 bootmakers and shoemakers foreman/woman

制靴者领班/男/女 bootmakers foreman/woman

帆布制品制造领班/男/女 canvas products manufacturing foreman/woman

棋牌室主管 - 纺织品 card room supervisor – textiles

服装生产领班/男/女 clothing manufacturing foreman/woman

切割部门领班/男/女 - 面料,毛皮及皮革制品制造 cutting department foreman/woman – fabric, fur and leather products manufacturing

切割部领班/男/女,织物 cutting department foreman/woman, fabric

切割客房领班/男/女 - 面料,毛皮及皮革制品制造 cutting room foreman/woman – fabric, fur and leather products manufacturing

礼服维修领班/男/女 - 服装制造 dress repairs foreman/woman – clothing manufacturing

裁缝主管 dressmakers supervisor

制衣部领班/男/女 dressmaking department foreman/woman

染料领班/男/女 - 纺织品 dye foreman/woman – textiles

染料室主管 dye room supervisor

染料室主管 - 纺织品 dye room supervisor – textiles

染房领班/男/女 - 皮和毛皮加工 dyehouse foreman/woman – hide and pelt processing

染房领班/男/女 - 纺织品 dyehouse foreman/woman – textiles

染房导师 - 纺织加工 dyehouse supervisor – textile processing

主管 - 纺织品染色 dyeing supervisor – textiles

刺绣主管 - 面料产品 embroidery supervisor – fabric products

绣花主管,面料产品 embroidery supervisor, fabric products

产品面料绣花主管 fabric products embroidery supervisor

毡帽整理客房领班/男/女 felt hat finishing room foreman/woman

完成部门领班/男/女 - 面料,毛皮及皮革制品制造 finishing department foreman/woman – fabric, fur and leather products manufacturing

完成部门领班/男/女 - 纺织品加工 finishing department foreman/woman – textile processing

完成部门主管 - 纺织加工 finishing department supervisor – textile processing

完成主管 - 纺织品 finishing supervisor – textiles

鞋类整理领班/男/女 footwear finishing foreman/woman

领班/男/女 - 纺织加工 foreman/woman – textile processing

领班/男/女,梁部 - 皮和毛皮加工 foreman/woman, beam department – hide and pelt processing

领班/男/女,漂白 - 纺织品 foreman/woman, bleaching – textiles

领班/男/女,引导和鞋 foreman/woman, boot and shoe

领班/男/女,帆布制品制造业 foreman/woman, canvas products manufacturing

领班/男/女,服装制造 foreman/woman, clothing manufacturing

领班/男/女,制衣部 foreman/woman, dressmaking department

领班/男/女,染料部 - 纺织品 foreman/woman, dye department – textiles

领班/男/女,染料房 - 纺织加工 foreman/woman, dye room – textile processing

领班/男/女,织物切割部 foreman/woman, fabric-cutting department

领班/男/女,精加工部 - 纺织品 foreman/woman, finishing department – textiles

领班/男/女,鞋类制造 foreman/woman, footwear manufacturing

领班/男/女,毛皮修整 - 皮和毛皮加工 foreman/woman, fur dressing – hide and pelt processing

领班/男/女,毛皮hatmaking部门 foreman/woman, fur hatmaking department

领班/男/女,裘皮制品制造业 foreman/woman, fur products manufacturing

领班/男/女,皮货 foreman/woman, furriers

领班/男/女,成衣制造 foreman/woman, garment manufacturing

领班/男/女,手套制造 foreman/woman, glove manufacturing

领班/男/女,手袋制造 foreman/woman, handbag manufacturing

领班/男/女,帽子和帽子制造商 foreman/woman, hat and cap makers

领班/男/女,帽子微调部门 foreman/woman, hat trimming department

领班/男/女,隐藏内部 - 皮和毛皮加工 foreman/woman, hide-house – hide and pelt processing

领班/男/女,织袜 foreman/woman, hosiery

领班/男/女,检查 - 纺织品 foreman/woman, inspection – textiles

领班/男/女,检查员,平地机,采样和测试人员 - 面料,毛皮及皮革制品制造 foreman/woman, inspectors, graders, samplers and testers – fabric, fur and leather products manufacturing

领班/男/女,针织 - 纺织加工 foreman/woman, knitting – textile processing

领班/男/女,布局和标记 - 面料,毛皮及皮革制品制造 foreman/woman, layout and marking – fabric, fur and leather products manufacturing

领班/男/女,皮革涂饰 - 隐藏和毛皮加工 foreman/woman, leather finishing – hide and pelt processing

领班/男/女,皮革制品制造业 foreman/woman, leather products manufacturing

领班/男/女,行李装配 - 面料,毛皮及皮革制品制造 foreman/woman, luggage assembly – fabric, fur and leather products manufacturing

领班/男/女,女帽 - 面料,毛皮及皮革制品制造 foreman/woman, millinery – fabric, fur and leather products manufacturing

领班/男/女,准备部门 - 纺织加工 foreman/woman, preparation department – textile processing

领班/男/女,生产 - 面料,毛皮及皮革制品制造 foreman/woman, production – fabric, fur and leather products manufacturing

领班/男/女,生产 - 毛皮制品制造业 foreman/woman, production – fur products manufacturing

领班/男/女,质量控制 - 纺织加工 foreman/woman, quality control – textile processing

领班/男/女,缝纫机运营商 - 面料,毛皮及皮革制品制造 foreman/woman, sewing machine operators – fabric, fur and leather products manufacturing

领班/男/女,动感单车房 - 纺织加工 foreman/woman, spinning room – textile processing

领班/男/女,细纱准备 foreman/woman, spun yarn preparation

领班/男/女,拼接部门 - 面料,毛皮及皮革制品制造 foreman/woman, stitching department – fabric, fur and leather products manufacturing

领班/男/女, suitmaking foreman/woman, suitmaking

领班/女子,制革厂 - 皮和毛皮加工 foreman/woman, tannery – hide and pelt processing

领班/男/女,纺织加工 foreman/woman, textile processing

领班/男/女,装潢 - 面料,毛皮及皮革制品制造 foreman/woman, upholsterers – fabric, fur and leather products manufacturing

领班/男/女,编织 foreman/woman, weaving

的领班/男/女,编织检查员 - 纺织加工 foreman/woman, weaving inspectors – textile processing

的领班/男/女,编织室 - 纺织品加工 foreman/woman, weaving room – textile processing

领班/男/女,羊毛分拣机及平地机 - 纺织加工 foreman/woman, wool sorters and graders – textile processing

领班/男/女,羊毛分拣和分级 foreman/woman, wool sorting and grading

毛皮修整领班/男/女 fur dressing foreman/woman

毛皮修整领班/男/女 - 皮和毛皮加工 fur dressing foreman/woman – hide and pelt processing

毛皮hatmaking的部领班/男/女 fur hatmaking department foreman/woman

裘皮制品生产领班/男/女 fur products manufacturing foreman/woman

皮货领班/男/女 furriers foreman/woman

皮货主管 furriers supervisor

成衣制造领班/男/女 garment manufacturing foreman/woman

手套制造商领班/男/女 glove makers foreman/woman

手袋制造领班/男/女 handbag manufacturing foreman/woman

帽子和帽子制造商领班/男/女 hat and cap makers foreman/woman

帽子微调部领班/男/女 hat trimming department foreman/woman

制革主管 hide tanning supervisor

织袜领班/男/女 hosiery foreman/woman

检查领班/男/女 - 纺织加工 inspection foreman/woman – textile processing

针织领班/男/女 knitting foreman/woman

针织主管 - 纺织加工 knitting supervisor – textile processing

乳胶地毯后盾部领班/男/女 latex carpet-backing department foreman/woman

皮革涂饰领班/男/女 - 皮和毛皮加工 leather finishing foreman/woman – hide and pelt processing

皮革制品生产领班/男/女 leather products manufacturing foreman/woman

行李装配领班/男/女 - 面料,毛皮及皮革制品制造 luggage assembly foreman/woman – fabric, fur and leather products manufacturing

女帽领班/男/女 - 面料,毛皮及皮革制品制造 millinery foreman/woman – fabric, fur and leather products manufacturing

筹备部领班/男/女 - 纺织品 preparation department foreman/woman – textiles

生产领班/男/女 - 面料,毛皮及皮革制品制造 production foreman/woman – fabric, fur and leather products manufacturing

生产领班/男/女 - 毛皮制品制造业 production foreman/woman – fur products manufacturing

质量控制领班/男/女 - 纺织品 quality control foreman/woman – textiles

绗缝领班/男/女 - 纺织加工 quilting foreman/woman – textile processing

样品室领班/男/女 - 面料,毛皮及皮革制品制造 sample room foreman/woman – fabric, fur and leather products manufacturing

样品室领班/男/女,皮革制品 sample room foreman/woman, leather products

缝纫机操作员领班/男/女 - 面料,毛皮及皮革产品制造业 sewing machine operators foreman/woman – fabric, fur and leather products manufacturing

缝纫机运营主管 sewing machine operators supervisor

纺纱客房领班/男/女 - 纺织品 spinning room foreman/woman – textiles

纺纱主管 - 纺织品 spinning supervisor – textiles

细纱准备上司 - 纺织品加工 spun yarn preparation supervisor – textile processing

装订领班/男/女 - 面料,毛皮及皮革制品制造 stitchers foreman/woman – fabric, fur and leather products manufacturing

拼接部门领班/男/女 - 面料,毛皮及皮革制品制造 stitching department foreman/woman – fabric, fur and leather products manufacturing

拼接部门主管 stitching department supervisor

主管,改建 - 服装制造 supervisor, alterations – clothing manufacturing

主管,装配 - 面料,毛皮及皮革制品制造 supervisor, assemblers – fabric, fur and leather products manufacturing

主管,棋牌室 - 纺织品 supervisor, card room – textiles

主管,刀具 - 面料,毛皮及皮革制品制造 supervisor, cutters – fabric, fur and leather products manufacturing

主管,裁缝 supervisor, dressmakers

主管,制衣部门 supervisor, dressmaking department

主管,染料房 - 纺织品加工 supervisor, dye room – textiles processing

主管,染房 - 纺织加工 supervisor, dyehouse – textile processing

主管,印染 - 纺织品 supervisor, dyeing – textiles

主管,产品面料刺绣 supervisor, fabric products embroidery

主管,整理 - 纺织品 supervisor, finishing – textiles

主管,精加工部 - 纺织加工 supervisor, finishing department – textile processing

主管,毛皮修整 supervisor, fur dressing

主管,皮货 supervisor, furriers

主管,帽子染工 supervisor, hat dyers

主管,针织 supervisor, knitting

主管,针织 - 纺织加工 supervisor, knitting – textile processing

主管,缝纫机操作员 - 面料,毛皮及皮革制品制造 supervisor, sewing machine operators – fabric, fur and leather products manufacturing

主管,纺纱 - 纺织品加工 supervisor, spinning – textile processing

主管,拼接部门 - 面料,毛皮及皮革制品制造 supervisor, stitching department – fabric, fur and leather products manufacturing

主管,制革厂 - 皮和毛皮加工 supervisor, tannery – hide and pelt processing

主管,纺织加工 supervisor, textile processing

主管,簇绒地毯编织 supervisor, tufted-carpet weavers

主管,簇绒 - 纺织加工 supervisor, tufting – textile processing

主管,编织 supervisor, weaving

主管,纱线准备 - 纺织品 supervisor, yarn preparation – textiles

制革工头/男/女 tannery foreman/woman

制革工头/男/女 - 皮和毛皮加工 tannery foreman/woman – hide and pelt processing

制革厂领班/男/女 - 皮和毛皮加工 tanyard foreman/woman – hide and pelt processing

纺织加工领班/男/女 textile processing foreman/woman

纺织加工主管 textile processing supervisor

簇绒主管 - 纺织品 tufting supervisor – textiles

扭领班/男/女 - 纺织品 twisting foreman/woman – textiles

装潢领班/男/女 - 面料,毛皮及皮革制品制造 upholsterers foreman/woman – fabric, fur and leather products manufacturing

内饰裁剪和缝制领班/男/女 upholstery-cutting and sewing foreman/woman

编织客房领班/男/女 - 纺织加工 weave room foreman/woman – textile processing

织室主管 weave room supervisor

编织室主管 - 纺织品加工 weave room supervisor – textile processing

织领班/男/女 weaving foreman/woman

织室主管 - 纺织品加工 weaving room supervisor – textile processing

织室主管 - 纺织品 weaving room supervisor – textiles

织主管 weaving supervisor

织物检验领班/男/女 - 纺织品加工 woven fabric inspection foreman/woman – textile processing












4月份英国制造业信心大增 升至40年高位






据CBI首席政策主管Katja Hall称,尽管目前的势头看起来很不错,但是前方道路仍存障碍,例如欧元区经济复苏不温不火、英镑的升值,以及乌克兰局势。




9223 主管,电气产品制造

9223 主管,电气产品制造 Supervisors, electrical products manufacturing NOC - LEVEL B


Supervisors in this unit group supervise and co-ordinate the activities of workers who assemble, fabricate and inspect electrical components, appliances, motors and industrial equipment. They are employed by companies that manufacture electrical products.

9223 主管,电气产品制造头衔范例

领班/男/女,电机装配 foreman/woman, electrical motor assembly

领班/男/女,电力变压器装配 foreman/woman, electrical transformer assembly

领班/男/女,开关总成 foreman/woman, switchgear assembly

主管,电器总成 supervisor, electrical appliance assembly

主管,电气设备制造 supervisor, electrical equipment manufacturing

9223 主管,电气产品制造主要职责


Supervise, co-ordinate and schedule the activities of workers who assemble, fabricate and inspect various types of electrical apparatus and equipment such as electrical appliances, batteries, electric motors, transformers and generators and electrical switchgear and control equipment


Establish methods to meet work schedules and co-ordinate work activities with other departments


Resolve work problems and recommend work measures to improve productivity


Requisition materials and supplies


Train staff in job duties, safety procedures and company policies


Recommend personnel actions such as hirings and promotions


Prepare production and other reports


May set up machines and equipment.

9223 主管,电气产品制造任职要求 Employment requirements


Completion of secondary school is usually required.


Post-secondary education in electrical or manufacturing technology or other related discipline may be required for some positions in this group.


Several years of experience as an assembler, inspector or lead hand are required.

9223 主管,电气产品制造其他分类

装配工和督察,电器,仪器和设备的制造 Assemblers and inspectors, electrical appliance, apparatus and equipment manufacturing [9524](9524)

装配工,制造商和督察,工业电动机和变压器 Assemblers, fabricators and inspectors, industrial electrical motors and transformers [9525](9525)

承包商和主管,电力行业和电信行业 Contractors and supervisors, electrical trades and telecommunications occupations [7202](7202)

主管,电子制造业 Supervisors, electronics manufacturing [9222](9222)

9223 主管,电气产品制造职称头衔

干电池装配主管 dry cell assemblers supervisors

电缆制造领班/男/女 electric cable manufacturing foreman/woman

电动机和发电机组装领班/男/女 electric motor and generator assembly foreman/woman

电动机测试领班/男/女 electric motor testing foreman/woman

电器装配主管 electrical appliance assemblers supervisor

电器装配领班/男/女 electrical appliance assembly foreman/woman

电器组装主管 electrical appliance assembly supervisor

电器制造主管 electrical appliance manufacturing supervisor

电气干电池装配领班/男/女 electrical dry cell assembly foreman/woman

电气设备制造领班/男/女 electrical equipment manufacturing foreman/woman

电气设备制造主管 electrical equipment manufacturing supervisor

电机装配领班/男/女 electrical motor assembly foreman/woman

领班/男/女,电动干细胞总成 foreman/woman, electric dry cell assembly

领班/男/女,电动机和发电机组装 foreman/woman, electric motor and generator assembly

领班/男/女,电动机测试 foreman/woman, electric motor testing

领班/男/女,电器总成 foreman/woman, electrical appliance assembly

领班/男/女,电气设备制造 foreman/woman, electrical equipment manufacturing

领班/男/女,电机装配 foreman/woman, electrical motor assembly

领班/男/女,电器开关总成 foreman/woman, electrical switchgear assembly

领班/男/女,电力变压器装配 foreman/woman, electrical transformer assembly

领班/男/女,开关总成 foreman/woman, switchgear assembly

主管,干电池装配 supervisor, dry cell assemblers

主管,电器装配 supervisor, electrical appliance assemblers

主管,电器总成 supervisor, electrical appliance assembly

主管,电器制造 supervisor, electrical appliance manufacturing

主管,电气设备制造 supervisor, electrical equipment manufacturing













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