9412 铸造工人

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9412 铸造工人 Foundry workers NOC - LEVEL C


This unit group includes workers who make foundry moulds and cores by hand or machine, cast molten metal, and operate furnaces in the foundry industry. They are employed by metal foundries and foundry departments of metal products manufacturing companies.

9412 铸造工人头衔范例

板凳铸造工 bench moulder

铸造机操作员 casting machine operator

陶瓷铸造工 ceramic mouldmaker

压铸机操作员 die-casting machine operator

铸造工人 foundry worker

炉运营商 - 代工 furnace operator – foundry

机器核心制造者 machine coremaker

手动成型工 manual moulder

熔化工 - 铸造 melter – foundry

金属连铸机 metal caster

坑铸造工 pit moulder

沙核心制造者 sand coremaker

沙铸造工 sand moulder

9412 铸造工人主要职责


Manual mouldmakers make and repair sand moulds using patterns, moulding boxes, sand and hand tools following bench, floor or pit moulding methods; operate ovens to dry moulds; may pour molten metal into moulds to produce metal castings.


Manual coremakers make cores for use inside moulds to form holes or void spaces in castings using core boxes, sand, hammer and wire or other reinforcing material; coat cores with protective materials and bake cores in oven.


Machine mouldmakers and coremakers set up, adjust and operate various mouldmaking and coremaking machines to make sand and ceramics moulds and cores.


Metal casters set up and operate various casting machines to cast ferrous and non-ferrous metal products; hand ladle and pour molten metal into moulds to produce castings.


Foundry furnace operators operate furnaces used to melt metals for moulding and casting.

9412 铸造工人任职要求


Completion of secondary school may be required.

手动模具制造商要求具有超过两年的在职培训经验 ;本单元组的其他工人都需要数个月的在职培训。

Up to two years of on-the-job training are required for manual mouldmakers; several months of on-the-job training are required for other workers in this unit group.

9412 铸造工人附加信息


There is some mobility between workers in this unit group.


Progression to supervisory positions is possible with experience.

9412 铸造工人其他分类

铸造工( 劳动者在矿产和金属加工) Foundry labourers (in [9611](9611) Labourers in mineral and metal processing )

炉初级金属,连铸工艺和运营商(中央控制和处理运营商,矿产和金属加工转换和完善经营谁) Furnace operators who convert and refine primary metals, and operators of continuous casting processes (in [9231](9231) Central control and process operators, mineral and metal processing )

主管( 主管,矿产和金属加工铸造工人) Supervisors of foundry workers (in [9211](9211) Supervisors, mineral and metal processing )

9412 铸造工人职称头衔

弹药连铸工 - 铸造 ammunition caster – foundry

学徒铸造工 - 铸造 apprentice moulder – foundry

自动压铸机运营商 - 代工 automatic casting machine operator – foundry

自动成型工运营商 - 代工 automatic moulding machine operator – foundry

板凳核心制造商 - 铸造 bench coremaker – foundry

板凳铸造工 bench moulder

板凳成型工 - 铸造 bench moulder – foundry

铜管连铸工 brass caster

子弹成型工 - 铸造 bullet moulder – foundry

连铸工,金属 - 铸造厂 caster, metal – foundry

铸造机操作员 casting machine operator

压铸机操作员 - 铸造 casting machine operator – foundry

铸造机操作员,导致 casting machine operator, lead

离心铸造机的操作员 centrifugal casting machine operator

离心铸造机管理者 - 代工 centrifugal casting machine tender – foundry

陶瓷模具制造商 ceramic mouldmaker

陶瓷模具制造商 - 铸造 ceramic mouldmaker – foundry

通道炉运营商 - 代工 channel furnace operator – foundry

应对并拖动顶杆起模运营商 - 代工 cope and drag pinlift operator – foundry

铜连铸工 - 铸造 copper caster – foundry

芯挤压工 - 铸造 core extruder – foundry

核心机器操作员 - 铸造 core machine operator – foundry

核心烤箱运营商 - 代工 core oven operator – foundry

核心烤箱管理者 - 铸造 core oven tender – foundry

核心机房安装工/男/女 - 铸造 core room set-up man/woman – foundry

核心安装员 - 铸造 core setter – foundry

核心鼓风机机器操作员 - 铸造 core-blower machine operator – foundry

核心制造商 - 铸造 coremaker – foundry

核心制造商,机器 - 铸造 coremaker, machine – foundry

核心制造商,机器 - 铸造 coremaker, machine – foundry

制芯机运营商 - 代工 coremaking machine operator – foundry

芯砂搅拌机 - 代工 core-sand-mixer – foundry

冲天炉运营商 - 代工 cupola furnace operator – foundry

定制成型工 - 铸造 custom moulder – foundry

压铸机操作员 die-casting machine operator

压铸机运营商 - 代工 die-casting machine operator – foundry

压铸机安装员 - 铸造 die-casting machine setter – foundry

压铸机集/男/女 - 铸造 die-casting machine set-up man/woman – foundry

压铸机管理者 - 铸造 die-casting machine tender – foundry

干砂成型工 - 铸造 dry-sand moulder – foundry

电炉运营商 - 代工 electric furnace operator – foundry

地板成型工 - 铸造 floor moulder – foundry

地板成型工,砂 - 铸造 floor moulder, sand – foundry

铸造炉操作员 foundry furnace operator

代工mouldmaker的 foundry mouldmaker

铸造倾倒工 foundry pourer

铸造砂搅拌工 foundry sand mixer

铸造工人 foundry worker

炉运营商 - 代工 furnace operator – foundry

粒状铝连铸工 - 铸造 granular aluminum caster – foundry

电网连铸工 - 铸造 grid caster – foundry

电网连铸机运营商 - 代工 grid-caster operator – foundry

手铅连铸工 - 代工 hand lead caster – foundry

手模具制造商 - 铸造 hand mouldmaker – foundry

手砂芯制造商 - 代工 hand sand-core maker – foundry

热箱成型工 - 铸造 hot-box moulder – foundry

猎人机器操作员 - 铸造 hunter machine operator – foundry

感应炉运营商 - 代工 induction furnace operator – foundry

投资连铸机 - 铸造 investment caster – foundry

铁脚轮 - 铸造 iron caster – foundry

铁成型工 - 铸造 iron moulder – foundry

作业铸造工 - 铸造 job moulder – foundry

零工核心制造商 jobbing coremaker

零工铸造工 jobbing moulder

引领万向轮,手 - 铸造 lead caster, hand – foundry

导致连铸机操作员 lead casting machine operator

铅粒连铸工 - 铸造 lead shot caster – foundry

丢失的模式施法者 - 铸造厂 lost pattern caster – foundry

失蜡连铸工 - 铸造 lost wax caster – foundry

机器核心制造商 machine coremaker

机器核心制造商 - 铸造 machine coremaker – foundry

机成型工 - 铸造 machine moulder – foundry

机线成型工 - 铸造 machine-line moulder – foundry

手动成型工 manual moulder

熔化工 - 铸造 melter – foundry

金属连铸工 metal caster

金属连铸工 - 铸造 metal caster – foundry

金属框架成型工 - 铸造 metal frame moulder – foundry

模具连铸工 - 铸造 mould caster – foundry

模具安装员 - 铸造 mould setter – foundry

成型工,板凳 - 铸造 moulder, bench – foundry

成型工,地板 - 铸造 moulder, floor – foundry

成型工,榨汁机 - 铸造 moulder, squeezer – foundry

成型和制芯机安装员 - 铸造 moulding and coremaking machine setter – foundry

成型和制芯机安装员/男/女 - 铸造 moulding and coremaking machine set-up man/woman – foundry

模具砂混合者 moulding sand mixer – foundry

模具制造商,手 - 铸造 mouldmaker, hand – foundry

观赏连铸工 - 铸造 ornamental caster – foundry

图案GATER pattern gater

图案成型工 - 铸造 pattern moulder – foundry

颗粒制造商 - 代工 pellet maker – foundry

永久模运营商 - 代工 permanent mould operator – foundry

管核心制造商- 铸造 pipe coremaker – foundry

坑铸造工 pit moulder

坑成型工 - 铸造 pit moulder – foundry

鼓式电梯操作员 - 代工 Roto-lift operator – foundry

治沙男/女 - 铸造 sand control man/woman – foundry

治沙运营商 - 代工 sand control operator – foundry

沙核心制造商 sand coremaker

砂地板成型工 - 铸造 sand floor moulder – foundry

砂磨机运营商 - 代工 sand mill operator – foundry

沙铸造工 sand moulder

砂成型工 - 铸造 sand moulder – foundry

砂处理运营商 - 代工 sand processing operator – foundry

砂系统运营商 - 代工 sand system operator – foundry

砂芯制造者,手 - 铸造 sand-core maker, hand – foundry

砂斯林格运营商 - 代工 sand-slinger operator – foundry

安装员/男/,核心机房 - 铸造 set-up man/woman, core room – foundry

壳芯制造商 - 铸造 shell core maker – foundry

外壳模具安装员 - 铸造 shell mould assembler – foundry

壳成型工 - 铸造 shell moulder – foundry

拍摄厂商 - 铸造 shot maker – foundry

烧结按管理者 - 铸造 sintering press tender – foundry

榨汁机运营商 - 代工 squeezer machine operator – foundry

榨汁成型工 - 铸造 squeezer moulder – foundry

链运营商 - 代工 strand operator – foundry

船舶运营商 - 代工 vessel operator – foundry

蜡图案安装员和修理工 wax-pattern assembler and repairer

蜡图案的涂布工 wax-pattern coater

蜡模式铸维修工 wax-pattern moulder

蜡纹模具制造商 wax-pattern mouldmaker

白色金属连铸工 - 铸造 white-metal caster – foundry














8616 集材和林业工人

8616 集材和林业工人 Logging and forestry labourers NOC - LEVEL D


Logging and forestry labourers perform a variety of manual tasks such as attaching choker cables to logs, planting trees, clearing brush, spraying chemicals, cleaning up landing areas and assisting other workers in woodlands operations. They are employed by logging companies and contractors.

8616 集材和林业工人头衔范例

chokerman/男/女 chokerman/woman

林业工人 forestry labourer

采伐工人 logging labourer

森林开路者 - 集材和林业 swamper – logging and forestry

植树者,季节性 tree planter, seasonal

8616 集材和林业工人主要职责


Assist other workers at logging sites


Attach chokers or cables to felled trees for yarding


Plant trees using manual tools


Spray herbicides from the ground using manual spraying equipment


Clear trails through woodlands using chain saws


Clean up landing areas at logging sites.

8616 集材和林业工人任职要求


Completion of secondary school may be required.


Completion of pre-employment safety courses may be required.


Several weeks of formal and on-the-job training are provided.


Workplace hazardous materials information system (WHMIS) certificate may be required.


Chemicals application licence may be required.

8616 集材和林业工人附加信息


There is mobility among jobs in this unit group.


Progression to other positions, such as silviculture and forestry worker, chain saw and skidder operator or logging machinery operator, is possible with experience.

8616 集材和林业工人其他分类

链锯,集材机运营商 Chain saw and skidder operators [8421](8421)

伐木机械运营商 Logging machinery operators [8241](8241)

造林和林业工人 Silviculture and forestry workers [8422](8422)

8616 集材和林业工人职称头衔

吊杆操作员/男/女 boom man/woman

吊杆工人 boom worker

吊杆工人 - 集材 boom worker – logging

吊杆工人 - 轧机池塘 boom worker – mill pond

电缆挂钩员 - 集材 cable hooker – logging

阻流安装员 - 集材 choke setter – logging

chokerman/男/女 chokerman/woman

chokerman/集材的男/女 - chokerman/woman – logging

林业工人 forestry labourer

劳动者,林业 labourer, forestry

劳动者,伐木 labourer, logging

劳动者,集材和林业 labourer, logging and forestry

集材驱动员 log driver

集材骑手 log rider

集材和林业工人 logging and forestry labourer

采伐工人 logging labourer

编译者,纸浆 piler, pulpwood

筑池工/男/女 pondman/woman

纸浆用木材编译者 pulpwood piler

水道放木工人 river driver

季节性帮工 - 伐木林业 seasonal swamper – logging forestry

季节性植树者 seasonal tree planter

喷雾工 - 集材和林业 sprayer – logging and forestry

帮工 - 集材和林业 swamper – logging and forestry

帮工,季节性 - 集材 swamper, seasonal – logging

帮工,季节性 - 集材和林业的 swamper, seasonal – logging and forestry

植树者,季节性 tree planter, seasonal












新西兰移民信息:急需技术工人 欲雇佣超千名海外工人

新西兰移民信息:新西兰两家大型企业正在申请政府批准,欲雇佣超千名海外工人。近日,两家新西兰公司都想要从海外雇佣工人:一家是公交公司,招聘110名海外公交车司机;另一家是电信公司为奥克兰的客服,中心招募40名海外工作人员。如果要引进海外工做人员,从事不在新西兰政府技能短缺列表上的工作内容,需要向新西兰移民局呈交AIP(Approval in Principle)申请。而新西兰商业创新就业部的数据显示,这两家公司只是冰山一角。有多达二十家企业、共计需要1130名海外工人的AIP申请,正在进行评估或等待分配。其中, 一家机械公司共需要招募325名海外农业机械操作人员。公司总裁史蒂夫·勒威(Steve Levet)认为,新西兰移民局让希望招募海外技术工作人员的行业雇主们很为难。他表示,对季节性劳工的需求每年可长达6个月,“更需要有相关工作经验的员工”。据勒威介绍,工资通常在20纽币(约91.57元)/小时,所操作的机械价格可高达50万纽币(约228.92万元),“政府认为,随便任何人就能从事这些工作。”他说。勒威表示,雇主是更倾向于雇佣本地人的,但是事实是招不到足够的本地员工,偏远地区更不用说。移民部长恩·李斯-加洛韦(Iain Lees-Galloway)表示,技能培训政策十分有利于培养新西兰本地劳动力,也包括3年免费后续教育政策。“我们的目标是新西兰本地员工优先,但在技能短缺的情况下,新西兰的企业会获得他们所需要的员工。”加洛韦指出,企业需要证明他们确实在努力招募本地员工,并且提供的是可以接受的工资水平。巴士公司及电信公司都表示,他们已经试图招募新西兰本地员工,但是无法找到适合人选。据统计,工作类型、工作时间和工资都是应聘人员短缺的因素。一家移民公司的主管大卫·库伯(David Cooper)表示,AIP的申请数量并不意外,“(数量)可能会随着就业市场的变动而波动,一个职位成百上千简历纷至沓来的日子已经结束了。”


7451 码头工人

7451 码头工人 Longshore workers NOC - LEVEL C


Longshore workers transfer cargo throughout dock area and onto and from ships and other vessels. They are employed by marine cargo handling companies, shipping agencies and shipping lines.

7451 码头工人头衔范例

码头工人 dockworker

码头工人 longshore worker

码头工人/男/女 longshoreman/woman

船舶装载机操作员 ship loader operator

码头工人 stevedore

油轮装货人 tanker loader

7451 码头工人主要职责


Operate industrial trucks, tractors and other mobile equipment to transfer cargo, such as containers, crated items, automobiles and pallet-mounted machinery, around dock to within range of cranes and hoists


Operate winches or other hoisting devices to load and unload cargo onto and from ships and other vessels


Operate mechanical towers to load vessels with materials such as coal and ore


Operate equipment to transfer bulk materials, such as grain, to hold of vessels


Connect hoses and operate equipment to transfer liquid materials into storage tanks on vessels


other activities such as lashing and shoring cargo aboard ships, opening and closing hatches, cleaning holds of ships and rigging cargo.

7451 码头工人任职要求


Some secondary school education may be required.


On-the-job training is provided.

7451 码头工人附加信息


Progression to foreman/woman or supervisor of longshore workers is possible with experience.

7451 码头工人其他分类

码头起重机操作员(起重机操作员) Longshore crane operators (in [7371](7371) Crane operators )

材料处理员 Material handlers (7452)

码头工人(承包商和监督员,重型设备操作人员的监事) Supervisors of longshore workers (in [7302](7302) Contractors and supervisors, heavy equipment operator crews )

7451 码头工人职称头衔

驳船装货人 barge loader

船装载者 boat loader

码头手 dock hand

码头工人/男/女 - 海运货物处理 dockerman/woman – marine cargo handling

码头工人 dockworker

码头工人 - 海洋货物装卸 dockworker – marine cargo handling

码头工人 longshore worker

码头工人和塔装载机操作员 longshore worker and tower-loader operator

脚夫/男/女 longshoreman/woman

码头工人 - 海洋货物装卸 lumper – marine cargo handling

船舶装载机操作员 ship loader operator

装船机操作员 shiploader operator

码头工人 stevedore

充填工 stower

油轮装载者 tanker loader

油轮装载者 - 海洋货物装卸 tanker loader – marine cargo handling

油船船员/男/女 - 海运货物处理 tankerman/woman – marine cargo handling

塔装载机操作员 - 海洋货物装卸 tower-loader operator – marine cargo handling

码头工人/男/女 - 海运货物处理 wharfman/woman – marine cargo handling












8422 造林和林业工人

8422 造林和林业工人 Silviculture and forestry workers NOC - LEVEL C


Silviculture and forestry workers perform a variety of duties related to reforestation and to the management, improvement and conservation of forest lands. They are employed by logging companies, contractors and government services.

8422 造林和林业工人头衔范例

清理锯操作员 - 林业 clearing saw operator – forestry

森林消防队员 forest firefighter

林业船员工人 forestry crew worker

计件工人 - 育林 pieceworker – silviculture

松土设备操作员 - 林业 scarification equipment operator – forestry

造林工人 silviculture worker

减薄锯操作员 thinning saw operator

8422 造林和林业工人主要职责


Assess site, select seedlings and plant trees using manual planting tools in reforestation areas


Operate power thinning saw to thin and space trees in reforestation areas


Operate chain saw to thin young forest stands


Control weeds and undergrowth in regenerating forest stands using manual tools and chemicals


Complete firefighting reports and maintain firefighting equipment


Dig trenches, cut trees, pump water on burning areas to fight forest fires under direction of fire suppression officer or forestry technician


Operate and maintain a skidder, bulldozer or other prime mover to pull a variety of scarification or site preparation equipment over areas to be regenerated


Perform other silviculture duties such as collecting seed cones, pruning trees, assisting in planting surveys and marking trees for subsequent operations.

8422 造林和林业工人任职要求


Completion of secondary school may be required.


Completion of a college or other specialized program for silviculture workers or forestry crew workers may be required.


Formal training in power saw operation and maintenance and several months of on-the-job training are usually provided.


Experience as a logging and forestry labourer may be required.


A chemicals application licence is required.


Workplace hazardous materials information system (WHMIS) and transportation of dangerous goods (TDG) certificates may be required.


A silvicultural workers licence may be required.

8422 造林和林业工人附加信息


There is some mobility among jobs in this unit group.


Progression to supervisory positions is possible with experience.


Progression to forestry technician or technologist is possible with additional education and training.

8422 造林和林业工人其他分类

树艺师(景观和园艺技术人员和专家) Arborists (in [2225](2225) Landscape and horticulture technicians and specialists )

链锯,集材机运营商 Chain saw and skidder operators [8421](8421)

森林的苗圃工人(苗圃和温室工人) Forest nursery workers (in [8432](8432) Nursery and greenhouse workers )

林业专家 Forestry professionals [2122](2122)

林业技术人员和技术人员 Forestry technologists and technicians [2223](2223)

集材和林业工人 Logging and forestry labourers [8616](8616)

主管,伐木和林业 Supervisors, logging and forestry [8211](8211)

8422 造林和林业工人职称头衔

灌木切割工 - 林业 brush cutter – forestry

清理锯运营商 - 林业 clearing saw operator – forestry

集材工,球果 collector, seed cones

船员工人,林业 crew worker, forestry

船员/男/女,森林灭火 crewman/woman, forest fire suppression

船员/男/女,林业 crewman/woman, forestry

灭火队员/男/女 fire crewman/woman

防火了望 fire lookout

灭火队员/男/女 fire suppression crewman/woman

消防队员,森林 firefighter, forest

森林消防队员 forest firefighter

林业养护工人 forestry conservation worker

林业队工人 forestry crew worker

林业队员/男/女 forestry crewman/woman

林业工人 forestry worker

林业工人 - 日志 forestry worker – logging

望风 - 林业 lookout – forestry

运营商,结算锯 - 林业 operator, clearing saw – forestry

运营商,松土设备 - 林业 operator, scarification equipment – forestry

运营商,松土 - 育林 operator, scarifier – silviculture

运营商,间距锯 - 林业 operator, spacing saw – forestry

选择者,球果 picker, seed cones

计件工人 - 育林 pieceworker – silviculture

前商业树削薄者 precommercial tree thinner

松土设备操作工 scarification equipment operator

松土设备操作工 - 林业 scarification equipment operator – forestry

松土运营商 - 育林 scarifier operator – silviculture

种子锥收集者 seed cone collector

种子锥选择工 seed cone picker

造林工人 silviculture worker

间距锯运营商 spacing saw operator

间距锯运营商 - 林业 spacing saw operator – forestry

减薄锯运营商 thinning saw operator

变薄锯运营商 - 林业 thinning saw operator – forestry

树修枝剪 - 林业 tree pruner – forestry

树间隔工 - 林业 tree spacer – forestry












8614 煤矿工人

8614 煤矿工人 Mine labourers NOC - LEVEL D


Mine labourers carry out a variety of general labouring duties to assist in the extraction of coal, minerals and ore, and in other services in support of underground mining. They are employed by coal, metal and non-metallic mineral mines.

8614 煤矿工人头衔范例

溜槽划手 chute puller

矿山帮手 mine helper

煤矿工人 mine labourer

矿工帮手 - 地下开采 miner helper – underground mining

坑定位者 - 地下开采 pit scaler – underground mining

使用铲子的工作者 - 地下开采 shoveller – underground mining

地下劳动者 - 采矿 underground labourer – mining

8614 煤矿工人主要职责


Assist other mine workers in maintaining or constructing underground installations


Clean underground rooms, roadways, working areas and mining equipment and conveyances using hand tools


Load, move, sort and pile materials and supplies


Clear spills of ore or coal using hand and power tools.

8614 煤矿工人任职要求


Completion of secondary school is usually required.


A short period of introductory training is provided.


In Ontario, mine labourers are registered in the basic common core program.

8614 煤矿工人附加信息


There is mobility among jobs in this group.


Progression to underground production and development miner or underground mine service and support worker is possible with experience and training.

8614 煤矿工人其他分类

地下矿山的服务和支持人员 Underground mine service and support workers [8411](8411)

地下生产和发展的矿工 Underground production and development miners [8231](8231)

8614 煤矿工人职称头衔

检查称重者,矿 check weigher, mine

溜槽划手 chute puller

煤炭采样员 coal sampler

核心分配者 core splitter

格筛工 - 地下开采 grizzly worker – underground mining

帮手,矿工 - 地下开采 helper, miner – underground mining

帮手,管道工 - 地下开采 helper, pipeworker – underground mining

帮手,木材和钢托安装员 helper, timber and steel prop setter

劳动者,矿 labourer, mine

石灰石吊工 - 地下开采 limestone spreader – underground mining

矿山检查称重者 mine check weigher

矿山帮手 mine helper

矿帮手 - 地下开采 mine helper – underground mining

煤矿工人 mine labourer

矿工帮手 - 地下开采 miner helper – underground mining

管工帮手 - 地下开采 pipeworker helper – underground mining

坑定位者 - 地下开采 pit scaler – underground mining

坑缩放帮手 pit-scaler helper

粉末运送者 - 地下开采 powder carrier – underground mining

岩石除尘者 - 地下开采 rock duster – underground mining

救援人员,木材和钢材道具 salvager, timber and steel props

样品处理工 sample processor

安装工帮手,木材和钢托 setter helper, timber and steel prop

使用铲子的工作者 - 地下开采 shoveller – underground mining

石板选择工 slate picker

石除尘者 - 地下开采 stone duster – underground mining

木材和钢托打捞者 timber and steel prop salvager

木材和钢托的安装员帮手 timber and steel prop setter helper

支护和钢托安装帮手 timbering and steel prop setting helper

支架工/男/女帮手 - 地下开采 timberman/woman helper – underground mining

地下帮手 - 采矿 underground helper – mining

地下劳动者 - 采矿 underground labourer – mining

煤矿井下工人 underground mine labourer












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