9619 加工,制造和公用事业其他劳动者 Other labourers in processing, manufacturing and utilities NOC

马其他移民条件 澳大利亚移民条件和费用 移民知识提问和回答


9619 加工,制造和公用事业其他劳动者 Other labourers in processing, manufacturing and utilities NOC - LEVEL D


This unit group includes labourers, not elsewhere classified, who perform material handling, clean-up, packaging and other elemental activities in processing, manufacturing and utilities. They are employed by companies that manufacture products such as clothing, footwear, furniture and electrical and electronic products and by printing and packaging companies.

9619 加工,制造和公用事业其他劳动者头衔范例

装订帮手 bindery helper

箱打包工 box packer

纸箱标记员 carton marker

椅子砂光工 chair sander

服装厂工人 clothing plant labourer

电器产品的劳动者 electrical products labourer

胶片剪辑者 - 膜处理 film cutter – film processing

家具打包工 furniture packer

服装折叠工 garment folder

劳动者,鞋业制造 labourer, shoe manufacturing

镜头阻滞工 lens blocker

包装工,机 packager, machine

种子包装工 seed packager

分拣工,可回收材料 sorter, recyclable materials

室内装潢帮手 upholsterer helper

9619 加工,制造和公用事业其他劳动者主要职责


Transport raw materials, finished products and equipment throughout plant manually or using powered equipment


Check and weigh materials and products


Sort, pack, crate and package materials and products


Assist machine operators, assemblers and other workers


Clean work areas and equipment


Perform other labouring and elemental activities.

9619 加工,制造和公用事业其他劳动者任职要求


Some secondary school education may be required.

9619 加工,制造和公用事业其他劳动者附加信息


There is some mobility among occupations in this unit group.


Progression to machine operating positions is possible with experience.

9619 加工,制造和公用事业其他劳动者其他分类

本单元组劳动者主管(主管,其他产品的制造和装配) Supervisors of labourers in this unit group (in [9227](9227) Supervisors, other products manufacturing and assembly )

主管,纺织,面料,皮革和毛皮制品的加工和制造 Supervisors, textile, fabric, fur and leather products processing and manufacturing [9217](9217)

9619 加工,制造和公用事业其他劳动者职称头衔

砂纸督察 abrasive sheets inspector

瓶酸化者 acid bottler

酸装瓶机看管者 acid-bottling machine tender

飞机零件包装员 aircraft parts packager

飞机零件包装员 aircraft parts wrapper

安瓿填料工 ampoule filler

安瓿检查员 - 医药品和洗浴用品制造业 ampoule inspector – pharmaceuticals and toiletries manufacturing

酸洗装置钢打捆工 antichecking steel bander

装配生产线普通劳动者 assembly line general labourer

回轧车工 - 家具制造业 back padder – furniture manufacturing

内胆工 - 包装材料 bag liner – packaging

装袋工,服装 - 服装制造 bagger, garments – garment manufacturing

套袋机填料者 bagging machine feeder

打包机管理员 baler tender

管理员打包工 - 包装材料 baler tender – packaging

打包工,布 - 纺织品 baler, cloth – textiles

balerworker balerworker

打包机管理员 - 印刷 baling press tender – printing

球称重者 - 玩具制造 ball weigher – toy manufacturing

捆钉工 - 木制品 band nailer – wood products

打捆工,包装箱 bander, crates

打捆工,纸制品 bander, paper goods

子弹带矫直机压模工 bandoleer straightener-stamper

桶charrer barrel charrer

桶内胆工,手 barrel liner, hand

桶破碎矫直工 - 木制品制造 barrel stave leveller – wood products manufacturing

桶矫直工 barrel straightener

棒球手套成型工 baseball glove shaper

电池酸倾倒工 battery acid dumper

电池板承运者 battery plate offbearer

皮带边缘染色工 belt edge stainer

带衬垫工 belt liner

皮带制作者,皮革 belt maker, leather

钳工 - 成衣制造 bench worker – garment manufacturing

斜角工 - 鞋业制造 beveller – shoe manufacturing

粘结剂帮手 - 印刷 binder helper – printing

装订帮手 bindery helper

装订工人 bindery labourer

印刷装订机填料者 - bindery machine feeder – printing

素瓷清洁工 - 粘土制品 bisque cleaner – clay products

黑板擦制造者 blackboard eraser maker

泡罩包装工 blister packer

雏形锻模工,镜头 blocker, lenses

蓝图剪辑工 - 包装 - 印刷 blueprint trimmer-wrapper – printing

晒图机帮手 - 印刷 blueprinter helper – printing

船装配帮手 boat assembly helper

大错,服装和针织品 boner, garments and hosiery

靴子和鞋子匹配工 boot and shoe matcher

靴子和鞋穿孔工 boot and shoe perforator

瓶分拣工 bottle sorter

底部车轮制造人 - 鞋业制造 bottom wheeler – shoe manufacturing

盒厂工人 box factory labourer

箱贴标工 box labeller

框标记工 - 制造 box marker – manufacturing

箱打包工 box packer

盒子封口工 box sealer

箱坯机给料工 box-blank machine feeder

扫帚清洁工和切割工 broom cleaner and cutter

扫帚修整者者 broom trimmer

扣制造商 buckle maker

缓冲区,鞋部件 buffer, shoe parts

捆绑包装工 bundle wrapper

捆扎工 - 制造 bundler – manufacturing

套管管理员 bushing tender

按钮分包员 button assorter

按钮标记员 button marker

按钮分拣机给料工 button-sorting machine feeder

电缆绝缘体帮手 cable insulator helper

蜡烛制造工 candle manufacturing labourer

蜡烛包装机管理员 candle-wrapping machine tender

碳 - 杆插入机的进纸工 carbon-rod-inserting machine feeder

纸箱填充者 carton filler

纸箱贴标工 carton labeller

纸箱标记员 carton marker

纸箱压模工 carton stamper

纸箱包装工 carton wrapper

案例填料工 case filler

壳衬里 case liner

案例标记员 case marker

装箱工 case packer

骨灰盒衬板工 casket liner

骨灰盒修剪工 casket trimmer

水泥涂抹工 - 鞋业制造 cement applicator – shoe manufacturing

水泥工,手 - 鞋业制造 cementer, hand – shoe manufacturing

水泥工,刀具零件 - 加工制造业 cementer, knife parts – processing and manufacturing

椅子砂光工 chair sander

椅子修整者工 chair trimmer

通道关闭者 - 鞋业制造 channel closer – shoe manufacturing

钳搬运工 - 木制品制造 clamp remover – wood products manufacturing

清洁工和装订工,室内装潢 cleaner and finisher, upholstery

清洁工,墨斗 - 印刷 cleaner, ink fountains – printing

清洁工,搪瓷制品 cleaner, porcelain enamel products

清洁工,加工设备 cleaner, processing equipment

清洁工,喷雾剂展位 cleaner, spray booths

剪辑加载机填料者 clip-loading machine feeder

布打包工 - 纺织品 cloth baler – textiles

布裁剪者,手 cloth cutter, hand

布放置者 - 成衣制造 cloth layer – garment manufacturing

服装厂工人 clothing plant labourer

整理机管理员 - 印刷 collator tender – printing

分页器插入印刷管理员 - collator-inserter tender – printing

输送垫圈管理员 conveyor washer tender

制桶工人 cooperage labourer

核心贴片工 core mounter

芯管提取工 core pipe extractor

棉花辊机管理员 cotton roll machine tender

包装工人,家具面板 - 家具组装 coverer, furniture panels – furniture assembly

包装工人,箱包 coverer, luggage

包装工人,防滑座椅 - 家具组装 coverer, slip seats – furniture assembly

箱子打捆工 crate bander

箱子内衬工 crate liner

箱子标记员 crate marker

箱子打包工 crate packer

火山口 - 制造 crater – manufacturing

火山口,家具 crater, furniture

蜡笔切割者 crayon cutter

蜡笔成型工 crayon moulder

起绉机操作帮手 creping machine operator helper

靠垫的水泥工 - 鞋制造 cushion cementer – shoe manufacturing

坐垫填充者 - 家具组装 cushion filler – furniture assembly

坐垫填充者 - 家具组装 cushion stuffer – furniture assembly

切出打标机管理员 - 鞋业制造 cut-out and marking machine tender – shoe manufacturing

剪辑者,薄膜 - 薄膜加工 cutter, films – film processing

切割者,填充 - 家具组装 cutter, padding – furniture assembly

切割者,瓷砖 cutter, tiles

去毛刺工 - 钟表制造 deburrer – clock and watch manufacturing

浸染工和烘干工,纸筒 dipper and dryer, paper cones

浸染工,鞋部件 dipper, shoe parts

浸渍劳动者 dipping labourer

门砂光工 door sander

帐幔劳动者 drapery making labourer

帐幔打褶人,手 drapery pleater, hand

拉绳插入工 - 成衣制造 drawstring inserter – garment manufacturing

礼服装订工 dress finisher

干电池搬运工 - 电气设备制造 dry cell remover – electrical equipment manufacturing

电动机测试仪帮手 electric motor tester helper

电动机测试帮手 electric motor testing helper

电气绝缘测试员 electrical insulator tester

电器产品的劳动者 electrical products labourer

工人 - 包装元素 elemental worker – packaging

徽熔断机操作者 - 成衣制造 emblem-fusing machine operator – garment manufacturing

绣花面料连接螺纹铣刀管理员 embroidered fabric connecting thread cutter tender

绣花框贴片工 embroidery frame mounter

绣花机管理者 embroidery machine charger

刻蚀机帮手 - 印刷 etcher helper – printing

眼镜框修整者 eyeglass frame trimmer

眼镜垫水泥工 eyeglass pad cementer

工厂帮手 factory helper

工厂工人 - 制造 factory labourer – manufacturing

工厂工人,服装 factory labourer, garments

羽毛洗衣工和烘干工 feather washer and dryer

填料工 - 印刷 feeder – printing

给料者,折叠机 - 印刷 feeder, folding machine – printing

给料者,平版胶印机 feeder, lithographic offset press

给料者,机 feeder, machine

给料者,铅笔烫金机 feeder, pencil-tipping machine

给料者,压面机 - 成衣制造 feeder, pressing machine – garment manufacturing

给料者,印刷机 feeder, printing press

给料者,丝印机 feeder, screen printing machine

给料者, tubulating机 - 玻璃制品制造业 feeder, tubulating machine – glass products manufacturing

给料者,真空瓶排风机 feeder, vacuum bottle exhaust machine

给料者,木制品机 feeder, wood products machine

给料者,木工机 feeder, woodworking machine

填料工,体育用品 filler, sporting goods

填料工,邮票 filler, stamps

铣刀片工 - 膜处理 film cutter – film processing

电影贴片工 - 膜处理 film mounter – film processing

电影输入者 - 膜处理 film numberer – film processing

最后组装人员,成衣制造 final assembler, garment manufacturing

整理工-砂光工 - 家具制造 finisher-sander – furniture manufacturing

整理工-修剪工 - 鞋类制造 finisher-trimmer – footwear manufacturing

植绒者 - 成衣制造 flocker – garment manufacturing

楼层服务员 - 装订 floor attendant – bindery

楼层服务员 - 印刷 floor attendant – printing

铺地砖边磨工 floor tile edge grinder

折布工,服装 - 服装制造 folder, garments – garment manufacturing

折布工,降落伞 folder, parachutes

折布工/男/女 - 印刷 folderman/woman – printing

折叠机填料者 - 印刷 folding machine feeder – printing

鞋类制造劳动者 footwear manufacturing labourer

成型工,鞋部件 former, shoe parts

转发工 - 打印 forwarder – printing

家具陨石坑 furniture crater

家具制造工 furniture manufacturing labourer

家具打包工 furniture packer

家具面板包装工人 - 家具组装 furniture panel coverer – furniture assembly

服装装袋工 - 成衣制造 garment bagger – garment manufacturing

服装厂工人 garment factory labourer

服装折叠工 garment folder

服装fringer - 成衣制造 garment fringer – garment manufacturing

成衣制造最后组装工 garment manufacturing final assembler

服装修理者 - 成衣制造 garment mender – garment manufacturing

服装开槽工 - 成衣制造 garment notcher – garment manufacturing

服装打包工 - 成衣制造 garment packer – garment manufacturing

服装零件分拣员 - 成衣制造 garment parts sorter – garment manufacturing

服装厂工人 garment plant labourer

服装开膛手 - 成衣制造 garment ripper – garment manufacturing

服装分拣员 - 成衣制造 garment sorter – garment manufacturing

挂烫员 - 成衣制造 garment steamer – garment manufacturing

服装防水工 - 成衣制造 garment waterproofer – garment manufacturing

采集机填料者 - 印刷 gathering machine feeder – printing

一般帮手 - 小电器组件 general helper – small electrical appliance assembly

普通劳动者 - 电气设备组装 general labourer – electrical equipment assembly

一般劳动者 - 光夹具装配 general labourer – light-fixture assembly

普通劳动者 - 制造业 general labourer – manufacturing

普通劳动者,组装线 general labourer, assembly line

玻璃纤维毡辊打包工 glassfiber mat roller-packer

拳击手套内胆工 glove liner

手套配对工 glove pairer

手套车工,手 glove turner, hand

高尔夫俱乐部称重员 golf club weigher

开槽工和车工 - 鞋业制造 groover and turner – shoe manufacturing

手工裁剪者,布 hand cutter, cloth

手工隔板工 - 印刷 hand inserter – printing

手工纸垫糊盒工 hand paper pad gluer

手工砂光工 - 家具制造 hand sander – furniture manufacturing

手个裁剪者 - 成衣制造 hand trimmer – garment manufacturing

手工裁剪者 - 鞋业制造 hand trimmer – shoe manufacturing

手袋成帧工 handbag framer

处理贴片工 handle mounter

固化员 - 光学仪器制造 hardener – optical instruments manufacturing

线束装配工,降落伞 harness rigger, parachutes

帽子和帽子零部件捆扎工 hat and cap parts bundler

帽子和帽子穿孔工 hat and cap perforator

帽子刷洗工 hat brusher

帽衬工 hat liner

帽子尺寸工 hat sizer

帽子分拣员 hat sorter

帽子吸汗带镶边者 hat sweatband flanger

帽子处理员 hat treater

热封压垫安装员 - 家具组装 heat-seal press pad assembler – furniture assembly

综线检查员 heddle examiner

鞋跟压缩机管理员 - 鞋业制造 heel compressor tender – shoe manufacturing

鞋跟减速机 - 鞋业制造 heel reducer – shoe manufacturing

鞋跟划痕工 - 鞋业制造 heel scorer – shoe manufacturing

鞋跟成型工 - 制鞋业 heel shaper – shoe manufacturing

帮手 - 印刷 helper – printing

帮手,电机测试 helper, electric motor testing

帮手,刻蚀机 - 印刷 helper, etcher – printing

帮手,工厂 helper, factory

帮手,便携式金刚石钻头和锯运营商 helper, portable diamond drill and saw operator

帮手,按 - 印刷 helper, press – printing

帮手,生产画家 helper, production painter

帮手,保护信号安装 - 制造 helper, protective signalling installer – manufacturing

帮手,室内装潢 helper, upholstery

帮手,木工车间 helper, woodworking shop

隐藏和皮毛加工工人 hide and pelt processing labourer

焚化炉管理员 incinerator plant tender

工业洗衣机管理员 industrial washing machine tender

墨斗清洁工 - 印刷 ink fountain cleaner – printing

插入者 - 印刷 inserter – printing

插入者,桶处理 inserter, pail handles

插入者,弹簧 - 家具制造业 inserter, springs – furniture manufacturing

鞋垫填料工 - 鞋类制造 insole filler – footwear manufacturing

安装助手,保护信号 - 制造 installer helper, protective signalling – manufacturing

绝缘测试员 insulator tester

珠宝酸洗工和浸泡工 jewellery pickler and dipper

撞纸工 - 印刷 jogger – printing

标签贴标着 label brander

标签热钉工 label heat tacker

劳动者 - 包装 labourer – packaging

劳动者 - 包装材料公司 labourer – packaging company

劳动者 - 印刷 labourer – printing

劳动者 - 鞋业制造 labourer – shoe manufacturing

劳动者 - 制革 labourer – tannery

劳动者,装订 labourer, bindery

劳动者,船装配 labourer, boat assembly

劳动者,箱厂 labourer, box factory

劳动者,蜡烛制造 labourer, candle manufacturing

劳动者,制桶 labourer, cooperage

劳动者,浸渍 labourer, dipping

劳动者,电器制造 labourer, electrical appliance manufacturing

劳动者,电器产品制造 labourer, electrical products manufacturing

劳动者,制造工厂 - labourer, factory – manufacturing

劳动者,鞋类制造 labourer, footwear manufacturing

劳动者,家具制造业 labourer, furniture manufacturing

劳动者,皮货店 labourer, furrier shop

工人,服装厂 labourer, garment factory

工人,服装厂 labourer, garment plant

劳动者,大众-电气设备安装 labourer, general – electrical equipment assembly

劳动者,一般 - 制造 labourer, general – manufacturing

劳动者,隐藏和毛皮加工 labourer, hide and pelt processing

劳动者,皮革加工 labourer, leather processing

劳动者,包装 labourer, packaging

劳动者,包装公司 labourer, packaging company

劳动者,填充 labourer, padding

劳动者,造船厂 labourer, shipyard

劳动者,鞋业制造 labourer, shoe manufacturing

胶带接合工 - 鞋类制造 lacer – footwear manufacturing

胶带接合工 - 体育用品制造 lacer – sporting goods manufacturing

最后熨烫者 - 鞋业制造 last ironer – shoe manufacturing

布层工 - 成衣制造 layer-up – garment manufacturing

布层工人 - 成衣制造 lay-up worker – garment manufacturing

皮带制造商 leather belt maker

皮革涂布工 leather coater

皮革手套的工人 leather glove worker

皮革加工工人 leather processing labourer

镜片毛坯标记员 lens blank marker

透镜块清洁工 lens block cleaner

镜头雏形锻模工 lens blocker

镜头固化员 lens hardener

水平小瓶安装员 level vial setter

衬垫工,包装箱 liner, crates

衬垫工,手套 liner, gloves

衬插入者,溜冰鞋 lining inserter, skates

链接裁剪者 - 成衣制造 link cutter – garment manufacturing

平版胶印冲床送料工 lithographic offset press feeder

平版印刷机进纸工,钣金 lithographic press feeder, sheet metal

箱包手把制造商 luggage handle maker

机填料者 machine feeder

机包装工 machine packager

标记员,纸箱 marker, cartons

标记员,板条箱 marker, crates

标记员,口袋 - 成衣制造 marker, pockets – garment manufacturing

标记员,产品 marker, products

标记员,鞋部件 marker, shoe parts

面具工 masker

机械测试员,绝缘子 mechanical tester, insulators

修理者,服装 - 服装制造 mender, garment – garment manufacturing

搅拌机管理员,刷材料 mixer tender, brush materials

贴片工,实心轮胎 - 玩具制造 mounter, solid tires – toy manufacturing

钉裁剪者 - 鞋业制造 nail cutter – shoe manufacturing

承运者-印刷 offbearer – printing

石油取料工 oil reclaimer

光学元件的清洁工 optical element cleaner

观赏石安装员 - 珠宝制造 ornamental stone setter – jewellery manufacturing

包装工 - 制造 packager – manufacturing

包装工,机 packager, machine

包装工,种子 packager, seeds

包装公司工人 packaging company labourer

包装生产线工人 packaging line worker

打包工 - 制造 packer – manufacturing

打包工,包装盒 packer, boxes

打包工,盒子 packer, cases

打包工,家具 packer, furniture

打包工,服装 - 服装制造 packer, garments – garment manufacturing

填充裁剪者 - 家具组装 padding cutter – furniture assembly

填充劳动者 padding labourer

桶柄插入工 pail handle inserter

油漆滚筒缠绕工 paint roller winder

漆脱模工 paint stripper

画家帮手,生产 painter helper, production

画家帮手,造船厂 painter helper, shipyard

纸盆浸染工和烘干工 paper cone dipper and dryer

进纸工,按 - 印刷 paper feeder, press – printing

纸张计数工 - 印刷 paper sheet counter – printing

降落伞折布工 parachute folder

降落伞的编制者 parachute preparer

贴纸,丝网印刷 paster, screen printing

铅笔空白印刷工 pencil blank presser

铅笔烫金机送料工 pencil-tipping machine feeder

酸化工和浸染工,珠宝 pickler and dipper, jewellery

编译者 - 印刷 piler – printing

管道等级工 pipe grader

塑料打印机帮手 plastic printer helper

塑料包装机管理员 plastic-packing machine tender

塑料面具商 plastics masker

口袋标记员 - 成衣制造 pocket marker – garment manufacturing

口袋式折页机馈线装载工 - 印刷 pocket-folding machine feeder-loader – printing

抛光工,鞋材制造 polisher, shoe manufacturing

瓷制品清洁工 porcelain products cleaner

编制者,降落伞 preparer, parachutes

新闻助理,卷轴替代品 press assistant, reel replacer

新闻帮手 - 印刷 press helper – printing

印刷机进纸器 - 印刷 press paper feeder – printing

印刷工,铅笔空白 presser, pencil blanks

印刷机填料者 - 成衣制造 pressing machine feeder – garment manufacturing

印刷车间的楼层服务员 - 印刷 pressroom floor attendant – printing

打印机帮手,壁纸 printer helper, wallpapers

印刷冲床送料工 printing press feeder

加工设备清洁工 processing equipment cleaner

产品标记员 product marker

生产画家帮手 production painter helper

生产称重员 production weigher

腻子涂料工 - 家具及固定装置的制造 putty applicator – furniture and fixtures manufacturing

冰箱陨石坑 refrigerator crater

relaster - 鞋业制造 relaster – shoe manufacturing

岩石分离者 rock splitter

辊台打包工,玻璃纤维垫 roller-packer, glassfiber mats

样品店员 - 面料产品 sample clerk – fabric products

样品室工人 sample room worker

砂光工,门 sander, doors

砂光工,手 - 家具制造业 sander, hand – furniture manufacturing

丝印机给料者 screen printing machine feeder

丝网印刷贴纸工 screen printing paster

种子包装工 seed packager

安装员,水平小瓶; setter, level vials

柄的水泥工 - 鞋制造 shank cementer – shoe manufacturing

外壳模具焊工 shell mould bonder

船厂工人 shipyard labourer

船厂画家帮手 shipyard painter helper

制鞋业工人 shoe manufacturing labourer

鞋配件浸染工 shoe parts dipper

鞋部件成型工 shoe parts former

鞋部件标记员 shoe parts marker

鞋造车帮手,工厂 shoe repairer helper, factory

镀银机填料者 silvering machine feeder

防滑座椅包装工人 - 家具组装 slip seat coverer – furniture assembly

平滑机管理员 - 鞋业制造 smoothing machine tender – shoe manufacturing

袜子包边工 sock boarder

鞋底边缘染色工-整理者 - 鞋业制造 sole edge stainer-finisher – shoe manufacturing

鞋底弯曲机管理员 sole-flexing machine tender

分拣员,服装 - 服装制造 sorter, garments – garment manufacturing

分拣员,可回收材料 sorter, recyclable materials

分拣员,鞋材配件现货 sorter, shoe parts stock

分拣员,内饰件 sorter, upholstery parts

秒杀安装员,高尔夫球鞋 spike installer, golf shoes

分切机管理员 - 鞋业制造 splitting machine tender – shoe manufacturing

体育用品填料工 sporting goods filler

喷雾展位清洁工 spray booth cleaner

喷雾画家帮手 spray painter helper

喷雾者,脚趾和高跟鞋 - 鞋制造 sprayer, toes and heels – shoe manufacturing

推广者,机 - 成衣制造 spreader, machine – garment manufacturing

弹簧插入者 - 家具制造业 spring inserter – furniture manufacturing

施普林格 - 家具组装 springer – furniture assembly

堆垛工 - 打印 stacker – printing

染色工-整理工,鞋底边缘 - 鞋业制造 stainer-finisher, sole edges – shoe manufacturing

邮票填料工 stamp filler

印模和贴标工 stamper and labeller

蒸柜的服务员 - 成衣制造 steam cabinet attendant – garment manufacturing

缝分离者和模拟者 - 鞋业制造 stitch separator and simulator – shoe manufacturing

存储工人 - 冰处理 storage worker – ice processing

脱模工,油漆 stripper, paints

管理员,打包机 - 包装 tender, baler – packaging

管理员,棉花辊机 tender, cotton roll machine

管理员,焚化炉 tender, incinerator plant

管理员,平滑机 - 制鞋业 tender, smoothing machine – shoe manufacturing

管理员,捆扎机 tender, tying machine

温控器毛细管封口工 thermostat capillary sealer

螺纹LASTER - 鞋业制造 thread laster – shoe manufacturing

切线工 - 成衣制造 thread trimmer – garment manufacturing

领带制造商 tie maker

瓷砖切割者 tile cutter

脚趾和脚跟喷雾工 - 鞋业制造 toe and heel sprayer – shoe manufacturing

触摸式吸尘器 - 家具整理和修补 touch-up cleaner – furniture finishing and refinishing

修整者,扫帚 trimmer, brooms

修整者,椅子 trimmer, chairs

修整者,螺纹 - 成衣制造 trimmer, thread – garment manufacturing

修整者,座垫 trimmer, upholstery

管状机填料者 - 玻璃制品制造业 tubulating machine feeder – glass products manufacturing

车工 - 成衣制造 turner – garment manufacturing

捆扎机管理员 tying machine tender

室内装潢帮手 upholsterer helper

内饰清洁工和装订工 upholstery cleaner and finisher

内饰修整者 upholstery trimmer

真空瓶排风机给料工 vacuum bottle exhaust machine feeder

壁纸打印机帮手 wallpaper printer helper

防水材料工人,服装 - 服装制造 waterproofer, garments – garment manufacturing

打蜡者,炸药制造 waxer, explosives manufacturing

揉泥工 ,机 wedger, machine

过秤员,生产 weigher, production

过秤员-计数员 weigher-counter

过秤员-制造 weigher-manufacturing

贴边黄油和塔克 - 鞋业制造 welt butter and tacker – shoe manufacturing

络筒机,油漆辊 winder, paint rollers

线材折弯机,手 wire bender, hand

线边境安装员 - 家具组装 wire border assembler – furniture assembly

木制品整理工 - 家具制造业 wood products finisher – furniture manufacturing

木制品机填料者 wood products machine feeder

木箱打捆工 wooden box bander

木制衣架整形填料工 wooden coat hanger shaper feeder

木工机填料者 woodworking machine feeder

木工车间帮手 woodworking shop helper

羊毛拉工 - 皮和毛皮加工 wool puller – hide and pelt processing

包装工 - 制造 wrapper – manufacturing

包装工,捆绑 wrapper, bundles

去除褶皱工 - 鞋业制造 wrinkle remover – shoe manufacturing

拉链维修工 zipper repairer Labourers in fish and seafood NOC - LEVEL D














0912 公用事业经理 Utilities managers NOC

0912 公用事业经理 Utilities managers NOC - LEVEL 0


This unit group includes managers who plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the operations of utility companies or services of heating fuel distribution companies. The services provided include treatment of water and waste, distribution of water, electricity, natural gas and heating oil to residential, commercial and industrial consumers, waste disposal and waste recycling. Utilities managers are employed in public and private sector utilities and in heating fuel distribution companies.

0912 公用事业经理头衔范例

废物管理主任 director of waste management

水污染控制总监 director of water pollution control

董事,分销系统 - 实用工具 director, distribution systems – utilities

董事,电力传输业务 director, electrical power transmission operations

董事,供水 director, water supply

销售经理,精炼石油产品 distribution manager, refined petroleum products

电厂经理 electric power plant manager

液体废物设施经理 liquid waste facility manager

经理,发电机厂 manager, electric generating plant

经理,供气业务 manager, gas supply operations

经理,污水处理厂 manager, sewage treatment plant

水过滤厂经理 water filtration plant manager

0912 公用事业经理主要职责


Water supply managers manage water filtration, purification processes and pumping operations, schedule and oversee the maintenance of plant equipment and prepare reports on water supply and water quality.


Electrical power distribution managers manage the operations of electrical power distribution systems including generating stations, transmission stations and distribution networks. They may also plan and direct the distribution activities of a municipal electrical power establishment.


Natural gas supply managers manage the delivery of gas to consumers, monitor supply inventories and control the recording of injections and withdrawals.


Petroleum product distribution managers plan and direct the distribution of heating oil products to retail distributors and regional storage sites.


Water pollution control managers manage the operations of a sewage treatment plant, schedule and direct maintenance of plant equipment, and prepare reports on water quality.


Waste systems managers manage solid or liquid waste collection and disposal systems, train drivers in how to handle waste and ensure safe operation of disposal facilities.

0912 公用事业经理任职要求


A bachelors degree or college diploma in an appropriate discipline is required. For example, electrical engineering is required for managers of transmission lines, and water resource technology for water supply managers.


Several years of experience as a supervisor in a related utilities operations department are required.


Professional engineer certification is usually required for managers of utility operations involved in the transmission and distribution of electrical power, and natural gas and heating oil.

0912 公用事业经理附加信息


Progression to senior management positions in the utility industry is possible with experience.

0912 公用事业经理其他分类

设备操作员和维修经理 Facility operation and maintenance managers [0714](0714)

高级管理人员 - 建筑,交通运输,生产和公用事业 Senior managers - construction, transportation, production and utilities [0016](0016)

0912 公用事业经理职称头衔

堆肥设施经理 compost facility manager

压缩机站经理 compressor station manager

废物管理主任 director of waste management

水污染控制总监 director of water pollution control

董事,分销网络 - 实用工具 director, distribution network – utilities

董事,分销系统 - 实用工具 director, distribution systems – utilities

董事,电力传输业务 director, electrical power transmission operations

董事,水力发电生产厂 director, hydro-electric power production plant

主任,水力发电站 director, hydro-electric power station

董事,污水处理系统 director, sewage treatment system

董事,传输业务 - 公用事业 director, transmission operations – utilities

董事,废水处理系统 director, waste water treatment system

水利部门主任 director, water department

董事,供水 director, water supply

分销经理,气体 distribution manager, gas

销售经理,精炼石油产品 distribution manager, refined petroleum products

分销网络​​总监 - 实用工具 distribution network director – utilities

分销业务经理 - 实用工具 distribution operations manager – utilities

配电系统主任 - 实用工具 distribution systems director – utilities

区域经理,灌溉 district manager, irrigation

部门经理 - 石油分布 division manager – petroleum distribution

电动发电机工厂经理 electric generating plant manager

电发电站经理 electric generating station manager

电厂经理 electric power plant manager

电力服务经理 electric power services manager

电力传输运营总监 electrical power transmission operations director

燃气分销经理 gas distribution manager

供气经理 gas supply manager

燃气供应业务经理 gas supply operations manager

水力发电生产厂长 hydro-electric power production plant director

水力发电派出所所长 hydro-electric power station director

灌溉区经理 irrigation district manager

垃圾填埋场经理 landfill manager

液体废物设施经理 liquid waste facility manager

经理,压缩机站 manager, compressor station

经理,配送,精炼石油产品 manager, distribution, refined petroleum products

经理,发电机厂 manager, electric generating plant

经理,电发电站 manager, electric generating station

管理者,电厂 manager, electric power plant

经理,电力服务 manager, electric power services

经理,供气业务 manager, gas supply operations

经理,液体废物处理设施 manager, liquid waste facility

经理,公用事业 manager, public utilities

经理,卫生下水道服务 manager, sanitary sewer service

经理,污水处理; manager, sewage disposal

经理,污水处理厂; manager, sewage plant

经理,污水处理厂 manager, sewage treatment plant

管理器,传输线 manager, transmission lines

经理,水厂 manager, waterworks

核废料经理 nuclear waste manager

业务经理,管道 operations manager, pipelines

石油产品经销经理 petroleum distribution manager

管道运营经理 pipelines operations manager

工厂经理,污水处理 plant manager, sewage treatment

公用事业经理 public utilities manager

精炼石油产品分销经理 refined petroleum products distribution manager

下水道服务经理 sanitary sewer service manager

污水处理经理 sewage disposal manager

污水处理厂经理 sewage plant manager

污水处理厂经理 sewage treatment plant manager

污水处理系统主任 sewage treatment system director

固体废物加工区经理 solid waste processing district manager

固体废物处理经理 solid waste processing manager

固体废物处理业务,企划部经理 solid waste processing operations planning manager

传输线经理 transmission lines manager

传输运营总监 - 实用工具 transmission operations director – utilities

废物管理中心主任 waste management director

废水处理系统董事 waste water treatment system director

水主管部门 water department director

配水经理 water distribution manager

水过滤厂经理 water filtration plant manager

水体污染控制主任 water pollution control director

水务主任 waterworks director

水务经理 waterworks manager

水务总监 waterworks superintendent












9616 纺织加工劳动者 Labourers in textile processing NOC

9616 纺织加工劳动者 Labourers in textile processing NOC - LEVEL D


Labourers in textile processing perform a variety of manual duties to assist in processing fibres into yarn or thread, or to assist in weaving, knitting, bleaching, dyeing or finishing textile fabrics or other textile products. They are employed by textile manufacturing companies.

9616 纺织加工劳动者头衔范例

落纱工 doffer

染整机装载工 dyeing and finishing machine loader

帮手 - 纺织品 helper – textiles

纺织机清洗工 textile machine cleaner

废机填料工 waste machine feeder

纱线处理工 yarn handler

9616 纺织加工劳动者主要职责


Load and off-load machines


Clean textile machines and work areas


Push carts, trucks, or cans of fibres from one work area to another


Assist machine operators and other textile workers as required.

9616 纺织加工劳动者任职要求


Some secondary school education may be required.

9616 纺织加工劳动者附加信息


Progression to machine operator positions is possible with experience.

9616 纺织加工劳动者其他分类

机器操作员及有关人员,在纺织,面料,皮革和毛皮产品加工和制造 Machine operators and related workers in textile, fabric, fur and leather products processing and manufacturing [944](944)

主管,其他产品的制造和装配 Supervisors, other products manufacturing and assembly [9227](9227)

主管,纺织,面料,皮革和毛皮制品的加工和制造 Supervisors, textile, fabric, fur and leather products processing and manufacturing [9217](9217)

9616 纺织加工劳动者职称头衔

捆检查员 - 纺织品加工 bale checker – textile processing

电池装载工 - 纺织加工 battery loader – textile processing

梁整经机帮手 - 纺织加工 beam warper helper – textile processing

漂白剂帮手 - 纺织加工 bleacher helper – textile processing

换梭工 - 纺织加工 bobbin changer – textile processing

梭清洁工 - 纺织加工 bobbin cleaner – textile processing

集梭工 - 纺织加工 bobbin collector – textile processing

梭处理者 bobbin processor

梭刮刀工 - 纺织品加工 bobbin scraper – textile processing

梭分拣工 - 纺织加工 bobbin sorter – textile processing

压延帮手 - 纺织加工 calender helper – textile processing

落纱工 - 纺织加工 can doffer – textile processing

梳棉机清洁工 - 纺织加工 carding machine cleaner – textile processing

链接员- 纺织加工 chainer – textile processing

清洁工,包装机械,印刷机械,纺织机械,轻工机械 cleaner, textile machines

布搬运工 cloth carrier

布折叠工,手工 cloth folder, hand

布运载者 cloth offbearer

布车工 cloth turner

布络筒工 cloth winder

creeler - 纺织加工 creeler – textile processing

落纱工 doffer

烘干机帮手 - 纺织加工 drying machine helper – textile processing

干燥机管理员 - 纺织品加工 drying machine tender – textile processing

染整机装载工 dyeing and finishing machine loader

代尔帮手 - 纺织加工 dyer helper – textile processing

给料工,包装机械,印刷机械,纺织机械,轻工机械 feeder, textile machines

感觉货物劳动者 felt goods labourer

感觉压力机管理员 felt press machine tender

灌装载工 - 纺织加工 filling carrier – textile processing

地板帮手 - 纺织加工 floor helper – textile processing

手绞束工 - 纺织加工 hand skeiner – textile processing

线束清洁工 - 纺织加工 harness cleaner – textile processing

帮手 - 纺织品 helper – textiles

织袜折叠工 hosiery folder

织袜托盘烘干者 hosiery tray dryer

针织面料车工 knitted fabric turner

织毛衣帮手 knitter helper

织毛衣助手,机 knitter helper, machine

劳动者 - 纺织加工 labourer – textile processing

劳动者,毛毡产品 labourer, felt goods

劳动者,毛纺厂 labourer, woollen mill

织机清洁工 loom cleaner

织机落纱工 - 纺织加工 loom doffer – textile processing

机织毛衣帮手 machine knitter helper

offbearer ,纺织机 offbearer, textile machines

挑选移除者 - 纺织品加工 pick remover – textile processing

挑拉机管理员 pick-pulling machine tender

片搬运工 - 纺织加工 piece hauler – textile processing

抹布分拣工和切割工 - 纺织品加工 rag sorter and cutter – textile processing

筘清洗工 - 纺织加工 reed cleaner – textile processing

滚载运工 - 纺织加工 roll carrier – textile processing

辊搬运工 - 纺织加工 roll hauler – textile processing

辊车工 - 纺织加工 roll turner – textile processing

辊清洁工 - 纺织加工 roller cleaner – textile processing

辊垫机填料工 - 纺织加工 roll-mat machine feeder – textile processing

样品蒸气工 sample steamer

清棉机管理员 scutcher tender

班车填料工 - 纺织加工 shuttle filler – textile processing

浆纱操作帮手 - 纺织加工 slasher operator helper – textile processing

阀芯载运工 - 纺织加工 spool carrier – textile processing

阀芯搬运工 - 纺织加工 spool hauler – textile processing

细纱连接员 spun yarn linker

细纱店主 spun yarn storekeeper

细纱称重员 spun yarn weigher

纺织机清洗工 textile machine cleaner

纺织机填料工 textile machine feeder

纺织机承运者 textile machine offbearer

纺织产品的劳动者 textile product labourer

旅客交换工 traveller changer

管道折叠工 - 纺织加工 tubing folder – textile processing

双绞线端发现者 - 纺织加工 twisted end finder – textile processing

经线投影仪帮手 - 纺织加工 warp beamer helper – textile processing

废机填料工 waste machine feeder

废机填料工 - 纺织品加工 waste machine feeder – textile processing

络筒机清洁 - 纺织加工 winder cleaner – textile processing

绕线架清洁工 - 纺织加工 winding frame cleaner – textile processing

纱线处理者 yarn handler

纱线打捞工 yarn salvager













9615 橡胶和塑料制品制造业劳动者 Labourers in rubber and plastic products manufacturing NOC

9615 橡胶和塑料制品制造业劳动者 Labourers in rubber and plastic products manufacturing NOC - LEVEL D


Labourers in this unit group assist machine operators, transport materials and perform similar tasks. They are employed by rubber and plastic products manufacturing companies.

9615 橡胶和塑料制品制造业劳动者头衔范例

皮带建设者帮手 belt builder helper

劳动者 - 塑料制品制造 labourer – plastic products manufacturing

劳动者 - 橡胶制品制造 labourer – rubber products manufacturing

机器运载者 - 橡胶制品制造业 machine offbearer – rubber products manufacturing

模具清洁工 - 橡胶制品制造业 mould cleaner – rubber products manufacturing

模压制品剥离工 - 橡胶和塑料制品制造业 moulded products stripper – rubber and plastic products manufacturing

换辊工 - 橡胶制造 roll changer – rubber manufacturing

吊具操作员帮手 - 塑料制品制造 spreader operator helper – plastic products manufacturing

9615 橡胶和塑料制品制造业劳动者主要职责


Assist machine operators or assemblers in performing their duties


Assist in setting up and dismantling machinery and equipment


Clean and lubricate machinery and equipment


Transport materials and tools to and from work areas using hand trucks or other conveyance


Prepare raw materials for mixing process


Monitor machines to watch for jammed materials or defective products.

9615 橡胶和塑料制品制造业劳动者任职要求


Some secondary school education is usually required.

9615 橡胶和塑料制品制造业劳动者附加信息


Progression to machine operator or assembler positions in rubber and plastic products manufacturing is possible with experience.

9615 橡胶和塑料制品制造业劳动者其他分类

塑料产品的装配员,整理工和检查员 Plastic products assemblers, finishers and inspectors [9535](9535)

塑料加工机械操作员 Plastics processing machine operators [9422](9422)

橡胶加工机器操作员及有关人员 Rubber processing machine operators and related workers [9423](9423)

主管,塑料和橡胶制品制造业 Supervisors, plastic and rubber products manufacturing [9214](9214)

9615 橡胶和塑料制品制造业劳动者职称头衔

气囊提取者 - 橡胶制品制造 airbag extractor – rubber products manufacturing

飞机内胎平衡者 aircraft tire tube balancer

打包机管理员 - 橡胶和塑料制品制造业 baling machine tender – rubber and plastic products manufacturing

打包机管理员 - 橡胶和塑料制品制造业 baling press tender – rubber and plastic products manufacturing

气球托辊工 - 橡胶制品制造业 balloon collar roller – rubber products manufacturing

气球的形式剥离工和清洁工 - 橡胶制品制造业 balloon form stripper and cleaner – rubber products manufacturing

气球浸取者和治疗者 - 橡胶制品制造业 balloon leacher and curer – rubber products manufacturing

珠选择者 - 橡胶制品制造 bead picker – rubber products manufacturing

皮带建设者帮手 belt builder helper

皮带制造商帮手 - 橡胶制品制造业 belt builder helper – rubber products manufacturing

偏置切割机操作员帮手 - 橡胶制品制造业 bias cutting machine operator helper – rubber products manufacturing

登记人 - 橡胶制品制造 booker – rubber products manufacturing

建设者帮手,皮带 - 橡胶制品制造 builder helper, belts – rubber products manufacturing

压延机给料工 - 橡胶和塑料制品制造业 calender feeder – rubber and plastic products manufacturing

水泥工,手 - 橡胶和塑料制品制造业 cementer, hand – rubber and plastic products manufacturing

水泥工,修补轮胎 - 橡胶制品制造业 cementer, tire repair – rubber products manufacturing

清洁工,模具 - 橡胶制品制造业 cleaner, moulds – rubber products manufacturing

清洁工,轮胎 - 橡胶制品制造业 cleaner, tires – rubber products manufacturing

涂布机给料工 - 塑料制品制造 coating machine feeder – plastic products manufacturing

涂布机给料工 - 橡胶制品制造业 coating machine feeder – rubber products manufacturing

挤出机帮手 - 橡胶和塑料制品制造业 extruding machine helper – rubber and plastic products manufacturing

给料工,打开机 - 橡胶制品制造业 feeder, opening machine – rubber products manufacturing

给料工,橡胶切割机 feeder, rubber-cutting machine

鞋类成型冲床送料工 - 橡胶制品制造业 footwear moulding press feeder – rubber products manufacturing

鞋类分拣工 - 橡胶制品制造业 footwear sorter – rubber products manufacturing

公式称重员 - 橡胶和塑料制品制造业 formula weigher – rubber and plastic products manufacturing

手的水泥工 - 橡胶和塑料制品制造业 hand cementer – rubber and plastic products manufacturing

帮手,带建设者 - 橡胶制品制造业 helper, belt builder – rubber products manufacturing

帮手,偏置机器操作员 - 橡胶制品制造业 helper, bias machine operator – rubber products manufacturing

帮手,挤出机 - 橡胶和塑料制品制造业 helper, extruding machine – rubber and plastic products manufacturing

帮手,塑料制品制造机器操作员 helper, plastic products manufacturing machine operator

帮手,橡胶制品制造业 helper, rubber products manufacturing

帮手,橡胶制品制造机器操作员 helper, rubber products manufacturing machine operator

软管检查员 - 橡胶制品制造业 hose checker – rubber products manufacturing

胶管切割工,手 - 橡胶制品制造业 hose cutter, hand – rubber products manufacturing

内管检查员 - 橡胶制品制造业 inner tube checker – rubber products manufacturing

内管插入者 - 橡胶制品制造业 inner tube inserter – rubber products manufacturing

内胎维修工 - 橡胶制品制造业 inner tube repairer – rubber products manufacturing

插入者,内胎 - 橡胶制品制造 inserter, inner tubes – rubber products manufacturing

插入者,内胎 - 橡胶制品制造业 inserter, tire tubes – rubber products manufacturing

巡视员,高尔夫球 - 橡胶制品制造业 inspector, golf balls – rubber products manufacturing

绝缘打包工 - 橡胶制品制造 insulation packer – rubber products manufacturing

劳动者 - 塑料制品制造 labourer – plastic products manufacturing

劳动者 - 橡胶制品制造 labourer – rubber products manufacturing

劳动者,塑料制品制造 labourer, plastic products manufacturing

乳胶丝假脱工 - 橡胶制品制造业 latex thread spooler – rubber products manufacturing

机给料工,切胶 machine feeder, rubber cutting

机器承运者 - 橡胶制品制造业 machine offbearer – rubber products manufacturing

机器操作员的帮手,塑料制品制造 machine operator helper, plastic products manufacturing

机器操作员助手,橡胶制品制造业 machine operator helper, rubber products manufacturing

研磨橡胶冷却者 milled rubber cooler

模具清洁工 - 橡胶和塑料制品制造业 mould cleaner – rubber and plastic products manufacturing

模具清洁工 - 橡胶制品制造业 mould cleaner – rubber products manufacturing

模具填料工 - 橡胶和塑料制品制造业 mould filler – rubber and plastic products manufacturing

模具的编制者 - 橡胶和塑料制品制造业 mould preparer – rubber and plastic products manufacturing

模具的安装员 - 橡胶和塑料制品的制造 mould setter – rubber and plastic products manufacturing

模具打蜡工 - 橡胶和塑料制品制造业 mould waxer – rubber and plastic products manufacturing

模压制品剥离工 - 橡胶和塑料制品制造业 moulded products stripper – rubber and plastic products manufacturing

模压橡胶制品微调者 moulded rubber products trimmer

成型机承运者 - 橡胶制品制造业 moulding machine offbearer – rubber products manufacturing

成型冲床送料工,鞋类 - 橡胶制品制造业 moulding press feeder, footwear – rubber products manufacturing

承运者,机器 - 橡胶制品制造业; offbearer, machine – rubber products manufacturing

承运者 ,成型机 - 橡胶制品制造业 offbearer, moulding machine – rubber products manufacturing

打开机填料工 - 橡胶制品制造业 opening machine feeder – rubber products manufacturing

打包工,绝缘材料 - 橡胶制品制造业 packer, insulation – rubber products manufacturing

选择者,梁压 - 橡胶制品制造业 picker, beam press – rubber products manufacturing

塑料制品制造工 plastic products manufacturing labourer

极的男人/女人 - 橡胶制品制造业 pole-up man/woman – rubber products manufacturing

印刷车间的工人,轮胎和内胎 - 橡胶制品制造 pressroom worker, tires and inner tubes – rubber products manufacturing

生产日工人 - 轮胎行业 production day labourer – tire industry

维修工,内胎 - 橡胶制品制造 repairer, inner tubes – rubber products manufacturing

维修工,内胎 - 橡胶制品制造业 repairer, tire tubes – rubber products manufacturing

换辊工 - 橡胶制造 roll changer – rubber manufacturing

橡胶和帆布鞋浸染工 rubber and canvas footwear dipper

橡胶复合称重员 rubber compound weigher

橡胶混炼工 rubber compounder

橡胶制品缝纫工 rubber goods seamer

橡胶软管检查员 rubber hose checker

橡胶制造辊换工 rubber manufacturing roll changer

橡胶制品制造业劳动者 rubber products manufacturing labourer

橡胶制品缝纫工 rubber products seamer

橡胶切割机填料工 rubber-cutting machine feeder

屏幕清洁工 - 橡胶制品制造业 screen cleaner – rubber products manufacturing

筛分机给料工 - 橡胶制品制造业 screening machine feeder – rubber products manufacturing

筛分机给料工 - 橡胶制品制造业 sifting machine feeder – rubber products manufacturing

平板机管理员 - 橡胶制品制造业 slab-off machine tender – rubber products manufacturing

平板机工人/男/女 - 橡胶制品制造业 slab-off man/woman – rubber products manufacturing

分拣机 - 橡胶制品制造业 sorter – rubber products manufacturing

分拣工,鞋类 - 橡胶制品制造业 sorter, footwear – rubber products manufacturing

后台处理者,乳胶线 - 橡胶制品制造业 spooler, latex threads – rubber products manufacturing

吊具操作帮手 - 塑料制品制造 spreader operator helper – plastic products manufacturing

库存管理员/男/女 - 橡胶制品制造业 stock lay-up man/woman – rubber products manufacturing

库存编制者 - 橡胶制品制造业 stock preparer – rubber products manufacturing

剥离工,模塑制品 - 橡胶和塑料制品制造业 stripper, moulded products – rubber and plastic products manufacturing

管理员,打捆机 - 橡胶和塑料制品制造业 tender, baling machine – rubber and plastic products manufacturing

管理员,打包机 - 橡胶和塑料制品制造业 tender, baling press – rubber and plastic products manufacturing

轮胎平衡检查员 - 橡胶制品制造业 tire balance checker – rubber products manufacturing

轮胎带包装工 - 橡胶制品制造业 tire band wrapper – rubber products manufacturing

胎圈选择者 - 橡胶制品制造 tire bead picker – rubber products manufacturing

轮胎清洁工 - 橡胶制品制造业 tire cleaner – rubber products manufacturing

轮胎清洁和画家 - 橡胶制品制造业 tire cleaner and painter – rubber products manufacturing

轮胎测量员 - 橡胶制品制造业 tire measurer – rubber products manufacturing

内胎检查员 - 橡胶制品制造 tire tube checker – rubber products manufacturing

内胎插入者 - 橡胶制品制造 tire tube inserter – rubber products manufacturing

轮胎的维修工管 - 橡胶制品制造 tire tube repairer – rubber products manufacturing

硫化工人 - 橡胶制品制造业 vulcanization worker – rubber products manufacturing

称重员 - 塑料和橡胶制造 weigher – plastic and rubber manufacturing













9611 矿产和金属加工劳动者 Labourers in mineral and metal processing NOC

9611 矿产和金属加工劳动者 Labourers in mineral and metal processing NOC - LEVEL D


Labourers in this unit group perform material handling, clean-up, packaging and other elemental activities related to mineral ore and metal processing. They are employed in mineral ore and metal processing plants such as copper, lead and zinc refineries, uranium processing plants, steel mills, aluminum plants, precious metal refineries, cement processing plants, clay, glass and stone processing plants and foundries.

9611 矿产和金属加工劳动者头衔范例

石棉工人 - 选矿 asbestos worker – mineral processing

砖瓦窑清洁工 brick and tile kiln cleaner

核心店劳动者 - 铸造 core shop labourer – foundry

挤出帮手 - 初级金属加工 extrusion helper – primary metal processing

炉装载工 - 初级金属和矿产品加工 furnace loader – primary metal and mineral products processing

玻璃包装工 glass packer

帮手,玻璃钢炉主管 helper, fibreglass oven charger

石灰窑操作帮手 - 矿产品加工 lime kiln operator helper – mineral products processing

金属倒酒帮手 metal pourer helper

轧机工人 - 初级金属加工 rolling mill worker – primary metal processing

盐筛选劳动者 salt screening labourer

尾矿处理劳动者 - 初级金属加工 tailings disposal labourer – primary metal processing

9611 矿产和金属加工劳动者主要职责


Transport raw materials, finished products, scrap and recyclable materials throughout plant manually or using forklift or other powered equipment


Feed conveyors, crushers and other equipment; open valves and start pumps; skim dross from furnaces; sort, stack, bundle and stamp materials; and perform other activities to assist process and machine operators in mineral ore and metal processing


Clean work areas and equipment


May assist with minor repairs and maintenance.

9611 矿产和金属加工劳动者任职要求


Completion of secondary school may be required for some positions in this group.

9611 矿产和金属加工劳动者附加信息


Progression to machine and process operator positions is possible with experience.

9611 矿产和金属加工劳动者其他分类

劳动者在金属加工 Labourers in metal fabrication [9612](9612)

机器操作员及有关人员在矿产和金属制品加工,制造 Machine operators and related workers in mineral and metal products processing and manufacturing [941](941)

主管,矿产和金属加工 Supervisors, mineral and metal processing [9211](9211)

9611 矿产和金属加工劳动者职称头衔

磨料取料工 - 矿产品加工 abrasive reclaimer – mineral products processing

酸调节工作者 - 初级金属加工 acid conditioning worker – primary metal processing

合金混合者 - 初级金属加工 alloy mixer – primary metal processing

合金处理员 - 初级金属加工 alloy processor – primary metal processing

氧化铝澄清帮手 alumina clarifier helper

氧化铝恢复帮手 alumina recovery helper

铝板分离工 aluminum sheet separator

退火帮手 - 初级金属加工 annealer helper – primary metal processing

石棉模具剥皮工 asbestos mould stripper

石棉铸造工 asbestos moulder

石棉瓦地板手 asbestos shingle floor hand

石棉工人 asbestos worker

石棉工人 - 选矿 asbestos worker – mineral processing

石棉板砂光机 asbestosboard sander

石棉板采煤机 asbestosboard shearer

雾化运营商 - 初级金属和矿产品加工 atomizer operator – primary metal and mineral products processing

服务员,过滤 - 初级金属和矿产品加工 attendant, filtering – primary metal and mineral products processing

自动废料垫圈运营商 automatic scrap washer operator

袋式除尘器的服务员 - 选矿 baghouse attendant – mineral processing

阳台劳动者 - 玻璃制造 balcony labourer – glass manufacturing

阳台工人 - 玻璃制造 balcony worker – glass manufacturing

打包工,废铁 - 初级金属加工 baler, scrap metal – primary metal processing

球磨机帮手 - 矿产品加工 ball mill helper – mineral products processing

球磨机劳动者 - 矿产品加工 ball mill labourer – mineral products processing

球磨机工人 - 矿产品加工 ball mill worker – mineral products processing

钢坯帮手 - 初级金属加工 billet helper – primary metal processing

方坯轧机帮手 - 初级金属加工 billet mill helper – primary metal processing

钢坯推 billet pusher

钢坯轧机帮手 - 初级金属加工 billet rolling mill helper – primary metal processing

浓汤砂矿工 - 矿物制品制造业 bisque placer – mineral products manufacturing

高炉帮手 blast furnace helper

砖瓦分批混合工 brick and tile batch mixer

砖瓦窑清洁工 brick and tile kiln cleaner

马车运营商 - 初级金属加工 buggy operator – primary metal processing

二流棒球队队员 - 初级金属加工 busher – primary metal processing

镉浸出帮手 cadmium leach helper

光卤石通量制造商 carnallite flux maker

墨盒通量制造商 cartridge flux maker

铸造帮手 casting helper

铸造房子劳动者 casting house labourer

铸造机助手 casting machine helper

铸造轮操作帮手 casting wheel operator helper

铸件清洁工 - 初级金属和矿产品加工 castings cleaner – primary metal and mineral products processing

铸件微调者 castings trimmer

阴极装载工 cathode loader

粉笔挤出工 chalk extruder

粉笔铸造工 - 矿产品加工 chalk moulder – mineral products processing

称重主管 - 初级金属加工 charge weigher – primary metal processing

主管帮手 - 初级金属加工 charger helper – primary metal processing

主管,冲天炉 - 初级金属和矿物加工 charger, cupola – primary metal and mineral processing

主管,炉 - 初级金属加工 charger, furnace – primary metal processing

熔覆汇编 - 初级金属加工 cladding assembler – primary metal processing

分类帮手 - 初级金属和矿产品加工 classifier helper – primary metal and mineral products processing

粘土按工人 clay press worker

粘土制品终结者 clay products finisher

清洁工,砖瓦窑 cleaner, brick and tile kilns

清洁工,铸件 - 初级金属和矿产品加工 cleaner, castings – primary metal and mineral products processing

清洁工,浸泡坑底 - 初级金属加工 cleaner, soaking pit bottom – primary metal processing

线圈打捆工 - 初级金属加工 coil bander – primary metal processing

焦炭装载工 - 初级金属加工 coke loader – primary metal processing

焦炉加热帮手 coke oven heater helper

冷磨工 - 初级金属加工 cold mill feeder – primary metal processing

冷轧捕手 - 初级金属加工 cold roll catcher – primary metal processing

冷轧机给料工 - 初级金属加工 cold rolling mill feeder – primary metal processing

输送劳动者 - 初级金属和矿产品加工 conveyor labourer – primary metal and mineral products processing

输送机操作员 - 初级金属和矿产品加工 conveyor operator – primary metal and mineral products processing

铜集尘工人 copper dust-collector worker

劳动者 - 铸造核心机房 core room labourer – foundry

核心店劳动者 - 铸造 core shop labourer – foundry

科特雷尔除尘器帮手 - 初级金属加工 Cottrell precipitator helper – primary metal processing

破碎作业帮手 - 矿产品加工 crushing operations helper – mineral products processing

冲天主管 - 初级金属和矿物加工 cupola charger – primary metal and mineral processing

冲天炉帮手 cupola furnace helper

冲天攻丝 cupola tapper

depiler帮手 - 初级金属加工 depiler helper – primary metal processing

抽屉帮手 - 初级金属加工 drawer helper – primary metal processing

渣滓分离器 - 初级金属和矿产品加工 dross skimmer – primary metal and mineral products processing

机工人 - 初级金属加工 dryer worker – primary metal processing

除尘工 - 初级金属加工 dust remover – primary metal processing

集尘劳动者 - 初级金属加工 dust-collector labourer – primary metal processing

电解磨浆帮手 - 初级金属和矿产品加工 electrolytic refiner helper – primary metal and mineral products processing

挤出机的帮手 - 初级金属加工 extruder helper – primary metal processing

挤出机看管者 - 矿产品加工 extruder tender – mineral products processing

挤出帮手 - 初级金属加工 extrusion helper – primary metal processing

给料工,冷轧机 - 初级金属加工 feeder, cold mill – primary metal processing

给料工,冷轧机 - 初级金属加工 feeder, cold rolling mill – primary metal processing

给料工,炉 - 初级金属和矿产品加工 feeder, furnace – primary metal and mineral products processing

补炉工 - 粘土制品制造 fettler – clay products manufacturing

玻璃纤维烤箱帮手 fibreglass oven helper

滤波器叶清洁工 - 初级金属和矿产品加工 filter leaves cleaner – primary metal and mineral products processing

过滤服务员 - 初级金属和矿产品加工 filtering attendant – primary metal and mineral products processing

整理者,粘土制品 finisher, clay products

浮选机的帮手 - 初级金属和矿产品加工 flotation cell helper – primary metal and mineral products processing

烟道灰劳动者 - 初级金属和矿产品加工 flue dust labourer – primary metal and mineral products processing

萤石通量制造商 - 初级金属加工 fluorspar flux maker – primary metal processing

箔辊帮手 - 初级金属加工 foil roller helper – primary metal processing

箔分隔符 - 初级金属加工 foil separator – primary metal processing

铸造帮手 - 初级金属加工 foundry helper – primary metal processing

铸造工人 foundry labourer

铸造工人 - 初级金属加工 foundry worker – primary metal processing

炉主管 - 初级金属加工 furnace charger – primary metal processing

炉吸尘工 - 初级金属和矿产品加工 furnace cleaner – primary metal and mineral products processing

炉给料工 - 初级金属和矿产品加工 furnace feeder – primary metal and mineral products processing

炉帮手 furnace helper

炉装载工 - 初级金属和矿产品加工 furnace loader – primary metal and mineral products processing

炉分离工 - 初级金属和矿产品加工 furnace skimmer – primary metal and mineral products processing

炉攻丝工 - 初级金属加工 furnace tapper – primary metal processing

玻璃包装工 glass packer

玻璃成型机操作帮手 glass-forming machine operator helper

碎石筛选工 gravel screener

加热器帮手 - 初级金属加工 heater helper – primary metal processing

帮手 - 初级金属和矿产品加工 helper – primary metal and mineral products processing

帮手,氧化铝澄清 helper, alumina clarifier

帮手,氧化铝回收率 helper, alumina recovery

帮手,退火 - 初级金属加工 helper, annealer – primary metal processing

帮手,球磨机 - 矿产品加工 helper, ball mill – mineral products processing

帮手,钢坯轧机 - 初级金属加工 helper, billet mill – primary metal processing

帮手,钢坯轧机 - 初级金属加工 helper, billet rolling mill – primary metal processing

帮手,钢坯 - 初级金属加工 helper, billets – primary metal processing

帮手,高炉 helper, blast furnace

帮手,铸造 helper, casting

帮手,压铸机 helper, casting machine

帮手,铸造轮操作 helper, casting wheel operator

帮手,主管 - 初级金属加工 helper, charger – primary metal processing

帮手,分类 - 初级金属和金属制品加工 helper, classifier – primary metal and metal products processing

帮手,焦炉加热 helper, coke oven heater

帮手,科特雷尔除尘器 - 初级金属加工 helper, Cottrell precipitator – primary metal processing

帮手,细碎作业 - 矿产品加工 helper, crushing operations – mineral products processing

帮手,冲天炉 helper, cupola furnace

帮手,抽屉 - 初级金属加工 helper, drawer – primary metal processing

帮手,挤出机 - 初级金属加工 helper, extruder – primary metal processing

帮手,挤出 - 初级金属加工 helper, extrusion – primary metal processing

帮手,玻璃钢炉主管 helper, fibreglass oven charger

帮手,浮选机 - 初级金属和矿产品加工 helper, flotation cell – primary metal and mineral products processing

帮手,铸造 - 初级金属加工 helper, foundry – primary metal processing

帮手,玻璃成型机操作员 helper, glass-forming machine operator

帮手,跳汰机操作员 - 矿产品加工 helper, jigger operator – mineral products processing

帮手,窑操作员 - 矿物制品制造业 helper, kiln operator – mineral products manufacturing

帮手,石灰窑 - 矿产品加工 helper, lime kiln – mineral products processing

帮手,石灰窑运营商 - 矿产品加工 helper, lime kiln operator – mineral products processing

帮手,熔炉 - 初级金属和矿产品加工 helper, melter – primary metal and mineral products processing

帮手,金属倒酒 - 初级金属加工 helper, metal pourer – primary metal processing

金属帮手,取料机 - 初级金属加工 helper, metal reclaimer – primary metal processing

帮手,金属打捞 - 初级金属加工 helper, metal salvager – primary metal processing

帮手,熔融金属混合者 - 初级金属加工 helper, molten metal mixer – primary metal processing

帮手,除尘器 - 初级金属加工 helper, precipitator – primary metal processing

帮手,生产 - 初级金属和矿产品加工 helper, production – primary metal and mineral products processing

帮手,试剂 - 初级金属加工 helper, reagent – primary metal processing

帮手,磨浆机 helper, refiner

帮手,炼油厂 - 初级金属和矿产品加工 helper, refinery – primary metal and mineral products processing

帮手,轧机 - 初级金属加工 helper, rolling mill – primary metal processing

帮手,煤泥回收厂 - 初级金属加工 helper, slime recovery plant – primary metal processing

帮手,冶炼厂 helper, smelter

帮手,担架矫直机 - 初级金属加工 helper, stretcher-leveller – primary metal processing

帮手,电解车间 - 初级金属加工 helper, tankhouse – primary metal processing

帮手,焊接杆挤出机操作员 - 初级金属加工 helper, welding-rod-extruder operator – primary metal processing

帮手,电线抽屉 helper, wire drawer

帮手,拉丝 helper, wire drawing

热的床炉工 /男/女 - 初级金属加工 hot bed leverman/woman – primary metal processing

水合物规模取料工 - 初级金属加工 hydrate scale reclaimer – primary metal processing

工业炉吸尘工 - 初级金属和矿产品加工 industrial furnace cleaner – primary metal and mineral products processing

锭cladder ingot cladder

绝缘打包工 - 矿物制品制造业 insulation packer – mineral products manufacturing

卷染机操作帮手 - 矿产品加工 jigger operator helper – mineral products processing

窑吸尘工 - 初级金属和矿产品加工 kiln cleaner – primary metal and mineral products processing

窑门建设者 - 矿产品加工 kiln door builder – mineral products processing

窑劳动者 kiln labourer

窑工 - 初级金属和矿产品加工 kiln labourer – primary metal and mineral products processing

窑操作员帮手 - 矿物制品制造业 kiln operator helper – mineral products manufacturing

劳动者 - 冶金 labourer – metallurgy

劳动者 - 矿产和金属加工 labourer – mineral and metal processing

劳动者 - 初级金属和矿产品加工 labourer – primary metal and mineral products processing

劳动者,球磨机 - 矿产品加工 labourer, ball mill – mineral products processing

劳动者,核心机房 - 代工 labourer, core room – foundry

劳动者,核心店 - 代工 labourer, core shop – foundry

劳动者,烟气除尘 - 初级金属和矿产品加工 labourer, flue dust – primary metal and mineral products processing

劳动者,铸造 labourer, foundry

劳动者,窑 - 初级金属和矿产品加工 labourer, kiln – primary metal and mineral products processing

劳动者,磨 - 矿产品加工 labourer, mill – mineral products processing

劳动者,选矿 labourer, ore processing

劳动者,初级金属加工 labourer, primary metal processing

劳动者,炼油厂 labourer, refinery

劳动者,轧机 - 初级金属加工 labourer, rolling mill – primary metal processing

劳动者,盐筛查 labourer, salt screening

劳动者,冶炼厂 labourer, smelter

劳动者,钢铁厂 labourer, steel plant

劳动者,尾矿处理 - 初级金属加工 labourer, tailings disposal – primary metal processing

导致燃烧器帮手,电解锌 lead burner helper, zinc electrolysis

导致取料机 - 初级金属加工 lead reclaimer – primary metal processing

leverman /女人,表depiler - 初级金属加工 leverman/woman, depiler table – primary metal processing

石灰窑帮手 - 矿产品加工 lime kiln helper – mineral products processing

石灰窑操作帮手 - 矿产品加工 lime kiln operator helper – mineral products processing

石灰熟化工 lime slaker

装载工,焦炭 - 初级金属加工 loader, coke – primary metal processing

装载工,炉 - 初级金属和矿产品加工 loader, furnace – primary metal and mineral products processing

装载工,废金属 loader, scrap metal

机帮手 - 初级金属和矿产品加工 machine helper – primary metal and mineral products processing

标记员 - 初级金属加工 marker – primary metal processing

熔炼车间帮手 melt shop helper

熔炼车间工人 melt shop labourer

熔炉帮手 - 初级金属和矿产品加工 melter helper – primary metal and mineral products processing

金属浸渍工 - 初级金属加工 metal impregnator – primary metal processing

金属倒酒助手 metal pourer helper

金属倒酒帮手 - 初级金属加工 metal pourer helper – primary metal processing

金属粉末润滑整理工 metal powder lubricator finisher

金属管的标记员 - 初级金属加工 metal tube marker – primary metal processing

磨帮手 - 初级金属和矿产品加工 mill helper – primary metal and mineral products processing

磨劳动者 - 矿产品加工 mill labourer – mineral products processing

混合者帮手 - 初级金属和矿产品加工 mixer helper – primary metal and mineral products processing

熔融金属混合者帮手 - 初级金属加工 molten metal mixer helper – primary metal processing

模具剥离工 - 混凝土制品制造 mould stripper – concrete products manufacturing

模具剥离工,石棉 mould stripper, asbestos

铸造工帮手 - 初级金属加工 moulder helper – primary metal processing

成型工,石棉 moulder, asbestos

操作员帮手,铸造轮 operator helper, casting wheel

操作员的帮手,焊条挤出机 - 初级金属加工 operator helper, welding rod extruder – primary metal processing

运营商,越野车 - 初级金属加工 operator, buggy – primary metal processing

矿石破碎帮手 ore crushing helper

选矿劳动者 ore processing labourer

打包工,玻璃 packer, glass

管道维修工人,选矿 pipe maintenance worker, ore processing

石膏板切割者 - 矿产品加工 plasterboard cutter – mineral products processing

石膏板机填料工 - 矿物制品制造业 plasterboard machine feeder – mineral products manufacturing

宣传员 - 初级金属加工 plugger – primary metal processing

瓷上釉工人 - 矿物制品制造业 porcelain glazer – mineral products manufacturing

电解混合者帮手 - 初级金属加工 potlining mixer helper – primary metal processing

倒酒的帮手,金属 - 初级金属加工 pourer helper, metal – primary metal processing

金属粉末搅拌机 - 初级金属加工 powdered metal mixer – primary metal processing

金属粉末打捞工 - 初级金属加工 powdered metal salvager – primary metal processing

除尘器帮手 - 初级金属加工 precipitator helper – primary metal processing

初级金属加工工人 primary metal processing labourer

生产帮手 - 初级金属和矿产品加工 production helper – primary metal and mineral products processing

试剂看管者助手 - 初级金属加工 reagent tender helper – primary metal processing

磨浆机助手 refiner helper

炼油厂帮手 - 初级金属和矿产品加工 refinery helper – primary metal and mineral products processing

炼油厂工人 refinery labourer

棒抽屉帮手 - 初级金属加工 rod drawer helper – primary metal processing

杆牵引和卷取工 - 初级金属加工 rod puller and coiler – primary metal processing

轧机捕手 - 初级金属加工 rolling mill catcher – primary metal processing

轧机帮手 - 初级金属加工 rolling mill helper – primary metal processing

轧机劳动者 - 初级金属加工 rolling mill labourer – primary metal processing

轧机工人 rolling mill worker

轧机工人 - 初级金属加工 rolling mill worker – primary metal processing

匣钵砂矿 - 粘土制品制造 saggar placer – clay products manufacturing

盐筛选劳动者 salt screening labourer

打捞,金属粉末 - 初级金属加工 salvager, powdered metal – primary metal processing

洁牙机 - 初级金属加工 scaler – primary metal processing

倒票帮手 - 初级金属加工 scalping helper – primary metal processing

报废机器帮手 - 初级金属加工 scrap machine helper – primary metal processing

废金属打包工 - 初级金属加工 scrap metal baler – primary metal processing

废金属装载机 scrap metal loader

废金属处理器 - 初级金属加工 scrap metal processor – primary metal processing

废金属分拣工和打包工 - 初级金属加工 scrap metal sorter and baler – primary metal processing

废钢破碎帮手 scrap shredder helper

废料场工人 - 初级金属加工 scrap yard worker – primary metal processing

筛分设备帮手 - 初级金属和矿产品加工 screening equipment helper – primary metal and mineral products processing

洗涤看管者 - 矿产品加工 scrubber tender – mineral products processing

硒恢复帮手 - 初级金属加工 selenium recovery helper – primary metal processing

纸辊助手 - 初级金属加工 sheet roller helper – primary metal processing

射门包装工 - 炸药制造 shot bagger – explosives manufacturing

烧结机装载工 - 初级金属加工 sintering machine loader – primary metal processing

笊篱 - 初级金属和矿产品加工 skimmer – primary metal and mineral products processing

煤泥回收厂帮手 - 初级金属加工 slime recovery plant helper – primary metal processing

滑封口工 - 矿产品加工 slip sealer – mineral products processing

污泥工人 - 初级金属加工 sludge worker – primary metal processing

冶炼厂帮手 smelter helper

冶炼厂工人 smelter labourer

浸泡坑底吸尘者 - 初级金属加工 soaking pit bottom cleaner – primary metal processing

分拣工和打包工,废铁 - 初级金属加工 sorter and baler, scrap metal – primary metal processing

压模工 - 初级金属加工 stamper – primary metal processing

竖管服务员,焦炉 standpipe attendant, coke oven

钢铁厂工人 steel plant labourer

石床安装员 - 矿产品加工 stone bed setter – mineral products processing

石方填料工 - 矿物制品加工 stonework filler – mineral products processing

脱模工人,模具 - 混凝土制品制造 stripper, moulds – concrete products manufacturing

尾矿处理劳动者 - 初级金属加工 tailings disposal labourer – primary metal processing

尾矿劳动者 tailings labourer

电解车间帮手 - 初级金属加工 tankhouse helper – primary metal processing

轻敲者 - 玻璃制造 tapper – glass manufacturing

轻敲者 - 初级金属加工 tapper – primary metal processing

轻敲者,冲天 tapper, cupola

轻敲者,炉 - 初级金属加工 tapper, furnace – primary metal processing

轻敲者,玻璃 - 矿物加工 tapper, glass – mineral products processing

焦油猎手,焦炉 tar chaser, coke oven

看管者,挤出机 - 矿产品加工 tender, extruder – mineral products processing

微调者,铸件 trimmer, castings

管抽屉帮手 - 初级金属加工 tube drawer helper – primary metal processing

筒辊助手 - 初级金属加工 tube roller helper – primary metal processing

实用劳动者 - 初级金属和矿产品加工 utility labourer – primary metal and mineral products processing

实用机器工人 - 初级金属和矿产品加工 utility machine worker – primary metal and mineral products processing

洁具清洗工 - 粘土制品制造业 ware cleaner – clay products manufacturing

焊接棒挤出机操作员帮手 - 初级金属加工 welding-rod-extruder operator helper – primary metal processing

电线抽屉帮手 wire drawer helper

拉丝帮手 wire drawing helper

锌阴极拉手 zinc cathode puller

锌除浮渣工人 zinc drosser

锌粉制造商 zinc dust maker

电解锌铅燃烧帮手 zinc electrolysis lead burner helper













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