4169 社会科学其他专业的职业,NEC Other professional occupations in social science, n.e.c. NOC

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4169 社会科学其他专业的职业,NEC Other professional occupations in social science, n.e.c. NOC - LEVEL A


This unit group includes anthropologists, archaeologists, geographers, historians, linguists, political scientists, sociologists and other professional occupations in social science not elsewhere classified. They are employed in universities and throughout the public and private sectors.

4169 社会科学其他专业的职业头衔范例

人类学家 anthropologist

考古学家 archaeologist

地理学 geographer

老年病学 gerontologist

历史学家 historian

语言学家 linguist

政治学家 political scientist

心灵工程师 psychometrist

社会学家 sociologist

4169 社会科学其他专业的职业主要职责


Anthropologists conduct studies of the origin, development and functioning of human societies and cultures and of human evolution, changing physical characteristics and geographical distribution.


Archaeologists study artifacts (objects and structures) to reconstruct past economic, social, political and intellectual life.


Geographers study and analyse the spatial distribution and interrelationship of physical, biological, cultural and social patterns.


Historians conduct research into one or more phases or aspects of past human activity and interpret and document findings.


Linguists study the origin, structure and development of languages and apply linguistic theory to problems in teaching, translation and communications.


Political scientists conduct research into the theory, origin, development, interrelationships and functioning of political institutions, political movements and individual political behaviour.


Psychometricians develop psychological tests, scales and measures, and may administer or apply and interpret such tests, scales and measures.


Psychometrists administer and score psychological tests, usually under the supervision of a registered psychologist.


Sociologists study the development, structure, social patterns and interrelationships of human society.


Other social science professionals included in this group specialize in particular areas of social sciences and humanities disciplines. These include criminologists (specialists in the study of crime and criminals), gerontologists (specialists in the phenomena and problems of ageing), graphoanalysts (specialists in handwriting analysis) and others.


Specialization usually exists within each of these occupations.

4169 社会科学其他专业的职业任职要求


A masters or doctoral degree in the discipline is usually required.

4169 社会科学其他专业的职业附加信息


Specialization within each occupation occurs through specialized university study or through experience.

4169 社会科学其他专业的职业其他分类

学院和其他职业指导员 College and other vocational instructors [4021](4021)

经济学家和经济政策研究人员和分析师 Economists and economic policy researchers and analysts [4162](4162)

数学家,统计学家和精算师 Mathematicians, statisticians and actuaries [2161](2161)

心理学家 Psychologists [4151](4151)

中学教师 Secondary school teachers [4031](4031)

社会政策研究人员,顾问和项目官员 Social policy researchers, consultants and program officers [4164](4164)

大学教授和讲师 University professors and lecturers [4011](4011)

4169 社会科学其他专业的职业职称头衔

分析师,手写 analyst, handwriting

人类学家 anthropologist

应用人类学家 applied anthropologist

应用地理学 applied geographer

应用语言学家 applied linguist

考古顾问 archaeological consultant

田野考古工作者 archaeological field worker

考古学家 archaeologist

生物地理学 biogeographer

生物人类学家 biological anthropologist

犯罪学家 criminologist

文化人类学家 cultural anthropologist

文化地理学 cultural geographer

外交历史学家 diplomatic historian

戏剧艺术历史学家 dramatic arts historian

经济地理学 economic geographer

经济史学家 economic historian

教育社会学家 educational sociologist

人种学家 ethnographer

民族学家 ethnologist

词源 etymologist

地理学 geographer

老年病学 gerontologist

笔迹分析专家 graphoanalyst

笔迹学家 graphologist

笔迹分析师 handwriting analyst

笔迹专家 handwriting expert

历史学家 historian

历史地理学 historical geographer

工业地理学 industrial geographer

工业社会学家 industrial sociologist

语言学家 linguist

语言人类学家 linguistic anthropologist

医学社会学家 medical sociologist

军事历史学家 military historian

刑罚学者 penologist

语言学家 philologist

哲学家 philosopher

体质人类学家 physical anthropologist

物理地理学 physical geographer

政治地理学 political geographer

政治历史学家 political historian

政治学家 political scientist

政治学家 politicist

心理语言学家 psycholinguist

心理测量学家 psychometrician

心理测量人员 psychometrist

定量历史学家 quantitative historian

人类学家研究 research anthropologist

考古学家研究 research archaeologist

农村社会学家 rural sociologist

科学专家,手写 scientific expert, handwriting

科学的笔迹专家 scientific handwriting expert

社会和文化人类学家 social and cultural anthropologist

社会人类学家 social anthropologist

社会生态学家 social ecologist

社会历史学家 social historian

社会科学家 social scientist

社会语言学家 sociolinguist

社会学家 sociologist

戏剧史家 theatre historian

城市地理学 urban geographer

城市社会学家 urban sociologist













2115 其他物理科学专业职业 Other professional occupations in physical sciences NOC

2115 其他物理科学专业职业 Other professional occupations in physical sciences NOC - LEVEL A


This group includes metallurgists, soil scientists and physical scientists and researchers, not elsewhere classified, involved in the conduct of theoretical and applied research in fields of physical science. They are employed by governments, educational institutions and a wide range of industrial establishments.

2115 其他物理科学专业职业头衔范例

宇航员 astronaut

弹道考官 ballistics examiner

材料科学家 materials scientist

冶金学家 metallurgist

物理冶金学家 physical metallurgist

研究的科学家 - 陶瓷 research scientist – ceramics

研究科学家 - 复合材料 research scientist – composite materials

土壤学家 soil scientist

2115 其他物理科学专业职业主要职责


Metallurgists conduct studies into the properties and production of metals and alloys.


Soil scientists conduct research into the composition, distribution and evolution of soils.


Materials scientists conduct research into the properties, composition and production of materials such as ceramics and composite materials.


Astronauts command, pilot or serve as crew members of a spacecraft to conduct scientific experiments and research, and participate in space missions as mission specialists to maintain spacecraft, install and repair space station equipment and launch and recapture satellites.

2115 其他物理科学专业职业任职要求


A bachelors degree in metallurgy, physics, chemistry, or a related physical science discipline is required.


A masters or doctoral degree is usually required for employment as a research scientist.


Advanced degrees in a broad range of applied science areas, such as engineering or medicine


Licences may be required for some occupations in this unit group.

2115 其他物理科学专业职业附加信息


Mobility between specializations in this group may be possible with experience.


Mobility is possible with experience, to other fields of physical science or to management or regulatory program management.

2115 其他物理科学专业职业其他分类

空气飞行员,飞行工程师和飞行教官 Air pilots, flight engineers and flying instructors [2271](2271)

建筑和科学管理员 Architecture and science managers [0212](0212)

化学家 Chemists [2112](2112)

冶金与材料工程师 Metallurgical and materials engineers [2142](2142)

2115 其他物理科学专业职业职称头衔

宇航员 astronaut

弹道学家 ballistician

弹道考官 ballistics examiner

宇航员 cosmonaut

采掘冶金学家 extractive metallurgist

枪支考官 firearms examiner

枪械专家 firearms expert

水电金属专家 hydrometallurgist

材料工程科学家 materials engineering scientist

材料科学家 materials scientist

金相 metallographer

冶金学家 metallurgist

土壤学家 pedologist

物理冶金学家 physical metallurgist

烟花金属学家 pyrometallurgist

研究冶金学家 research metallurgist

研究的科学家 - 陶瓷 research scientist – ceramics

研究科学家 - 复合材料 research scientist – composite materials

土壤学家 soil scientist












4423 执法及其他监管人员,NEC By-law enforcement and other regulatory officers, n.e.c. NOC

4423 执法及其他监管人员,NEC By-law enforcement and other regulatory officers, n.e.c. NOC - LEVEL C


Officers and inspectors in this unit group enforce by-laws and regulations of provincial and municipal governments. They are employed by provincial and municipal governments and agencies.

4423 执法及其他监管人员头衔范例

动物管制人员 animal control officer

执法人员 by-law enforcement officer

商业运输督察 commercial transport inspector

垃圾收集巡视员 garbage collection inspector

酒牌督察 liquor licence inspector

停车管制人员 parking control officer

物业标准检查员 property standards inspector

出租车督察 taxi inspector

分区督察 zoning inspector

4423 执法及其他监管人员主要职责


Animal control officers respond to citizen complaints concerning stray domestic animals, livestock and wildlife; issue warnings and citations to owners; and impound lost, homeless and dangerous animals.


By-law enforcement officers enforce municipal and provincial regulations, investigate complaints, and issue warnings and citations to commercial and residential property owners and occupants.


Commercial transport inspectors inspect commercial vehicles to ensure compliance with regulations governing load restrictions, the transportation of hazardous materials and public safety.


Garbage collection inspectors investigate complaints concerning infractions of garbage collection by-laws.


Liquor licence inspectors conduct inspections of licensed establishments, advise licencees on laws and regulations, and report contravention of laws and regulations to provincial liquor control boards and agencies.


Parking control officers enforce parking by-laws on city streets, regional roads and municipal properties.


Taxi inspectors inspect taxicabs for mechanical reliability, cleanliness, licensing and meter accuracy; investigate public complaints, issue citations and prepare reports; and give evidence to city councils, taxi commissions and in court.


Zoning inspectors investigate properties in violation of zoning and related by-laws, after receiving requests for licence clearances pertaining to zoning and related by-laws, and on receipt of building permit applications.


By-law enforcement officers may specialize in the enforcement of one specific by-law.

4423 执法及其他监管人员任职要求


Completion of secondary school is required.


Completion of a college program or courses in law and security or other related field


Experience in a related administrative or regulatory occupation is usually required.


Zoning inspectors or zoning enforcement officers may require a college diploma as a civil engineering or architectural technologist or technician and several years of experience in enforcement and/or building construction or a related field.


On-the-job training is provided.

4423 执法及其他监管人员其他分类

就业保险,移民,边境服务和收入人员 Employment insurance, immigration, border services and revenue officers [1228](1228)

工程督察和监管人员 Engineering inspectors and regulatory officers [2262](2262)

公众和环境健康和职业健康安全督察 Inspectors in public and environmental health and occupational health and safety [2263](2263)

警员(除委托) Police officers (except commissioned) [4311](4311)

警长和法警 Sheriffs and bailiffs [4421](4421)

4423 执法及其他监管人员职称头衔

动物控制巡视员 animal control inspector

动物管制人员 animal control officer

动物控制主管 animal control supervisor

执法人员 by-law enforcement officer

通过执法人员的主管 by-law enforcement officers supervisor

商业运输督察 commercial transport inspector

商用车执法人员 commercial vehicle enforcement officer

开发控制人员 development control officer

狗捕手 dog catcher

狗监狱长 dog warden

垃圾收集巡视员 garbage collection inspector

公路规模经营 highway scale operator

人道协会巡视员 Humane Society inspector

人文社会人员 Humane Society officer

执法检查员 - inspector – by-law enforcement

检查员 - 市政执法 inspector – municipal law enforcement

牌照督察 licence inspector

白酒懂事会许可证审查员 liquor board licence inspector

酒牌督察 liquor licence inspector

彩票主管 - 政府服务 lottery supervisor – government services

市政执法人员 municipal law enforcement officer

市政执法人员主管 municipal law enforcement officers supervisor

人员,执法 officer, by-law enforcement

市政执法人员, officer, municipal law enforcement

停车管制人员 parking control officer

英镑人员 pound officer

物业标准检查 property standards inspector

物业使用检查 property use inspector

路权督察 right of way inspector

公路运输检查员 road transport inspector

服务站检查员 service station inspector

签署督察 sign inspector

细分控制人员 subdivision control officer

主管,动物控制 supervisor, animal control

主管,由执法人员 supervisor, by-law enforcement officers

主管,市政执法人员 supervisor, municipal law enforcement officers

出租车督察 taxi inspector

交通主管 - 执法 traffic supervisor – by-law enforcement

运输合规官 transport compliance officer

交通执法人员 transportation enforcement officer

称重站运营商 - 由执法 weigh station operator – by-law enforcement

分区执法人员 zoning enforcement officer

分区督察 zoning inspector












3144 治疗和评估的其他专业职业 Other professional occupations in therapy and assessment NOC

3144 治疗和评估的其他专业职业 Other professional occupations in therapy and assessment NOC - LEVEL A


This unit group includes specialized therapists not elsewhere classified who use techniques such as athletic, movement, art or recreational therapy to aid in the treatment of mental and physical disabilities or injuries. They are employed by establishments such as hospitals, rehabilitation centres, extended health care facilities, clinics, recreational centres, nursing homes, industry, educational institutions and sports organizations, or they may work in private practice.

3144 治疗和评估的其他专业职业头衔范例

艺术治疗师 art therapist

运动治疗师 athletic therapist

运动治疗师认证(CAT) certified athletic therapist (CAT)

认证运动学家 certified kinesiologist

戏剧治疗师 drama therapist

运动生理学家 exercise physiologist

人类运动学家 human kineticist

运动学家 kinesiologist

运动治疗师 movement therapist

音乐治疗师 music therapist

康乐治疗师 recreational therapist

注册舞蹈治疗师(DTR) registered dance therapist (DTR)

3144 治疗和评估的其他专业职业主要职责


Assess patients and review reports from physicians, physiotherapists, psychiatrists, counsellors, teachers and other professionals to determine patients current and potential functioning level


Prepare individualized and group treatment plans either independently or through a multidisciplinary team approach, based on health concerns and on recommendations from physicians or other health professionals


Design specialized therapy programs to maintain, rehabilitate or enhance movement, musculoskeletal functioning and performance in sports, work and recreation


Implement treatment plans by carrying out specialized therapy sessions employing approaches and techniques such as art, drama and music therapy or dance, recreational, sports or other movement therapy


Observe, record observations and analyze patients during treatment sessions, write progress reports on patient outcomes and consult with other health professionals to evaluate treatment plans


May provide education to clients regarding health promotion and injury prevention, management and treatment


May conduct research in respective field of specialization.

3144 治疗和评估的其他专业职业任职要求

* 运动学家通常需要运动学或人类动力学硕士学位。

Kinesiologists usually require a masters degree in kinesiology or human kinetics.


Certification for kinesiologists is available through the Canadian Kinesiology Alliance.


Sport therapists require a bachelors degree in sport therapy, or a degree in health sciences with a specialization in sports injury management.


Art therapists require a bachelors degree in psychology and a masters degree in art therapy.


Music therapists require a bachelors degree in psychology and a masters degree in music therapy.


Dance therapists require a bachelors degree in psychology, and usually require a masters degree in art, drama or movement therapy.


Recreational therapists usually require a bachelors degree in recreation with a specialization in therapeutic recreation.


Supervised practical training is usually required for occupations in this unit group.


Creative or technical ability in the field of specialization is usually required.


Certification or membership with the appropriate national professional association or provincial counterpart may be required.

3144 治疗和评估的其他专业职业附加信息


There is no mobility between the different occupations in this unit group.

3144 治疗和评估的其他专业职业其他分类

家庭,婚姻和其他相关的辅导员 Family, marriage and other related counsellors [4153](4153)

职业理疗师 Occupational therapists [3143](3143)

物理治疗师 Physiotherapists [3142](3142)

娱乐,体育健身的政策研究人员,顾问和项目官员 Recreation, sports and fitness policy researchers, consultants and program officers [4167](4167)

在治疗和评估的技术助理(其他技术职业治疗和评估) Technical assistants in therapy and assessment (in [3237](3237) Other technical occupations in therapy and assessment )

3144 治疗和评估的其他专业职业职称头衔

分析师,运动 - 医疗 analyst, movement – medical

艺术治疗师 art therapist

艺术治疗师主管 art therapists supervisor

艺术治疗顾问 art therapy consultant

艺术治疗师(教育除外) art therapy teacher (except education)

运动治疗师 athletic therapist

运动教练 - 治疗 athletic trainer – therapy

生物运动学家 biokineticist

认证运动治疗师 CAT (certified athletic therapist)

运动治疗师认证(CAT) certified athletic therapist (CAT)

认证运动学家 certified kinesiologist

顾问,艺术治疗 consultant, art therapy

舞蹈治疗师 dance therapist

舞蹈治疗师主管 dance therapists supervisor

舞蹈治疗研究员 dance therapy researcher

舞蹈运动治疗师 dance-movement therapist

舞蹈运动疗法研究员 dance-movement therapy researcher

戏剧治疗师 drama therapist

戏剧治疗师主管 drama therapists supervisor

DTR(注册舞蹈治疗师) DTR (registered dance therapist)

运动生理学家 exercise physiologist

运动治疗师 exercise therapist

人类运动学家 human kineticist

运动人类学家 kinanthropologist

运动社会学家 kinesiologist

运动分析师 - 医疗 movement analyst – medical

运动治疗师 movement therapist

音乐治疗师 music therapist

音乐治疗师主管 music therapists supervisor

音乐疗法研究员 music therapy researcher

康乐治疗师 recreational therapist

注册舞蹈治疗师(DTR) registered dance therapist (DTR)

注册运动社会学家 registered kinesiologist

补救体操运动员 remedial gymnast

辅导的体操教师(教育除外) remedial gymnastics teacher (except education)

补救体操运动员主管 remedial gymnasts supervisor

补救治疗师 remedial therapist

研究员,舞蹈治疗 researcher, dance therapy

研究员,舞蹈运动疗法 researcher, dance-movement therapy

研究员,音乐疗法 researcher, music therapy

自发的美术老师 - 治疗 spontaneous art teacher – therapy

主管,艺术治疗 supervisor, art therapists

主管,舞蹈治疗师 supervisor, dance therapists

主管,戏剧治疗师 supervisor, drama therapists

主管,音乐治疗师 supervisor, music therapists

主管,补救体操运动员 supervisor, remedial gymnasts

治疗行乐 therapeutic recreationist

治疗师,艺术 therapist, art

治疗师,舞蹈 therapist, dance

治疗师,舞蹈运动 therapist, dance-movement

治疗师,戏剧 therapist, drama

治疗师,运动 therapist, movement

治疗师,音乐 therapist, music












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