4152 社会工作者 Social workers NOC

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4152 社会工作者 Social workers NOC - LEVEL A


Social workers help individuals, couples, families, groups, communities and organizations develop the skills and resources they need to enhance social functioning and provide counselling, therapy and referral to other supportive social services. Social workers also respond to other social needs and issues such as unemployment, racism and poverty. They are employed by hospitals, school boards, social service agencies, child welfare organizations, correctional facilities, community agencies, employee assistance programs and Aboriginal band councils, or they may work in private practice.

4152 社会工作者头衔范例

社会工作协调员 co-ordinator of social work

医务社工 medical social worker

精神科社工 psychiatric social worker

社会工作主管 social work supervisor

社工 social worker

4152 社会工作者主要职责


Interview clients individually, in families, or in groups, to assess their situation and problems and determine the types of services required


Provide counsel and therapy to assist clients in developing skills to deal with and resolve their social and personal problems


Plan programs of assistance for clients including referral to agencies that provide financial assistance, legal aid, housing, medical treatment and other services


Investigate cases of child abuse or neglect and take authorized protective action when necessary


Serve as members on interdisciplinary teams of professionals working with client groups


Act as advocates for client groups in the community, lobby for solutions to problems directly affecting client groups and develop prevention and intervention programs to meet community needs


Develop or advise on social policy legislation, conduct social research and assist in community development


Provide mediation services and psychosocial assessments


Evaluate the effectiveness of counselling and social programs


May provide public education and consultation to professionals or groups regarding counselling services, issues and methods


May supervise other social workers.


Social workers may specialize in fields of practice such as child welfare, family services, corrections, gerontology or addictions.

4152 社会工作者任职要求


A bachelors degree in social work is required in Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, British Columbia, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut.


In Alberta, a bachelors degree or diploma in social work is required.


Supervised practical experience is usually required.


Successful completion of provincial written and oral examinations may be required.


Registration with a provincial governing body is mandatory to practise as a social worker in Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario and Alberta.


Use of the titles "Social Worker" and "Registered Social Worker" is regulated in all provinces.


Membership in a provincial association of social workers is usually required.

4152 社会工作者其他分类

教育辅导员 Educational counsellors [4033](4033)

家庭,婚姻和其他相关的辅导员 Family, marriage and other related counsellors [4153](4153)

在社会,社区和惩教服务经理 Managers in social, community and correctional services [0423](0423)

社会和社区服务工作者 Social and community service workers [4212](4212)

4152 社会工作者头衔范例

治疗上瘾者的社会工作者 addiction social worker

案件管理顾问 - 社会工作 case management consultant – social work

个案管理社工 case management social worker

个案工作顾问 - 社会工作 case work consultant – social work

个案主管 - 社会工作 casework supervisor – social work

个案工作 - 社会工作 caseworker – social work

注册社工 certified social worker

儿童福利社工 child welfare social worker

儿童援助研究者 childrens aid investigator

统筹社会工作 co-ordinator of social work

家庭社工 family social worker

老年社会工作者 geriatric social worker

组社工 group social worker

医务社工 medical social worker

精神科社工 psychiatric social worker

注册社工 registered social worker

学校社工 school social worker

社会个案工作顾问 social casework consultant

社会统筹工作 social work co-ordinator

社会工作主任 social work officer

社会工作主管 social work supervisor

社工 social worker

社会工作者,团体 social worker, groups

社会工作者主管 social workers supervisor













6563 宠物美容师和动物保健工作者 Pet groomers and animal care workers NOC

6563 宠物美容师和动物保健工作者 Pet groomers and animal care workers NOC - LEVEL C


Animal care workers feed, handle, train and groom animals and assist veterinarians, animal health technologists and technicians and animal breeders. Pet groomers clip coats, bathe and otherwise groom pets. Workers in this group are employed by animal hospitals and clinics, animal shelters, breeding and boarding kennels, zoos, laboratories, retail pet shops, dog training schools, pet grooming establishments, or may be self-employed.

6563 宠物美容师和动物保健工作者头衔范例

动物保健工作者(农场除外) animal care worker (except farm)

狗美容师 dog groomer

驯狗师 dog trainer

犬舍服务员 kennel attendant

实验动物服务员 laboratory animal attendant

宠物美容师 pet groomer

英镑服务员 pound attendant

兽医服务员 veterinary attendant

动物园服务员 zoo attendant

6563 宠物美容师和动物保健工作者主要职责


Prepare food and feed animals, fish or birds at scheduled intervals


Clean and disinfect cages, pens and surrounding areas


Shampoo, clip and groom animals


Assist veterinarians and animal health technologists and technicians to inoculate and treat animals


Assist animal breeders to handle and nurture animals


Assist scientists and researchers in conducting laboratory tests with animals


Monitor and document animal behaviour


Train dogs to obey commands and perform specific duties in response to signals.

6563 宠物美容师和动物保健工作者任职要求


Completion of secondary school is usually required.


Depending on the type of work performed, training courses in animal handling, grooming or dog training are usually required. Animal health or veterinary assistant college courses may be required for animal care workers.

6563 宠物美容师和动物保健工作者附加信息


Progression to animal health technology occupations is possible with additional training.

6563 宠物美容师和动物保健工作者其他分类

动物卫生技术人员和兽医技术人员 Animal health technologists and veterinary technicians [3213](3213)

动物营养学家(生物学家和相关科学家) Animal nutritionists (in [2121](2121) Biologists and related scientists )

蹄铁工(其他行业及相关行业中,NEC) Horseshoers (in [7384](7384) Other trades and related occupations, n.e.c. )

海洋哺乳动物训练员(生物学家和相关科学家) Marine mammal trainers (in [2121](2121) Biologists and related scientists )

羊毛剪切者(一般农场工人) Sheep shearers (in [8431](8431) General farm workers )

6563 宠物美容师和动物保健工作者职称头衔

动物服务员 animal attendant

动物的服务员,实验室 animal attendant, laboratory

动物园动物的服务员 animal attendant, zoo

动物服务员主管 animal attendants supervisor

动物保健工作者(农场除外) animal care worker (except farm)

动物美容师(马除外) animal groomer (except horses)

动物健康服务助理 animal health care assistant

驯兽师(除马或海洋哺乳动物) animal trainer (except horses or marine mammals)

水族馆管理人 aquarist

服务员,动物 attendant, animal

服务员,宠物商店 attendant, pet shop

服务员,兽医 attendant, veterinary

认证狗主人 certified dog master

狗美容师 dog groomer

狗的处理人 dog handler

狗主人 dog master

狗主人教练 dog master trainer

驯狗师 dog trainer

美容师 - 赛马场 groom – horse race track

美容师,宠物 groomer, pets

马热学步车 horse hot-walker

热学步车,马 hot-walker, horses

犬舍服务员 kennel attendant

养犬门将 kennel keeper

养狗场主人/男/女 kennelman/woman

实验动物服务员 laboratory animal attendant

实验室动物护理员 laboratory animal care worker

美容师,宠物主人 master groomer, pets

宠物美容师 pet groomer

宠物主美容师 pet master groomer

宠物店里的服务员 pet shop attendant

宠物保姆 pet-sitter

兽栏动物服务员 pound animal attendant

兽栏服务员 pound attendant

接收谷仓托管 receiving barn custodian

主管,动物服务员 supervisor, animal attendants

兽医服务员 veterinary attendant

兽医帮手 veterinary helper

动物园动物服务员 zoo animal attendant

动物园服务员 zoo attendant












加拿大技术移民NOC 4212 社会和社区服务工作者

4212 社会和社区服务工作者 Social and community service workers NOC B


Social and community service workers administer and implement a variety of social assistance programs and community services, and assist clients to deal with personal and social problems. They are employed by social service and government agencies, mental health agencies, group homes, shelters, substance abuse centres, school boards, correctional facilities and other establishments.


原住民外展工作人员 Aboriginal outreach worker

成瘾工人 addictions worker

儿童和青少年工作者 child and youth worker

社区发展工作者 community development worker

社区服务工作者 community service worker

危机干预工作者 crisis intervention worker

发展服务工作者 developmental service worker

青少年活动中心工人 drop-in centre worker

家庭服务工作者 family service worker

家庭工人 group home worker

收入维修人员 - 社会服务 income maintenance officer – social services

生活技能导师 life skills instructor

心理健康工作者 mental health worker

康复工作者 - 社会服务 rehabilitation worker – social services

社会服务工作者 social services worker

老将服务人员 veteran services officer

福利和补偿人员 welfare and compensation officer

妇女庇护所主管 women’s shelter supervisor

青年工人 youth worker



Review client background information, interview clients to obtain case history and prepare intake reports


Assess clients’ relevant skill strengths and needs


Assist clients to sort out options and develop plans of action while providing necessary support and assistance


Assess and investigate eligibility for social benefits


Refer clients to other social services or assist clients in locating and utilizing community resources including legal, medical and financial assistance, housing, employment, transportation, day care and other services


Counsel clients living in group homes and half-way houses, supervise their activities and assist in pre-release and release planning


Participate in the selection and admission of clients to appropriate programs


Implement life skills workshops, substance abuse treatment programs, behaviour management programs, youth services programs and other community and social service programs under the supervision of social services or health care professionals


Meet with clients to assess their progress, give support and discuss any difficulties or problems


Assist in evaluating the effectiveness of treatment programs by tracking clients’ behavioural changes and responses to interventions


Advise and aid recipients of social assistance and pensions


Provide crisis intervention and emergency shelter services


Implement and organize the delivery of specific services within the community


Maintain contact with other social service agencies and health care providers involved with clients to provide information and obtain feedback on clients’ overall progress


Co-ordinate the volunteer activities of human service agencies, health care facilities and arts and sports organizations


May maintain program statistics for purposes of evaluation and research


May supervise social service support workers and volunteers



Completion of a college or university program in social work, child and youth care, psychology or other social science or health-related discipline is usually required.


Previous work experience in a social service environment as a volunteer or in a support capacity may replace formal education requirements for some occupations in this unit group.


Social service workers may be required to be a member of a provincial regulatory body in some provinces.

附加信息 Additional information


Progression to professional occupations in social services, such as family and marriage counsellors, social workers, and probation and parole officers, is possible with additional training and experience


活动的领导者 - 老年人(计划在娱乐,体育和健身的领袖和导师) Activities leaders – seniors (in 5254 Program leaders and instructors in recreation, sport and fitness )

教育辅导员 Educational counsellors 4033

家庭,婚姻和其他相关的辅导员 Family, marriage and other related counsellors 4153

残疾人士的导师 Instructors of persons with disabilities 4215

社会,社区和惩教服务经理 Managers in social, community and correctional services 0423

社会工作者 Social workers 4152


原住民中心统筹 Aboriginal centre co-ordinator

原住民外展人员 - 社会服务 Aboriginal outreach officer – social services

原住民外展工作人员 Aboriginal outreach worker

成瘾工人 addictions worker

瘾工作者 - 强迫性赌博 addictions worker – compulsive gambling

助理,社会服务 assistant, social services

案例助手 - 社会服务 case aide – social services

认证返回工作的统筹 - 残疾管理 certified return-to-work co-ordinator – disability management

认证返回工作的推动者 - 残疾管理 certified return-to-work facilitator – disability management

儿童和青少年工作者 child and youth worker

儿童福利工作者 child welfare worker

儿童保健工作者(除日间护理) child-care worker (except day care)

教练,生活技能 coach, life skills

社区和社会服务工作者 community and social services worker

社区中心统筹 community centre co-ordinator

社区中心的工作人员 community centre worker

社区辅导员 - 社会服务 community counsellor – social services

社区发展工作者 community development worker

社区联络工人 community liaison worker

社区心理健康工作者 community mental health worker

社区组织工人 community organization worker

社区康复工作者 community rehabilitation worker

社区服务工作者 community service worker

社区服务人员 - 社会服务 community services officer – social services

社区工作者 community worker

统筹,社区中心 co-ordinator, community centre

统筹,原住民中心 co-ordinator, Native centre

统筹,青年发展 co-ordinator, youth development

危机干预工作者 crisis intervention worker

拘留家庭工人 detention home worker

发展服务工作者 development service worker

发展服务工作者 developmental service worker

残疾管理工作者 disability management worker

青少年活动中心工人 drop-in centre worker

吸毒成瘾工人 drug addiction worker

资格统筹 - 社会援助 eligibility co-ordinator – social assistance

资格统筹 - 福利 eligibility co-ordinator – welfare

特殊儿童保健工作者(除日间护理) exceptional-child-care worker (except day care)

家庭服务工作者 family service worker

外勤人员,退伍军人事务 field officer, veterans’ affairs

财政援助人员 - 社会援助 financial assistance officer – social assistance

财政援助工作者 - 社会服务 financial assistance worker – social services

小组家运营商 group home operator

组家庭工人 group home worker

中途之家的主管 halfway house supervisor

中途之家工人 halfway house worker

帮助中心主管 - 社会服务 help centre supervisor – social services

旅馆统筹 hostel co-ordinator

宿舍外展工作人员 hostel outreach worker

收入维修人员 - 社会服务 income maintenance officer – social services

独立生活教练 independent living instructor

指导员,生活技能 instructor, life skills

智障工人 intellectual disabilities worker

巡回支持服务工作者的 Itinerant support service worker

生活技能教练 life skills coach

生活技能导师 life skills instructor

膳食在轮子工人 meals-on-wheels worker

心理健康监考 mental health proctor

精神健康支援工人 mental health support worker

心理健康工作者 mental health worker

本地人中心统筹 Native centre co-ordinator

原生社区工作者 Native community worker

本地推广人员 - 社会服务 Native outreach officer – social services

本地外展工作人员 Native outreach worker

居委会工作人员 - 社会服务 neighbourhood worker – social services

人员,推广原住民 - 社会服务 officer, Native outreach – social services

同行的支持工人 peer support worker

发展个人技能导师 - 社会服务 personal skills development instructor – social services

监考老师,心理健康 proctor, mental health

心理助理 psychological assistant

注册的社会服务工作者 registered social service worker

康复人员 - 社会服务 rehabilitation officer – social services

康复服务工作者 rehabilitation service worker

康复工作者 - 社会服务 rehabilitation worker – social services

居住地统筹 - 集团首页 residence co-ordinator – group home

住宅辅导员 - 家庭组 residential counsellor – group home

返回工作统筹 - 残疾管理 return-to-work co-ordinator – disability management

返回工作推动者 - 残疾管理 return-to-work facilitator – disability management

结算工人 - 社区服务 settlement worker – community services

住房主管 - 社会服务 shelter supervisor – social services

庇护车间主任 shelter workshop supervisor

社会援助人员 social aid officer

社会漫画家 social animator

社会救助人员 social assistance officer

社会康复人员 social rehabilitation officer

社会康复技师 social rehabilitation technician

社会康复工作者 social rehabilitation worker

社会服务助理 social services assistant

社会服务义工协调员 social services volunteer co-ordinator

社会服务工作者 social services worker

社会福利主任 social welfare officer

特殊教育人员 - 社会和社区服务 special education technician – social and community services

街头外展工作人员 street outreach worker

街道工作者 - 社会服务 streetworker – social services

药物滥用工作者 substance abuse worker

监督访问工人 supervised access worker

主管,中途之家 supervisor, halfway house

主管,妇女中心 - 社会服务 supervisor, women’s centre – social services

主管,妇女庇护所 - 社会服务 supervisor, women’s shelter – social services

过渡之家工人 - 社会服务 transition home worker – social services

过渡房工人 - 社会服务 transition house worker – social services

老将服务人员 veteran services officer

退伍军人事务部外勤人员 veterans’ affairs field officer

统筹,社会服务志愿者 volunteer co-ordinator, social services

福利和补偿人员 welfare and compensation officer

福利机构的主管 welfare organization supervisor

福利工作者 welfare worker

妇女中心统筹 - 社会服务 women’s centre co-ordinator – social services

妇女中心计划主管 - 社会服务 women’s centre program supervisor – social services

妇女庇护所主管 women’s shelter supervisor

青年发展协调员 youth development co-ordinator

青年旅社统筹 youth hostel co-ordinator

青少年服务工作者 youth services worker

青年工人 youth worker

青年工作者 - 社会服务 youth worker – social services


新斯科舍省移民提名项目 Nova Scotia Nominee Program ,简称 NSNP ,也就是我们常说的NS省省提名。加拿大 NSNP 里有EE下的紧缺职业类别,不需要雇主offer就可以申请,但需要抢配额。申请人只要具备新省需要的技能和经验就有机会获得该省的提名,提名批准后,申请人全家有资格向加拿大联邦申请永居签证。NSDEE 分为A、B两类,A类需要雇主offer,职业属于NOC 0、A、B就可以,B类不需要雇主offer,但需要满足下面的紧缺职业要求。

Category A - 需要雇主offer,持续开放:








Category B - 无需雇主offer,不定期开放,需要抢配额:








1213 主管,图书馆,通信及相关信息工作者 Supervisors, library, correspondence and related information workers  NOC

1213 主管,图书馆,通信及相关信息工作者 Supervisors, library, correspondence and related information workers NOC - LEVEL B


Supervisors in this unit group supervise and co-ordinate the activities of workers in the following unit groups: Library Assistants and Clerks [1451](1451), Correspondence, Publication and Regulatory Clerks [1452](1452) and Survey Interviewers and Statistical Clerks [1454](1454). They are employed throughout the private and public sectors.

1213 主管,图书馆,通信及相关信息工作者头衔范例

广告文员主管 advertising clerks supervisor

对应办事员主管 correspondence clerks supervisor

图书馆文员主管 library clerks supervisor

出版办事员主管 publication clerks supervisor

统计文员主管 statistical clerks supervisor

主管,调查访问员 supervisor, survey interviewers

1213 主管,图书馆,通信及相关信息工作者主要职责

协调,分配和审查从事下列职责的职员工作:进行问卷调查和访谈;收集和编制统计资料;执照,护照和其他规范性文件的编制和发行; 重新上架书籍和执行其他任务的图书馆;写书信,包括电子邮件和准备翻译和出版的材料

Co-ordinate, assign and review the work of clerks engaged in the following duties: conducting surveys and interviews; collecting and compiling statistics; preparing and issuing licenses, passports and other regulatory documents; reshelving books and performing other tasks in libraries; writing correspondence including e-mails and preparing material for translation and publication


Establish work schedules and procedures and co-ordinate activities with other work units or departments


Resolve work-related problems, monitor services provided by clerks and agents, and prepare and submit progress and other reports


Train workers in job duties and company policies


Requisition supplies and materials


Ensure smooth operation of computer systems and equipment and arrange for maintenance and repair work


May perform the same duties as workers supervised.

1213 主管,图书馆,通信及相关信息工作者任职要求


Completion of secondary school is required.


Completion of college courses related to area supervised may be required.


Experience in the clerical occupation supervised is usually required.

1213 主管,图书馆,通信及相关信息工作者其他分类

图书馆 Librarians [5111](5111)

图书馆和公共的归档技术人员 Library and public archive technicians [5211](5211)

主管,邮件和消息分发的职业 Supervisors, mail and message distribution occupations [1214](1214)

1213 主管,图书馆,通信及相关信息工作者职称头衔

广告文员主管 advertising clerks supervisor

普查区域经理 census area manager

普查区域经理助理 census area manager assistant

人口普查专员 census commissioner

人口普查专员助理 census commissioner assistant

普查区经理 census district manager

通信员主管 communication clerks supervisor

版权许可主管 copyright clearance supervisor

对应办事员主管 correspondence clerks supervisor

法庭记者主管 court reporters supervisor

海关文员主管 customs clerks supervisor

指纹分类主管 fingerprint classifier supervisor

法律档案保管员主管 law archivists supervisor

法律服务记录作家主管 legal services record writers supervisor

图书馆文员主管 library clerks supervisor

主管库贷款 library loans supervisor

许可证文员主管 licence clerks supervisor

贷款主管,图书馆 loans supervisor, library

护照办公室主任 passport office supervisor

舆论面试主管 public opinion interviewers supervisor

出版办事员主管 publication clerks supervisor

普查区域经理 regional census manager

统计文员主管 statistical clerks supervisor

主管,广告文员 supervisor, advertising clerks

主管,通信员 supervisor, communication clerks

主管,版权许可 supervisor, copyright clearance

主管,对应办事员 supervisor, correspondence clerks

主管,法庭记者 supervisor, court reporters

主管,报关文员 supervisor, customs clerks

主管,指纹分类 supervisor, fingerprint classifier

主管,法律档案保管员 supervisor, law archivists

主管,法律服务记录作家 supervisor, legal services record writers

主管,图书馆职员 supervisor, library clerks

主管,牌照办事员 supervisor, licence clerks

主管,护照办公室 supervisor, passport office

主管,舆论面试 supervisor, public opinion interviewers

主管,出版办事员 supervisor, publication clerks

主管,统计文员 supervisor, statistical clerks

主管,调查访问员 supervisor, survey interviewers

调查面试主管 survey interviewers supervisor












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