
澳大利亚技术移民经验 澳大利亚移民条件技术 澳大利亚技术移民条件



1. 澳大利亚技术移民签证费用

技术移民签证费用是申请者需要支付的主要费用之一。根据当前政策,常见的技术移民签证包括独立技术移民签证(subclass 189)、州担保技术移民签证(subclass 190)和雇主担保技术移民签证(subclass 186)等。不同签证类别的费用如下:

- 独立技术移民签证(subclass 189):申请费用为4,045澳元。

- 州担保技术移民签证(subclass 190):申请费用为2,975澳元。

- 雇主担保技术移民签证(subclass 186):主申请人申请费用为4,045澳元,每位附加申请人费用为2,025澳元。


2. 其他可能的费用


- 医疗检查费用:在申请技术移民签证时,申请人可能需要进行医疗检查。医疗检查的费用根据申请人所在的地区和具体的医疗机构而有所不同。

- 犯罪记录核查费用:申请人需要提供犯罪记录核查证明,该证明通常需要通过指定的机构进行申请。




The cost of Australian skilled migration varies depending on the specific visa category and application requirements. Here is some up-to-date information on the fees associated with Australian skilled migration.

1. Visa Application Charges (VAC) for skilled migration:

Visa application charges are the main fees that applicants are required to pay. Some common skilled migration visas include the Skilled Independent Visa (subclass 189), State Sponsored Visa (subclass 190), and Employer Nomination Scheme Visa (subclass 186). The fees for these visa categories are as follows:

- Skilled Independent Visa (subclass 189): The application fee is AUD 4,045.

- State Sponsored Visa (subclass 190): The application fee is AUD 2,975.

- Employer Nomination Scheme Visa (subclass 186): The application fee for the primary applicant is AUD 4,045, and AUD 2,025 for each additional applicant.

It is important to note that these fees are only the basic visa application charges. Additional fees, such as medical examination fees and character check fees, may also be required.

2. Other potential fees:

In addition to visa application charges, there may be other fees associated with Australian skilled migration. Some examples include:

- Medical examination fees: Applicants may need to undergo medical examinations as part of the visa application process. The fees for these examinations vary depending on the location and specific medical institution.

- Character check fees: Applicants need to provide police checks as proof of good character. The fees for obtaining these checks can vary depending on the issuing authority.

Furthermore, applicants may need to pay other expenses related to the migration process, such as skill assessment fees, English language examination fees, and educational qualification assessment fees. The exact amounts for these expenses differ based on individual circumstances and application requirements.

Overall, Australian skilled migration can involve significant costs. Before considering a skilled migration application, it is important for applicants to thoroughly understand the associated fees and carefully plan their finances accordingly. It is also advisable to regularly check the official website for the latest fee information to avoid any misunderstandings or omissions due to policy changes.


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