5244 工匠和手工工业者 Artisans and craftspersons NOC

澳大利亚移民条件和费用 移民知识提问和回答 移民美国条件和好处


5244 工匠和手工工业者 Artisans and craftspersons NOC - LEVEL B


This unit group includes those who use manual and artistic skills to design and make ornamental objects, pottery, stained glass, jewellery, rugs, blankets, other handicrafts and artistic floral arrangements. Makers of musical instruments are also included in this unit group. Most craftspersons are self-employed. Artistic floral arrangers are usually employed in florist shops and floral departments of retail establishments, or may be self-employed. Craft instructors are also included in this unit group and are employed by artisan guilds, colleges, private studios and recreational organizations.

5244 工匠和手工工业者头衔范例

艺术插花编织者 artistic floral arranger

雕刻师 carver

工艺导师(教育除外) craft instructor (except education)

工匠 craftsperson

玻璃吹制工 glass blower

花边编织工 - 工艺美术品 lace weaver – arts and crafts

皮革工人 leather worker

金属艺术工作者 metal arts worker

陶工 potter

丝网印刷工匠 screen printing artisan

银匠 silversmith

彩色玻璃艺术家 stained glass artist

弦乐器制造商 stringed instrument maker

图腾柱雕刻师 totem pole carver

编织工 - 艺术和手工工艺 weaver – arts and crafts

5244 工匠和手工工业者主要职责


Carvers use hand tools and woodworking machines to produce carvings from wood, stone and other materials and to carve ornamental designs into wooden furniture and other objects.


Glass blowers design and create glass objects using blowpipes and artisans hand tools and equipment.


Metal arts workers design metal jewellery, utensils, implements, wall hangings and other objects and create them from gold, silver, copper, pewter and other metals.


Potters design ornamental and ceramic functional earthenware pieces and create them using clay, moulds, potters wheels and other equipment, glazing materials and kilns.


Stained glass artists design stained glass windows, lampshades and other objects and cut, paint, fire and assemble pieces of stained glass to create such products.


Instrument makers construct instruments applying their knowledge of wood, ebonite, metal properties and other materials and instrument design using hand and power tools.


Weavers use hands or loom to interlace strips of flexible material such as wool, cotton, silk, grasses, bark and rawhide to make baskets, wreaths, wall hangings, clothing, rugs, blankets and other objects.


Craft instructors prepare craftmaking lessons, gather the required working materials and demonstrate and teach craftmaking techniques.


Artistic floral arrangers design bouquets, corsages, sprays, wreaths and other floral arrangements and select natural and artificial flowers, foliage and decorative accessories to create arrangements or other floral items to suit customers requirements.

5244 工匠和手工工业者任职要求


Skills are often learned through apprenticeship with a master craftsperson.


Training programs are offered by artisan guilds, colleges and private studios.


Creative ability and talent, as demonstrated by a portfolio of work, and knowledge of safe handling of material, tools and equipment are required.


A college diploma in fine craft techniques may be required.

5244 工匠和手工工业者其他分类

家具师 Cabinetmakers [7272](7272)

面料制造职业(织,针织等织物的职业) Fabric-making occupations in manufacturing (in [9442](9442) Weavers, knitters and other fabric making occupations )

珠宝商,珠宝及钟表维修及相关行业 Jewellers, jewellery and watch repairers and related occupations [6344](6344)

画家,雕塑家和其他视觉艺术家 Painters, sculptors and other visual artists [5136](5136)

5244 工匠和手工工业者职称头衔

原住民艺术雕刻师 Aboriginal art carver

原住民工艺导师 Aboriginal craftwork instructor

人造花制作人,手工 artificial flower maker, hand

人造花压制工 artificial flower presser

工匠 artisan

艺术花束设计师 artistic bouquet designer

艺术插花编曲 artistic floral arranger

艺术花香设计师 artistic floral bouquet designer

艺术插花设计师 artistic floral designer

艺术和手工工艺老师(教育除外) arts and crafts teacher (except education)

书包制作人 - 工艺美术品 bag maker – arts and crafts

巴拉莱卡制造商 balalaika maker

购物篮编织者 basket weaver

蜡染工匠 batik artisan

串珠饰细工,手工 beadworker, hand

波纹管制造商 bellows maker

装订工人,手工 bookbinder, hand

蜡烛制造商,手工 candle maker, hand

藤椅编制工,定制家具 caner, custom furniture

独木舟建设者 - 工艺美术品 canoe builder – arts and crafts

独木舟修理工 - 工艺美术品 canoe repairer – arts and crafts

雕刻师 carver

雕刻师,原住民艺术 carver, Native art

雕刻,图腾柱 carver, totem poles

纸盒制造商,手工 case maker, hand

大提琴制造商 cello maker

陶瓷艺术家 ceramic artist

陶瓷陶工 ceramic potter

陶瓷教师(教育除外) ceramics teacher (except education)

陶艺 ceramist

铜版雕刻 - 工匠 copperplate engraver – artisan

工艺导师(教育除外) craft instructor (except education)

工艺编织者 craft weaver

工匠/男/女 craftsman/woman

工匠 craftsperson

钩编工,手工 crocheter, hand

定制家具藤椅编制工 custom furniture caner

装饰雕刻 decorative engraver

娃娃制造商,手工 dollmaker, hand

鼓工匠制造商 - drum maker – artisan

绣花工,手工 embroiderer, hand

上釉的工匠 - 艺术和手工工艺 enameller – arts and crafts

上釉的工匠,手工 enameller, hand

上釉的工匠 - 艺术和手工工艺 enamellist – arts and crafts

雕刻师,手工 engraver, hand

雕刻师,金属 engraver, metal

雕刻师,缩放仪 - 艺术和手工工艺 engraver, pantograph – arts and crafts

织物工匠 fabric artisan

织物艺术家 fabric artist

插花设计师 floral arrangements designer

花艺设计师 floral designer

玻璃钢风机 glass blower

玻璃雕刻机 glass engraver

玻璃新奇壶制造商 glass novelty maker

玻璃画家 glass painter

玻璃工匠,手工 glassworker, hand

金匠 goldsmith

吉他制造者 guitar maker

手工串珠饰细工 hand beadworker

手工装订工 hand bookbinder

手工工蜡烛制造商 hand candle maker

手工工雕刻,石头 hand carver, stones

手工工雕刻,木器 hand carver, woodenware

手工纸盒制造商 hand case maker

手工钩编工 hand crocheter

手工娃娃制造商 hand dollmaker

手工绣花工 hand embroiderer

手工上釉的工匠 hand enameller

手工工雕刻 hand engraver

手工工玻璃工匠 hand glassworker

手工织毛衣 hand knitter

手工工皮革工人 hand leather worker

手工铜匠 hand metalworker

手工缝衣工 hand needleworker

手工造纸工 hand papermaker

手工绗缝工 hand quilter

手工工地毯制造商 hand rug maker

手工绢花厂商 hand silk flower maker

手工纺纱工人 hand spinner

手工石匠 hand stone carver

手工织布工 hand weaver

手工工木工 hand woodworker

大键琴建设者 harpsichord builder

指导员,工艺品(除教育) instructor, crafts (except education)

珠宝工匠,手工 jewellery artisan, hand

珠宝雕刻 jewellery engraver

织毛衣,手工 knitter, hand

织花边 - 工艺美术品 lace weaver – arts and crafts

皮革工人 leather worker

皮革工人,手工 leather worker, hand

雕刻机 - 工艺美术品 machine engraver – arts and crafts

曼陀林制造商 mandolin maker

吹玻璃大师 master glass blower

主玻璃制造商 master glassmaker

金属艺术工作者 metal arts worker

金属雕刻工 metal engraver

铜匠,手工 metalworker, hand

乐器制造商 - 工匠 musical instrument maker – artisan

铭牌雕刻 nameplate engraver

原生艺术雕刻 Native art carver

本机工艺导师 Native craftwork instructor

缝衣工人,手工 needleworker, hand

排萧制造商 panflute maker

受电弓雕刻工 - 工艺美术品 pantograph engraver – arts and crafts

造纸,手工 papermaker, hand

管风琴建设者 pipe organ builder

扑克工匠 poker-work artisan

陶工 potter

压制工,人造花 presser, artificial flowers

烫花人 pyrographer

绗缝机,手工 quilter, hand

再现木雕工 reproduction woodcarver

地毯制造商,手工 rug maker, hand

地毯钩织工 rughooker

科学玻璃仪器鼓吹工 scientific glass apparatus blower

丝网印刷工匠 screen printing artisan

绢花制造商,手工 silk flower maker, hand

银匠 silversmith

银器雕刻 silverware engraver

微调工,手工 spinner, hand

彩色玻璃艺术家 stained glass artist

彩色玻璃设计师 stained glass designer

彩色玻璃画家 stained glass painter

钢雕刻工 - 工艺美术品 steel engraver – arts and crafts

石材雕刻,手工 stone carver, hand

弦乐器制造商 stringed instrument maker

老师,陶瓷(教育除外) teacher, ceramics (except education)

帐篷制造商 tepee maker

扎染工匠 tie-dye artisan

托莱画家 tole painter

图腾柱雕刻师 totem pole carver

小提琴制造 violin maker

编织者 - 艺术和手工工艺 weaver – arts and crafts

编织者,手工 weaver, hand

织讲师(教育除外) weaving instructor (except education)

木雕 woodcarver

木雕,复制品 woodcarver, reproductions

木器雕刻,手工 woodenware carver, hand

木工,手工 woodworker, hand

花圈制造商 wreath maker













7242 工业电工 Industrial electricians NOC

7242 工业电工 Industrial electricians NOC - LEVEL B


Industrial electricians install, maintain, test, troubleshoot and repair industrial electrical equipment and associated electrical and electronic controls. They are employed by electrical contractors and maintenance departments of factories, plants, mines, shipyards and other industrial establishments.

7242 工业电工头衔范例

电工,造船厂 electrician, shipyard

工业电工 industrial electrician

工业电工学徒 industrial electrician apprentice

海洋电工 marine electrician

磨房电工 mill electrician

矿山电工 mine electrician

工厂电工 plant electrician

工厂维修工电工 plant maintenance electrician

7242 工业电工主要职责


Read and interpret drawings, blueprints, schematics and electrical code specifications to determine layout of industrial electrical equipment installations


Install, examine, replace or repair electrical wiring, receptacles, switch boxes, conduits, feeders, fibre-optic and coaxial cable assemblies, lighting fixtures and other electrical components


Test electrical and electronic equipment and components for continuity, current, voltage and resistance


Maintain, repair, install and test switchgear, transformers, switchboard meters, regulators and reactors


Maintain, repair, test and install electrical motors, generators, alternators, industrial storage batteries and hydraulic and pneumatic electrical control systems


Troubleshoot, maintain and repair industrial, electrical and electronic control systems and other related devices


Conduct preventive maintenance programs and keep maintenance records


May install, maintain and calibrate industrial instrumentation and related devices.

7242 工业电工任职要求


Completion of secondary school is usually required.


Completion of a four- or five-year industrial electrician apprenticeship program


A combination of over five years of work experience in the trade and some high school, college or industry courses in industrial electrical equipment is usually required to be eligible for trade certification.


Trade certification for industrial electricians is compulsory in Prince Edward Island, Quebec and Manitoba and available, but voluntary, in Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Ontario, British Columbia and the Yukon.


Additional construction electrician certification may be required for industrial electricians when the employers are not owners of the industrial electrical equipment.


Red Seal endorsement is also available to qualified industrial electricians upon successful completion of the interprovincial Red Seal examination.

7242 工业电工附加信息


The Red Seal endorsement allows for interprovincial mobility.


Progression to supervisory positions is possible with experience.

7242 工业电工其他分类

建筑电工(电工,除工业和电力系统)Construction electricians (in [7241](7241) Electricians (except industrial and power system) )

电力系统电工 Power system electricians [7243](7243)

工业电工主管(承包商和主管,电力行业和电信行业)Supervisors of industrial electricians (in [7202](7202) Contractors and supervisors, electrical trades and telecommunications occupations )

7242 工业电工职称头衔

工业电工学徒 apprentice industrial electrician

海洋电工学徒 apprentice marine electrician

柴油电工 - 铁路 diesel electrician – railway

电信号维修工工 - 铁路 electric signal repairer – railway

电器维修工,起重机维修工 electrical repairer, crane maintenance

电器维修工,工业 electrical repairer, industrial

电器维修工,机械加工车间 electrical repairer, machine shop

电工 - 铁路运输 electrician – rail transport

电工,工业 electrician, industrial

电工,维修工厂 electrician, plant maintenance

电工,造船厂 electrician, shipyard

工业电工 industrial electrician

工业电工学徒 industrial electrician apprentice

工业电工铅手 industrial electrician lead hand

熟练男/女工业电工 journeyman/woman industrial electrician

维修工电工 - 工业 maintenance electrician – industrial

海洋电工 marine electrician

船用设备电工 marine equipment electrician

船用电线工人/男/女 marine wireman/woman

磨坊电工 mill electrician

矿山电工 mine electrician

工厂电工 plant electrician

工厂维修工电工 plant maintenance electrician

铁路信号安装 railway signal installer

铁路信号维护 railway signal maintainer

钻机电工 rig electrician

船舶电工 ships electrician

船舶电工 - 造船及维修工 ships electrician – shipbuilding and repair

船舶电工 - 水上运输 ships electrician – water transport

造船厂电工 shipyard electrician

铁路信号维修工 signal maintainer, railway












7311 建筑维修工和工业机械师 Construction millwrights and industrial mechanics NOC

7311 建筑维修工和工业机械师 Construction millwrights and industrial mechanics NOC - LEVEL B


Construction millwrights and industrial mechanics install, maintain, troubleshoot, overhaul and repair stationary industrial machinery and mechanical equipment. This unit group includes industrial textile machinery mechanics and repairers. Construction millwrights are employed by millwrighting contractors. Industrial mechanics are employed in manufacturing plants, utilities and other industrial establishments.

7311 建筑维修工和工业机械师头衔范例

磁磁卡修理工 card fixer

纺织梳理机磨工 card grinder

建筑技工 construction millwright

修车工,纺织机械 fixer, textile machinery

工业技工 industrial mechanic

工业技工学徒 industrial mechanic apprentice

工业缝纫机修理工 industrial sewing machine mechanic

针织机械技工 knitting machine mechanic

织机维修工 loom fixer

织机技术员 loom technician

维修技工 maintenance millwright

技工,包装机械,印刷机械,纺织机械,轻工机械 mechanic, textile machines

技工 millwright

技工学徒 millwright apprentice

开放式技师 open-end technician

工厂设备工 plant equipment mechanic

纺纱维修工 spinning fixer

纺织维修工 textile fixer

处理厂维修技工 treatment plant maintenance mechanic

7311 建筑维修工和工业机械师主要职责


Read blueprints, diagrams and schematic drawings to determine work procedures


Install, align, dismantle and move stationary industrial machinery and mechanical equipment, such as pumps, fans, tanks, conveyors, furnaces and generators according to layout plans using hand and power tools


Operate hoisting and lifting devices such as cranes, jacks and tractors to position machinery and parts during the installation, set-up and repair of machinery


Inspect and examine machinery and equipment to detect and investigate irregularities and malfunctions


Install, troubleshoot and maintain power transmission, vacuum, hydraulic and pneumatic systems, and programmable logic controls


Adjust machinery and repair or replace defective parts


Operate machine tools such as lathes and grinders to fabricate parts required during overhaul, maintenance or set-up of machinery


Clean, lubricate and perform other routine maintenance work on machinery


Construct foundations for machinery or direct other workers to construct foundations


Assemble machinery and equipment prior to installation using hand and power tools and welding equipment.

7311 建筑维修工和工业机械师任职要求


Completion of secondary school is usually required.


Completion of a three- to four-year apprenticeship program


A combination of over five years of work experience in the trade and some high school, college or industry courses in industrial machinery repair or millwrighting is usually required to be eligible for trade certification.


Textile machinery mechanics hired from other industries may require additional training in textile processes and experience as a textile manufacturing machinery operator.


Industrial mechanic (millwright) trade certification is compulsory in Quebec and available, but voluntary, in all other provinces and the territories.


Construction millwright trade certification is available, but voluntary, in Ontario.


Industrial sewing machine mechanic trade certification is available, but voluntary, in Quebec.


Red Seal endorsement is also available to qualified industrial mechanics or millwrights upon successful completion of the interprovincial Red Seal examination.

7311 建筑维修工和工业机械师附加信息


Construction millwrights are mostly engaged in the initial installation of industrial plant machinery and equipment; industrial mechanics are more concerned with the post-installation maintenance and repair of machinery and equipment.


Industrial mechanics and millwrights may be cross-trained in a second trade such as pipefitting, welding, machining or electrical maintenance.


The Red Seal endorsement allows for interprovincial mobility.


Progression to supervisory positions is possible with experience.

7311 建筑维修工和工业机械师其他分类

重型设备技师 Heavy-duty equipment mechanics [7312](7312)

工业仪表技术员和机械师 Industrial instrument technicians and mechanics [2243](2243)

主管工业机械师和维修工承包商和主管,机械行业Supervisors of industrial mechanics and millwrights (in [7301](7301) Contractors and supervisors, mechanic trades )

7311 建筑维修工和工业机械师职称头衔

调整员,针织机 - 纺织制造 adjuster, knitting machines – textile manufacturing

弹药组装机调整员 ammunition-assembling machine adjuster

弹药装弹机调整员 ammunition-loading machine adjuster

工业技工学徒 apprentice industrial mechanic

学徒技工 apprentice millwright

自动针织机模式安装员 automatic knitting machine pattern setter

烘焙机械技工 bakery machinery mechanic

锅炉房机械技工 boilerhouse machinery mechanic

编织机安装员 braiding machine setter

封罐机维修工 can seamer machine repairer

运河设备技工 canal equipment mechanic

磁卡维修工 card fixer

磁卡维修工 - 纺织制造 card fixer – textile manufacturing

磁卡磨工 card grinder

磁卡磨工 - 纺织制造 card grinder – textile manufacturing

磁卡安装员 - 纺织制造 card setter – textile manufacturing

磁卡机维修工 - 纺织制造 carding machine fixer – textile manufacturing

地毯织机维修工 - 纺织制造 carpet loom fixer – textile manufacturing

地毯织机安装员 - 纺织品制造 carpet loom setter – textile manufacturing

纸箱成型机维修工 carton-forming machine repairer

化工厂维修技工 chemical plant service mechanic

化学工艺设备修理工 chemical process equipment mechanic

梳修理工 - 纺织制造 comb fixer – textile manufacturing

梳安装员 - 纺织制造 comb setter – textile manufacturing

压缩气体厂维修技工 compressed gas plant maintenance mechanic

选矿厂技工 concentrating plant mechanic

建筑技工 construction millwright

输送修理工 conveyor repairer

切割机维修工 - 纺织制造 cutting machine fixer – textile manufacturing

乳品设备修理工 dairy equipment repairer

井架技工 derrick mechanic

设备技工,核电站 equipment mechanic, nuclear power station

织物剪切机维修工 - 纺织制造 fabric-shearing machine fixer – textile manufacturing

织物剪毛机安装员 - 纺织品制造 fabric-shearing machine setter – textile manufacturing

织物剪毛机安装员维修工 - 纺织制造 fabric-shearing machine setter-fixer – textile manufacturing

工厂维修技工 factory maintenance mechanic

玻璃钢成型机修理工 fibreglass-forming machine repairer

修理工,磁卡 - 纺织制造 fixer, cards – textile manufacturing

修理工,地毯织机 - 纺织制造 fixer, carpet looms – textile manufacturing

修理工,切割机 - 纺织制造 fixer, cutting machines – textile manufacturing

修理工,织物剪切机 - 纺织制造 fixer, fabric-shearing machines – textile manufacturing

维修工,提花织机 - 纺织制造 fixer, jacquard looms – textile manufacturing

修理工,尺蠖 - 纺织制造 fixer, loopers – textile manufacturing

维修工,套管轴 - 纺织制造 fixer, quillers – textile manufacturing

修理工,剪切机 - 纺织制造 fixer, shearing machine – textile manufacturing

修理工,航天飞机 - 纺织制造 fixer, shuttles – textile manufacturing

维修工,细纱机 - 纺织制造 fixer, spinning frames – textile manufacturing

维修工,纺纱机 - 纺织制造 fixer, spinning machines – textile manufacturing

维修工,纺织机械 fixer, textile machinery

修理工,绕线机 - 纺织制造 fixer, winding machines – textile manufacturing

传单修理工 - 纺织制造 flyer repairer – textile manufacturing

锻造设备修理工 forge equipment repairer

锻修理工间机械技工 forge shop machinery mechanic

锻修理工间机械修理工 forge shop machinery repairer

燃气轮机修理工 gas turbine repairer

粮食电梯维修技工 grain elevator maintenance mechanic

口香糖包装机工 gum-wrapping machine mechanic

重水工厂机械维护者 heavy water plant mechanical maintainer

钩修理工 - 纺织制造 hook repairer – textile manufacturing

工业葫芦技工 industrial hoist mechanic

工业机械维修技工 industrial machinery maintenance mechanic

工业技工 industrial mechanic

工业技工和技工 industrial mechanic and millwright

工业技工学徒 industrial mechanic apprentice

工业机械师,燃气轮机机械 industrial mechanic, gas turbine machinery

工业机械师,矿山葫芦 industrial mechanic, mine hoists

工业机械师,石油炼油厂 industrial mechanic, petroleum refinery

工业技工焊机 industrial mechanic-welder

工业厂房维修技工 industrial plant maintenance mechanic

工业泵修理工 industrial pump repairer

工业缝纫机修理工 industrial sewing machine mechanic

安装和修理者,自动卡片密码机 installer and repairer, automatic pinsetting machines

提花织机维修工 - 纺织制造 jacquard loom fixer – textile manufacturing

提花织机安装员 - 纺织品制造 jacquard loom setter – textile manufacturing

熟练工/男/女工业技工 journeyman/woman industrial mechanic

针织机调整员 - 纺织制造 knitting machine adjuster – textile manufacturing

针织机维修工 - 纺织制造 knitting machine fixer – textile manufacturing

针织机械技工 knitting machine mechanic

针织机安装员 - 纺织品制造 knitting machine setter – textile manufacturing

针织图案安装员 - 纺织品制造 knitting pattern setter – textile manufacturing

排字修理工 linotype repairer

织机交换员 loom changer

织机维修工 loom fixer

织机维修工 - 纺织制造 loom fixer – textile manufacturing

织机,提花维修工 - 纺织制造 loom fixer, jacquard – textile manufacturing

织机技工 - 纺织制造 loom mechanic – textile manufacturing

织机技工修理工 - 纺织制造 loom mechanic-repairer – textile manufacturing

织机模式转换员 loom pattern changer

织机编制者 loom preparer

筘修理工 - 纺织制造 loom reed repairer – textile manufacturing

织机修理工 - 纺织制造 loom repairer – textile manufacturing

织机安装员 loom setter

织机安装员 - 纺织制造 loom setter – textile manufacturing

织机的安装员,提花 - 纺织制造 loom setter, jacquard – textile manufacturing

织机起动 loom starter

织机技术员 loom technician

织机技术员 - 纺织制造 loom technician – textile manufacturing

尺蠖维修工 - 纺织制造 looper fixer – textile manufacturing

尺蠖安装员 - 纺织制造 looper setter – textile manufacturing

机械修理工,锅炉房 machinery mechanic, boilerhouse

机械修理工,重地 machinery mechanic, powerhouse

邮件处理设备工 mail-processing equipment mechanic

维护者,石油钻机 maintainer, oil-drilling rig

维修技工 maintenance mechanic

维修技工 - 公用事业 maintenance mechanic – utilities

维修技工技师 - 工业 maintenance mechanic technician – industrial

维修技工,压缩天然气厂 maintenance mechanic, compressed gas plant

维修技工,工厂 maintenance mechanic, factory

维修技工,机械工业 maintenance mechanic, industrial machinery

维修技工,工业厂房 maintenance mechanic, industrial plant

维修技工,磨 maintenance mechanic, mill

维修技工,石油工具 maintenance mechanic, oil tools

维修技工,厂房 maintenance mechanic, plant

维修技工,厂房,机器 maintenance mechanic, plant machinery

维修机械师,生产机械 maintenance mechanic, production machinery

维修技工,生产工装 maintenance mechanic, production tooling

维修技工,蒸汽厂 maintenance mechanic, steam plant

维修技工,污水处理厂; maintenance mechanic, treatment plants

维修技工 maintenance millwright

船用发动机工 marine engine mechanic

船用发动机机械师学徒 marine engine mechanic apprentice

主机械师,采矿设备 master mechanic, mining equipment

物料搬运设备技工 material handling equipment mechanic

机械师 - 公用事业 mechanic – utilities

机械师,烘焙机械 mechanic, bakery machinery

机械师,运河设备 mechanic, canal equipment

机械师,化学工艺设备 mechanic, chemical process equipment

机械师,选矿厂 mechanic, concentrating plant

机械师,井架 mechanic, derricks

机械师,口香糖包装机 mechanic, gum-wrapping machines

技工,工业 mechanic, industrial

机械,工业葫芦 mechanic, industrial hoists

机械师,针织机 mechanic, knitting machines

机械师,织机 - 纺织制造 mechanic, looms – textile manufacturing

技工,维修 mechanic, maintenance

技工,材料处理设备 mechanic, material handling equipment

机械师机械,矿井提升 mechanic, mine hoist machinery

机械师,石油钻机 mechanic, oil drill rig

机械师,油泵站 mechanic, oil pump station

机械师,矿石处理设备 mechanic, ore-processing equipment

机修工,包装机 mechanic, packaging machines

机械师,厂房及设备 mechanic, plant equipment

机械师,塑料加工设备 mechanic, plastics-processing equipment

修理工,印刷机械 mechanic, printing machinery

机械师,加工厂 mechanic, processing plant

技工,生产机械 mechanic, production machinery

技工,生产工装 mechanic, production tooling

机械师,钻井平台 mechanic, rigs

机械师,涂胶机 mechanic, rubberizing machines

机械师,污水处理厂 mechanic, sewage treatment plant

技工,固定农场设备 mechanic, stationary farm equipment

技工,纺织机械 mechanic, textile machinery

技工,包装机械,印刷机械,纺织机械,轻工机械 mechanic, textile machines

机械师,烟草加工机 mechanic, tobacco-processing machines

机械师,升级工厂 mechanic, upgrading plant

机械师,实用维修厂 mechanic, utility plant maintenance

机械师,水过滤厂 mechanic, water filtration plant

技工,焊接机 mechanic, welding machines

机械维护者,重水厂 mechanical maintainer, heavy water plant

机械维护者,核能发电站 mechanical maintainer, nuclear generating station

技工修理工,织机 - 纺织制造 mechanic-repairer, looms – textile manufacturing

金属加工机械技工 metalworking machinery mechanic

轧机维修技工 mill maintenance mechanic

技工 millwright

技工学徒 millwright apprentice

工业技工 millwright industrial

技工,建筑 millwright, construction

矿井提升机工业技工 mine hoist industrial mechanic

矿井提升机机械技工 mine hoist machinery mechanic

矿井提升机修理工 mine hoist repairer

煤矿技工 mine mechanic

采矿设备主技工 mining equipment master mechanic

矿山机械技工 mining machinery mechanic

骡子维修工 - 纺织制造 mule fixer – textile manufacturing

骡子安装员 - 纺织制造 mule setter – textile manufacturing

起绒调整员 - 纺织制造 napper adjuster – textile manufacturing

起绒机磨床 - 纺织制造 napper grinder – textile manufacturing

的针床修理工 - 纺织品制造 needle bed repairer – textile manufacturing

针板修理工 - 纺织制造 needle board repairer – textile manufacturing

核能发电站机械维护者 nuclear generating station mechanical maintainer

核电站设备工 nuclear power station equipment mechanic

核电站机械技工 nuclear power station machinery mechanic

石油钻机技工 oil drill rig mechanic

油泵站机械师 oil pump station mechanic

石油工具维修技工 oil tool maintenance mechanic

石油工具修理工 oil tool repairer

石油钻机的维护者 oil-drilling rig maintainer

石油钻探钻机技工的 oil-drilling rig mechanic

开放式技师 open-end technician

开放式的技术人员 - 纺织制造 open-end technician – textile manufacturing

选矿设备工 ore-processing equipment mechanic

烤箱设备修理工 oven equipment repairer

破布选料工,纺织机 overhauler, textile machine

包装机工 packaging machine mechanic

模式安装员,自动编织机 pattern setter, automatic knitting machine

针安装员 - 纺织制造 pin setter – textile manufacturing

工厂设备工 plant equipment mechanic

工厂机械维修技工 plant machinery maintenance mechanic

工厂维修技工 plant maintenance mechanic

塑料加工设备工 plastics-processing equipment mechanic

厂房机械技工 powerhouse machinery mechanic

预防性维修技工技师 preventive maintenance mechanic technician

印刷机械技工 printing machinery mechanic

加工厂技工 processing plant mechanic

生产机械维修技工 production machinery maintenance mechanic

生产机械技工 production machinery mechanic

生产技工 production mechanic

生产模具维修技工 production tooling maintenance mechanic

泵机械师和修理工 pump mechanic and repairer

泵系统的安装程序 pump systems installer

卷纬机机维修工 - 纺织制造 quiller machine fixer – textile manufacturing

卷纬机安装员 - 纺织制造 quiller setter – textile manufacturing

绗缝机维修工 - 纺织制造 quilter fixer – textile manufacturing

绗缝机技工 - 纺织制造 quilter mechanic – textile manufacturing

绗缝机安装员维修工 - 纺织制造 quilter setter-fixer – textile manufacturing

的绗缝机维修工 - 纺织品制造 quilting machine fixer – textile manufacturing

的绗缝机技工 - 纺织品制造 quilting machine mechanic – textile manufacturing

绗缝机安装员维修工 - 纺织制造 quilting machine setter-fixer – textile manufacturing

芦苇维修工 - 纺织制造 reed fixer – textile manufacturing

芦苇安装员 - 纺织制造 reed setter – textile manufacturing

修理工,可以封罐机 repairer, can seamer machines

修理工,纸箱成型机 repairer, carton-forming machines

修理工,锻造设备 repairer, forge equipment

修理工,锻修理工间机械 repairer, forge shop machinery

修理工,挂钩 - 纺织制造 repairer, hooks – textile manufacturing

修理工,织机 - 纺织制造 repairer, looms – textile manufacturing

修理工,矿井提升机 repairer, mine hoists

修理工,针床 - 纺织制造 repairer, needle beds – textile manufacturing

修理工,针板 - 纺织制造 repairer, needle boards – textile manufacturing

修理工,石油工具 repairer, oil tools

修理工,烤箱设备 repairer, oven equipment

修理工,蒸汽涡轮机 repairer, steam turbines

修理工,纺织机械 repairer, textile machinery

修理工,纺织印花机辊 - 成衣制造 repairer, textile-printing machine rollers – garment manufacturing

修理工,风车 repairer, windmills

钻机技工 rig mechanic

起重工,船舶 rigger, ship

辊建设者修理工 - 轧机 roll builder-repairer – rolling mills

辊安装员 - 轧机 roll setter – rolling mills

辊防尘罩 - 纺织制造 roller coverer – textile manufacturing

辊修理工 - 工业设备 roller repairer – industrial equipment

绳机安装员 - 纺织品制造 rope machine setter – textile manufacturing

涂胶机机械师 rubberizing machine mechanic

安装员,织机 - 纺织制造 setter, loom – textile manufacturing

安装员,织机 setter, looms

安装员,尺蠖 - 纺织制造 setter, looper – textile manufacturing

安装员,骡子 - 纺织制造 setter, mules – textile manufacturing

安装员,销 - 纺织制造 setter, pins – textile manufacturing

安装员,班车 - 纺织制造 setter, shuttles – textile manufacturing

污水处理厂的机修工 sewage treatment plant mechanic

剪切机维修工 - 纺织制造 shearing machine fixer – textile manufacturing

船舶起重工 ship rigger

班车维修工 - 纺织制造 shuttle fixer – textile manufacturing

班车安装员 - 纺织制造 shuttle setter – textile manufacturing

滑雪升降机技工 ski lift mechanic

滑雪缆车维修技师 ski lift repair technician

纺纱维修工 spinning fixer

细纱机维修工 - 纺织制造 spinning frame fixer – textile manufacturing

纺纱技术人员 - 纺织制造 spinning technician – textile manufacturing

固定农场设备技工 stationary farm equipment mechanic

蒸汽厂维修技工 steam plant maintenance mechanic

汽轮机修理工 steam turbine repairer

制革机械修理工 tannery machinery repairer

技术员,织机 - 纺织制造 technician, loom – textile manufacturing

技术员,开放式 - 纺织制造 technician, open-end – textile manufacturing

技术员,纺纱 - 纺织品制造 technician, spinning – textile manufacturing

纺织维修工 textile fixer

纺织机工 textile machine mechanic

纺织机overhauler的 textile machine overhauler

纺织机械维修工 textile machinery fixer

纺织机械技工 textile machinery mechanic

纺织机械修理工 textile machinery repairer

纺织印花机辊修理工 - 成衣制造 textile-printing machine roller repairer – garment manufacturing

烟草加工机械技工 tobacco-processing machine mechanic

刀具油壶和维修技工 tool oiler and maintenance mechanic

工具油壶和修理工 tool oiler and repairer

处理厂的维修技工 treatment plant maintenance mechanic

升级工厂技工 upgrading plant mechanic

实用工具厂维修技工 utility plant maintenance mechanic

水过滤厂技工 water filtration plant mechanic

污水处理厂技工 water treatment plant mechanic

编织换 - 纺织制造 weave changer – textile manufacturing

焊接设备技工 welding equipment mechanic

焊接设备修理工 welding equipment repairer

焊接机工 welding machine mechanic

络筒机维修工 - 纺织制造 winder fixer – textile manufacturing

绕线机维修工 - 纺织制造 winding machine fixer – textile manufacturing

风车修理工 windmill repairer

电线修理工 - 纺织制造 wire repairer – textile manufacturing












2252 工业设计师 Industrial designers NOC

2252 工业设计师 Industrial designers NOC - LEVEL B


Industrial designers conceptualize and produce designs for manufactured products. They are employed by manufacturing industries and private design firms or they may be self-employed.

2252 工业设计师头衔范例

家具设计师 furniture designer

工业设计顾问 industrial design consultant

工业设计师 industrial designer

工业产品设计师 industrial products designer

产品设计师 product designer

2252 工业设计师主要职责


Consult with client, engineers or production specialists to establish product requirements


Analyze the intended use of product and user preferences


Conduct research into cost, properties of production materials and methods of production


Prepare design concepts, sketches or models for approval


Prepare manufacturing drawings, specifications and guidelines for production and construct prototype of design


Consult with engineers and production staff during manufacturing stage.

2252 工业设计师任职要求


A university degree in industrial design, architecture, engineering


A college diploma in industrial design is required.


Creative ability, as demonstrated by a portfolio of work, is required.

2252 工业设计师附加信息


There is mobility between positions in this unit group.


Mobility is possible to other design occupations.

2252 工业设计师其他分类

建筑技师和技术员 Architectural technologists and technicians [2251](2251)

民用建筑工程设计技术人员(土木工程技师和技术员) Civil engineering design technologists (in [2231](2231) Civil engineering technologists and technicians )

电气和电子设备的设计技术人员(电气和电子工程技术人员和技术人员) Electrical and electronics design technologists (in [2241](2241) Electrical and electronics engineering technologists and technicians )

工程设计和绘图技术员及技师(起草的技术人员和技术人员) Engineering design and drafting technicians and technologists (in [2253](2253) Drafting technologists and technicians )

平面设计师和插画家 Graphic designers and illustrators [5241](5241)

室内设计师和室内装饰人员 Interior designers and interior decorators [5242](5242)

机械工程设备设计师(机械工程技术人员和技术人员) Mechanical engineering equipment designers (in [2232](2232) Mechanical engineering technologists and technicians )

剧院,时尚,展览和其他创意设计师 Theatre, fashion, exhibit and other creative designers [5243](5243)

2252 工业设计师职称头衔

商业产品设计师 business products designer

消费产品设计师 consumer products designer

集装箱设计师 container designer

设计师,家具 designer, furniture

设计师,工业 designer, industrial

工业产品设计师 designer, industrial products

符合人体工程学的产品设计师 ergonomic products designer

灯具设计师 fixture designer

家具设计师 furniture designer

工业设计顾问 industrial design consultant

工业设计师 industrial designer

工业产品设计师 industrial products designer

产品设计师 product designer

玩具设计师 - 工业设计 toy designer – industrial design












2233 工业工程与制造技师和技术员 Industrial engineering and manufacturing technologists and technicians NOC

2233 工业工程与制造技师和技术员 Industrial engineering and manufacturing technologists and technicians NOC - LEVEL B


Industrial engineering and manufacturing technologists and technicians may work independently or provide technical support and services in the development of production methods, facilities and systems, and the planning, estimating, measuring and scheduling of work. They are employed by manufacturing and insurance companies, government departments, and establishments in other industries.

2233 工业工程与制造技师和技术员头衔范例

CAD / CAM程序员 CAD/CAM programmer

工业工程技术员 industrial engineering technician

工业工程技师 industrial engineering technologist

防损技术专家 - 制造 loss prevention technologist – manufacturing

制造技师 manufacturing technician

制造技师 manufacturing technologist

规划技术人员 planning technician

塑料制造技术员 plastics manufacturing technician

纸浆和纸张制造技师 pulp and paper manufacturing technologist

质量保证技术专家 quality assurance technologist

技术员 - 生产调度 scheduling technician – manufacturing

纺织技师 textile technologist

时间研究分析师 time study analyst

2233 工业工程与制造技师和技术员主要职责

工业工程和制造技术人员执行部分或全部下列职责Industrial engineering and manufacturing technologists perform some or all of the following duties:


Develop and conduct production, inventory and quality assurance programs in manufacturing or in other industries


Design plant layouts and production facilities


Develop and carry out work study and related programs


Develop and carry out industrial health, safety and fire prevention plans and programs and conduct safety training programs

使用电脑辅助绘图,计算机辅助制造(CAD / CAM)来开发应用程序,以控制机器人,电脑数值控制(CNC)机器和其他制造过程和操作。

Develop applications using CAD/CAM (computer-assisted drafting, computer-assisted manufacturing) for the control of robots, computer numerical control (CNC) machines and other manufacturing processes and operations.

工业工程设计和制造的技术人员执行部分或全部下列职责:Industrial engineering and manufacturing technicians perform some or all of the following duties:


Assist in the design of plant layouts


Conduct work measurement or other studies


Collect and compile operational or experimental data and assist in the development of estimates, schedules, specifications and reports


Collect and analyze data and samples in support of quality assurance and industrial health and safety programs


Develop manufacturing and processing procedures and variables, set machine or equipment controls, oversee production and inspect processes.


Technologists and technicians in this unit group may specialize in the development of production processes, quality assurance programs, plans and schedules in a particular industrial area such as metal fabrication, plastics, pulp and paper, or textile manufacturing.

2233 工业工程与制造技师和技术员任职要求


Completion of a two- or three-year college program or equivalent in industrial engineering technology, pulp and paper technology, plastics technology, textile technology, manufacturing technology or a related discipline is usually required for industrial engineering or manufacturing technologists.


Completion of a one- or two-year college program in industrial engineering technology or in a related discipline is usually required for industrial engineering or manufacturing technicians.


Certification in industrial engineering or manufacturing technology or in a related field is available through provincial or territorial associations of engineering/applied science technologists and technicians and may be required for some positions.


A period of supervised work experience, usually two years, is required before certification.


A college diploma in manufacturing technology and/or trade certification and experience in machining and tooling or metalworking is required for CAD-CAM/CNC programmers.


In Quebec, membership in the regulatory body is required to use the title "Professional Technologist."

2233 工业工程与制造技师和技术员附加信息


There is mobility to related fields such as technical sales.


Progression to managerial positions is possible with experience.

2233 工业工程与制造技师和技术员其他分类

机械加工,金属成形,塑造和树立行业 Machining, metal forming, shaping and erecting trades [723](723)

技术销售专家 - 批发业 Technical sales specialists - wholesale trade [6221](6221)

纺织技师/技术人员,以支持化学染色,整理和质量控制技术人员/技术人员在食品或化学工业或实验室(化学技师和技术员) Textile technologists/technicians working in support of chemical dyeing and finishing and quality control technologists/technicians in food or chemical industries or laboratories (in [2211](2211) Chemical technologists and technicians )

2233 工业工程与制造技师和技术员职称头衔

3D CNC(电脑数控)程序员 3D CNC (computer numerical control) programmer

CAD / CAM(计算机辅助设计/计算机辅助制造)的程序员 CAD/CAM (computer-aided design/computer-assisted manufacturing) programmer

数控CAD / CAM(计算机辅助设计/计算机辅助制造,数控)程序员 CAD/CAM NC (computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing, numerical control) programmer

CAD / CAM程序员 CAD/CAM programmer

CNC(计算机数控)Mastercam的程序员 CNC (computer numerical control) Mastercam programmer

CNC(计算机数控)程序员 CNC (computer numerical control) programmer

CNC(电脑数控)技术专家 CNC (computer numerically controlled) technologist

CNC / CMM(计算机数控三坐标测量机)的程序员 CNC/CMM (computer numerically controlled coordinate measuring machine) programmer

计算机数字控制(CNC)Mastercam的程序员 computer numerical control (CNC) Mastercam programmer

电脑数控三坐标测量机(CNC / CMM)的程序员 computer numerically controlled coordinate measuring machine (CNC/CMM) programmer

计算机辅助设计/计算机辅助制造(CAD / CAM)的程序员 computer-assisted design/computer-assisted manufacturing (CAD/CAM) programmer

成本估计师,制造 cost estimator, manufacturing

面料设计技师 fabric design technologist

消防技术员 - 生产 fire protection technician – manufacturing

工业工程分析师 industrial engineering analyst

工业工程技术员 industrial engineering technician

工业工程技师 industrial engineering technologist

注塑技术员 injection moulding technician

库存控制技术员 inventory control technician

防损技术专家 - 制造 loss prevention technologist – manufacturing

制造成本估计师 manufacturing cost estimator

制造技师 manufacturing technician

生产技术员 - 工业工程 manufacturing technician – industrial engineering

制造技师 manufacturing technologist

材料处理技术员 materials handling technician

方法设计师 methods designer

NC(数控)程序员 NC (numerical control) programmer

数控机床编程(运营商除外) numerically controlled machine tool programmer (except operators)

数控工具程序员 numerically controlled tool programmer

运筹学技师 operations research technologist

规划技术人员 planning technician

工厂布局技术员 plant layout technician

塑料制造技术员 plastics manufacturing technician

塑料注塑成型技术员 plastics moulding technician

塑料技术员 plastics technician

生产和质量控制技术专家 production and quality control technologist

生产控制技术专家 production control technologist

生产计划技术员 production planning technician

生产技术员 - 锯木厂 production technologist – sawmill

程序员,CAD / CAM(计算机辅助设计/计算机辅助制造) programmer, CAD/CAM (computer-assisted design/computer-assisted manufacturing)

程序员,数控CAD / CAM(计算机辅助设计/计算机辅助制造,数控) programmer, CAD/CAM NC (computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing, numerical control)

程序员,CNC(计算机数控)Mastercam软件 programmer, CNC (computer numerical control) Mastercam

程序员,CNC / CMM(电脑数控三坐标测量机) programmer, CNC/CMM (computer numerically controlled coordinate measuring machine)

程序员,计算机数字控制(CNC)Mastercam软件 programmer, computer numerical control (CNC) Mastercam

程序员,计算机数控三坐标测量机(CNC / CMM) programmer, computer numerically controlled coordinate measuring machine (CNC/CMM)

程序员,计算机辅助设计/计算机辅助制造,数控(NC的CAD / CAM) programmer, computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing, numerical control (CAD/CAM NC)

程序员,计算机辅助设计/计算机辅助制造(CAD / CAM) programmer, computer-assisted design/computer-assisted manufacturing (CAD/CAM)

纸浆和纸张制造技师 pulp and paper manufacturing technologist

纸浆和纸张的技术人员 pulp and paper technician

纸浆和造纸技师 pulp and paper technologist

质量保证技术专家 quality assurance technologist

质量控制技术员(化学除外) quality control technician (except chemical)

质量控制技术专家 - 工业工程 quality control technologist – industrial engineering

质量控制技术专家(化学除外) quality control technologist (except chemical)

技术员 - 生产调度 scheduling technician – manufacturing

工业工程技术员, technician, industrial engineering

技术员,制造 technician, manufacturing

技术员,规划 technician, planning

技术员,塑料 technician, plastics

技术人员进行,纸浆和造纸 technician, pulp and paper

技术员,纺织 technician, textile

技师,工业工程 technologist, industrial engineering

技师,制造 technologist, manufacturing

技师,纸浆和造纸 technologist, pulp and paper

技术专家,质量控制 - 工业工程 technologist, quality control – industrial engineering

技师,纺织 technologist, textile

纺织技师 textile technician

纺织技师 textile technologist

时间研究分析师 time study analyst

时间研究技师 time study technologist

刀具编程技师 tool programming technologist












7241 电工除工业和电力系统 Electricians (except industrial and power system) NOC LEVEL B

7241 电工除工业和电力系统 Electricians (except industrial and power system) NOC LEVEL B


Electricians in this unit group lay out, assemble, install, test, troubleshoot and repair electrical wiring, fixtures, control devices and related equipment in buildings and other structures. They are employed by electrical contractors and maintenance departments of buildings and other establishments, or they may be self-employed.

7241 电工除工业和电力系统头衔范例

电工学徒 apprentice electrician

建筑电工 construction electrician

建筑电工学徒 construction electrician apprentice

国内和农村电工 domestic and rural electrician

电工 electrician

7241 电工除工业和电力系统主要职责


Read and interpret drawings, circuit diagrams and electrical code specifications to determine wiring layouts for new or existing installations


Pull wire through conduits and through holes in walls and floors


Install brackets and hangers to support electrical equipment


Install, replace and repair lighting fixtures and electrical control and distribution equipment, such as switches, relays and circuit breaker panels


Splice, join and connect wire to fixtures and components to form circuits


Test continuity of circuits using test equipment to ensure compatibility and safety of system, following installation, replacement or repair


Troubleshoot and isolate faults in electrical and electronic systems and remove and replace faulty components


Connect electrical power to audio and visual communication equipment, signalling devices and heating and cooling systems


Conduct preventive maintenance programs and keep maintenance records.

7241 电工除工业和电力系统任职要求


Completion of secondary school is usually required.


Completion of a four- to five-year apprenticeship program is usually required.


Trade certification for construction electricians is compulsory in Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta and available, but voluntary, in British Columbia, the Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut.


Trade certification for electricians (domestic and rural) is compulsory in Newfoundland and Labrador and Ontario.


Trade certification for electrical control (machine) builders is available, but voluntary, in Ontario.


Red Seal endorsement is also available to qualified construction electricians upon successful completion of the interprovincial Red Seal examination.

7241 电工除工业和电力系统附加信息


The Red Seal endorsement allows for interprovincial mobility.


Progression to supervisory positions is possible with experience.

7241 电工除工业和电力系统其他分类

电子机械师 Electrical mechanics [7333](7333)

工业电工 Industrial electricians [7242](7242)

电力系统电工 Power system electricians [7243](7243)

电工主管承包商和主管,电力行业和电信行业Supervisors of electricians (in [7202](7202) Contractors and supervisors, electrical trades and telecommunications occupations )

7241 电工除工业和电力系统职称头衔

建筑电工学徒 apprentice construction electrician

电工学徒 apprentice electrician

电工学徒,建设 apprentice electrician, construction

建筑电工 building construction electrician

建筑电工 building electrician

建设和维修电工 construction and maintenance electrician

建筑电工 construction electrician

建筑电工学徒 construction electrician apprentice

国内和农村电工 domestic and rural electrician

电气装置安装 electrical fixtures installer

电气电线安装工,建设 electrical wirer, construction

电气线路安装工 - 建筑 electrical wiring installer – construction

电工 electrician

电工 - 疑难解答 electrician – troubleshooter

电工,建筑施工; electrician, building construction

电工,建设和维护 electrician, construction and maintenance

电工,机构 electrician, institution

熟练男/女施工的电工 journeyman/woman construction electrician

住宅建筑电线安装工 residential construction wirer

住宅电线安装工男/女 residential wireman/woman

电线安装工,住宅建筑 wirer, residential construction

配线电工 wiring electrician












2243 工业仪器仪表技术人员和机械师 (2243 Industrial Instrument Technicians and Mechanics)NOC

2243 工业仪器仪表技术人员和机械师 (2243 Industrial Instrument Technicians and Mechanics)NOC - LEVEL B


Industrial instrument technicians and mechanics repair, maintain, calibrate, adjust, and install industrial measuring and controlling instrumentation. They are employed by pulp and paper processing companies, nuclear and hydro power generating companies, mining, petrochemical and natural gas companies, industrial instrument and other manufacturing companies, and by industrial instrument servicing establishments.

2243 加拿大工业仪器仪表技术人员和机械师头衔范例

工业仪器机械师学徒 apprentice industrial instrument mechanic

工业仪器机械师 industrial instrument mechanic

工业仪器技术人员 instrument technician, industrial

工业仪器技术人 instrumentation technician, industrial

工艺控制设备机械师 process control equipment mechanic

2243 工业仪器仪表技术人员和机械师


Consult manufacturers manuals, circuit diagrams and blueprints to determine tests and maintenance procedures for instruments used for measuring and controlling flow, level, pressure, temperature, chemical composition and other variables in manufacturing and processing


Inspect and test operation of instruments and systems to diagnose faults using pneumatic, electrical and electronic testing devices and precision measuring instruments


Repair and adjust system components, such as sensors, transmitters and programmable logic controllers, or remove and replace defective parts


Calibrate components and instruments according to manufacturers specifications


Perform scheduled preventive maintenance work and complete test and maintenance reports


Install control and measurement instruments on existing and new plant equipment and processes


Consult with and advise process operators.

2243 工业仪器仪表技术人员和机械师的任职要求


Completion of secondary school is usually required.


Completion of a four- or five-year apprenticeship program in industrial instrument repair


Completion of a two-year college program in industrial instrumentation technology and several years of work experience are usually required for trade certification.


Instrumentation and control technician trade certification is available, but voluntary, in all provinces and territories, except in Quebec.


Red Seal endorsement is also available to qualified instrumentation and control technicians upon successful completion of the interprovincial Red Seal examination.

2243 工业仪器仪表技术人员和机械师附加信息


The Red Seal endorsement allows for interprovincial mobility.


Progression to supervisory positions is possible with experience.

2243 工业仪器仪表技术人员和机械师其他分类

飞机仪表技术人员([2244](2244)中飞机仪表,电气电子机械师,技术人员和检查员) Aircraft instrument technicians (in [2244](2244) Aircraft instrument, electrical and avionics mechanics, technicians and inspectors )

电气电子工程技师和技术人员 Electrical and electronics engineering technologists and technicians ([2241](2241))

工业机械师([7311](7311) 建筑技工和工业机械师) Industrial mechanics (in [7311](7311) Construction millwrights and industrial mechanics )

2243 工业仪器仪表技术人员和机械师职称头衔

学徒工业仪表修理工 apprentice industrial instrument mechanic

仪表修理工学徒 apprentice instrument mechanic

控制技术员,核能发电站和重水工厂 control technician, nuclear generating station and heavy water plant

重水工厂控制技术员 heavy water plant control technician

工业仪表修理工 industrial instrument mechanic

工业仪表面板修理工 industrial instrument panel repairer

工业仪表技师 industrial instrument technician

工业过程控制设备修理工 industrial process control equipment repairer

仪器维修技工 instrument maintenance mechanic

仪表修理工 - 公用事业 instrument mechanic – utilities

工业仪表技术员, instrument technician, industrial

仪器仪表和电气技术员,工业 instrumentation and electrical technician, industrial

工业仪表技术员 instrumentation technician, industrial

技工,工业仪表 mechanic, industrial instrument

核能发电站和重水工厂控制技术员 nuclear generating station and heavy water plant control technician

核子控制器修理工 nucleonic controller repairer

精密仪器仪表修理工 precision instrument mechanic

过程控制设备技工 process control equipment mechanic

过程控制设备修理工 process control equipment repairer

修理工,工业过程控制设备 repairer, industrial process control equipment

修理工,核子控制器 repairer, nucleonic controllers

工业仪表的维修技师, service technician, industrial instruments

过程控制设备的维修技师, service technician, process control equipment

技术员,工业仪器 technician, industrial instruments












9525 组装员,制造商和督察,工业电动机和变压器

9525 组装员,制造商和督察,工业电动机和变压器 Assemblers, fabricators and inspectors, industrial electrical motors and transformers NOC - LEVEL C


This unit group includes workers who assemble, fabricate, fit, wire and inspect heavy-duty industrial electrical equipment. They are employed by manufacturers of industrial electric motors, transformers, control equipment, railway locomotives, transit vehicles and other heavy electrical equipment.

9525 组装员,制造商和督察,工业电动机和变压器 头衔范例

组装员和发报人,电动机和发电机的 assembler and wirer, motors and generators

组装员,开关和控制面板 assembler, switchgear and control panel

绕线工,变压器 coil winder, transformer

控制面板组装员 control panel assembler

电钳工 electrical fitter

钳工组装员, AC(交流电)和DC(直流)马达 fitter-assembler, AC (alternating current) and DC (direct current) motors

巡视员和测试员,交直流两用电动机 inspector and tester, AC and DC motors

检查员,电气控制面板 inspector, electrical control panel

配电盘组装员 - 工业电气设备 panelboard assembler – industrial electrical equipment

电源变压器组装员 power transformer assembler

开关钳工-绕线工 switchgear fitter-wirer

变压器巡视员 transformer inspector

变压器络筒工 transformer winder

络筒工,交流和直流电枢 winder, AC and DC armatures

发报人,电气开关柜 wirer, electrical switchgear panels

9525 组装员,制造商和督察,工业电动机和变压器 主要职责

此单元组的装配工执行部分或全部下列职责Assemblers in this unit group perform some or all of the following duties:


Assemble and fit metal and other prefabricated parts to close tolerances according to blueprints to build heavy-duty electric motors or transformers


Assemble stators or armatures for heavy-duty electric motors; compress steel laminations to build transformer cores; assemble windings into core using overhead cranes and make electrical connections using crimping, brazing and soldering equipment


Assemble and fit electrical motor or transformer auxiliary equipment such as bushings, tap changes, conduit boxes, heating devices, protective equipment and cooling equipment


Set up and adjust production machinery and equipment, such as coil winding machines, for the manufacture of heavy-duty electrical equipment


May perform basic tests on electric motors.

机电钳工和缠线工执行部分或全部下列职责Electrical fitters and wirers perform some or all of the following duties:


Interpret engineering drawings, electrical schematics and blueprints


Fit motor starters, contactors, capacitors, circuit breakers, voltage regulators, printed circuit boards or other electrical control devices into switchboards and panelboards to produce automated processing control equipment, electrical distribution panels, or other industrial electrical control equipment


Wire electrical connections for switchboards and panelboards


Assemble panelboard and switchboard cabinets and install bus bars used to carry heavy electrical current


May operate metal fabricating equipment to fabricate or modify bus bars.

本单元组督察执行部分或全部下列职责Inspectors in this unit group perform some or all of the following duties:


Monitor production and troubleshoot production problems


Check final assembly of electric motors, transformers or control equipment for adherence to quality control standards


Collect, record and summarize inspection results.

9525 组装员,制造商和督察,工业电动机和变压器 任职要求


Completion of secondary school is usually required.


College courses in electricity or electro-technology may be required.


Several years of on-the-job training are usually provided.


Set-up persons, inspectors and leadhands in this unit group may require experience as an assembler, fitter or wirer in the same company.

9525 组装员,制造商和督察,工业电动机和变压器 附加信息


Progression to supervisory positions is possible with experience.

9525 组装员,制造商和督察,工业电动机和变压器 其他分类

组装员和督察,电器,仪器和设备的制造 Assemblers and inspectors, electrical appliance, apparatus and equipment manufacturing [9524](9524)

电气机械师 Electrical mechanics [7333](7333)

电气技术人员测试重型电动机,变压器或其他工业电气设备(电气和电子工程技术人员和技术人员) Electrical technicians who test heavy-duty electric motors, transformers or other industrial electrical equipment (in [2241](2241) Electrical and electronics engineering technologists and technicians )

主管,电器产品制造业 Supervisors, electrical products manufacturing [9223](9223)

9525 组装员,制造商和督察,工业电动机和变压器 职称头衔

AC(交流电)和DC(直流)电机钳工组装员 AC (alternating current) and DC (direct current) motors fitter-assembler

交流电流( AC )和直流(DC )电机钳工组装员 alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC) motors fitter-assembler

发电机测试员 alternator tester

电枢组装员 - 工业电气设备 armature assembler – industrial electrical equipment

电枢线圈成型者 - 工业电气设备 armature coil former – industrial electrical equipment

电枢线圈绕线工 - 工业电气设备 armature coil winder – industrial electric equipment

电枢督察 - 工业电气设备 armature inspector – industrial electrical equipment

电枢绝缘工 - 工业电气设备 armature insulator – industrial electrical equipment

电枢绕线工 - 工业电气设备 armature winder – industrial electrical equipment

组装员和发报人,配电盘 assembler and wirer, electrical panels

组装员和发报人,电动机和发电机的 assembler and wirer, motors and generators

组装员和发报人,开关柜 assembler and wirer, switchgear

组装员,碳刷 assembler, carbon brushes

组装员,换向器 assembler, commutators

组装员,电流互感器 assembler, current transformers

组装员,电气控制面板 assembler, electrical control panel

组装员,重型变压器 assembler, heavy-duty transformer

组装员,工业制动器和AC(交流电)电机 assembler, industrial brakes and AC (alternating current) motors

组装员,工业制动器和交流电( AC )马达 assembler, industrial brakes and alternating current (AC) motors

组装员,叠片铁芯 - 工业电气设备 assembler, laminated cores – industrial electrical equipment

组装员,电机和发电机 - 工业电气设备 assembler, motor and generator – industrial electrical equipment

组装员,马达控制中心 - 工业电气设备 assembler, motor control centres – industrial electrical equipment

组装员,配电板 - 工业电气设备 assembler, panelboards – industrial electrical equipment

组装员,旋转磁场线圈 - 工业电气设备 assembler, rotating field coils – industrial electrical equipment

组装员,开关和控制面板 assembler, switchgear and control panel

组装员,开关和控制面板 - 工业电气设备 assembler, switchgear and control panel – industrial electrical equipment

组装员,开关柜 - 工业电气设备 assembler, switchgear panels – industrial electrical equipment

组装员,开关架 - 工业电气设备 assembler, switchgear racks – industrial electrical equipment

组装员,变压器配件 assembler, transformer accessories

组装员,变压器磁芯 assembler, transformer cores

组装员,变压器气体检测继电器 assembler, transformer gas detector relays

汽车线束检查员 - 工业电气设备 automotive wiring harness inspector – industrial electrical equipment

建设者和焊工,定子和转子铁芯 - 工业电气设备 builder and welder, stator and rotor cores – industrial electrical equipment

衬套组装员,高压变压器 bushing assembler, high voltage transformers

衬套核心络筒工 - 工业电气设备 bushing core winder – industrial electrical equipment

碳刷组装员 carbon brush assembler

碳刷制造商 carbon brush maker

断路器钳工 - 工业电气设备 circuit breaker fitter – industrial electrical equipment

接线员,变压器组件 clamper, transformer assembly

接线员,变压器装配线圈 clamper, transformer assembly coils

线圈组装员 - 工业电气设备 coil assembler – industrial electrical equipment

线圈建设者 - 工业电气设备 coil builder – industrial electrical equipment

线圈接线工,变压器组件 coil clamper, transformer assembly

线圈成型工 - 工业电气设备 coil former – industrial electrical equipment

线圈安装工,电机和发电机 - 工业电气设备 coil installer, motor and generator – industrial electrical equipment

线圈制造商 - 工业电气设备 coil maker – industrial electrical equipment

线圈成型工 - 工业电气设备 coil shaper – industrial electrical equipment

螺旋锥,手 - 工业电气设备 coil taper, hand – industrial electrical equipment

绕线工,变压器 coil winder, transformer

线圈绕线机安装员 - 工业电气设备 coil-winding machine setter – industrial electrical equipment

换向器组装员 commutator assembler

换向器组装员 - 工业电气设备 commutator assembler – industrial electrical equipment

控制面板组装员 control panel assembler

控制面板组装员 - 工业电气设备 control panel assembler – industrial electrical equipment

控制面板技术员 - 工业电气设备 control panel technician – industrial electrical equipment

核心组装员 - 工业电气设备 core assembler – industrial electrical equipment

核心铺网工,变压器 core lapper, transformers

核心堆垛工,变压器 core stacker, transformers

电流互感器组装员 current-transformer assembler

电流变压器绕线工 current-transformer coil winder

自定义电气面板组装员 custom electrical panel assembler

电表测试员 - 工业电气设备 electric meter tester – industrial electrical equipment

电动机组装员 electric motor assembler

电动机巡视员 electric motor inspector

电气连续性测试员 - 工业电气设备 electrical continuity tester – industrial electrical equipment

电气控制设备钳工组装员 electrical control equipment fitter-assembler

电气控制面板组装员 electrical control panel assembler

电气控制面板最后组装员 electrical control panel final assembler

电气控制面板组装员 electrical control panel subassembler

电钳工 electrical fitter

电钳工 - 工业电气设备 electrical fitter – industrial electrical equipment

电气督察,机车 electrical inspector, locomotive

电气面板组装员和缠线工 - 工业电气设备 electrical panel assembler and wirer – industrial electrical equipment

电气开关检查员 electrical switchgear inspector

电气开关柜的面板发报人 electrical switchgear panel wirer

电气开关测试员 electrical switchgear tester

电气开关缠线工 electrical switchgear wireperson

电解池维修工 - 工业电气设备 electrolytic cell repairer – industrial electrical equipment

励磁线圈锥形工 - 工业电气设备 field coil taper – industrial electrical equipment

最后组装工,电气控制面板 final assembler, electrical control panel

钳工组装员 - 电气控制设备 fitter-assembler – electrical control equipment

钳工组装员 - 工业电气设备 fitter-assembler – industrial electrical equipment

钳工组装员, AC(交流电)和DC(直流)马达 fitter-assembler, AC (alternating current) and DC (direct current) motors

成型工,重型的线圈 - 工业电气设备 former, heavy-duty coils – industrial electrical equipment

发电机测试员 - 工业电气设备 generator tester – industrial electrical equipment

手螺旋锥 - 工业电气设备 hand coil taper – industrial electrical equipment

重型线圈成型工 - 工业电气设备 heavy-duty coil former – industrial electrical equipment

重型变压器组装员 heavy-duty transformer assembler

重型变压器绕线机 heavy-duty transformer coil winder

高电压变压器套管组装员 high voltage transformer bushing assembler

工业制动器和AC (交流)电机组装员程序 industrial brake and AC (alternating current) motor assembler

工业制动器和交变电流(AC )电机组装员程序 industrial brake and alternating current (AC) motor assembler

工业电气设备组装员 industrial electric equipment assembler

工业电气设备制造者 industrial electric equipment fabricator

工业电气设备检查员 industrial electric equipment inspector

检查员 - 大型变压器制造 inspector – large transformer manufacturing

巡视员和测试员, AC(交流电)和DC(直流)马达 inspector and tester, AC (alternating current) and DC (direct current) motors

巡视员和测试员,交直流两用电动机 inspector and tester, AC and DC motors

检查员, AC(交流电)和DC(直流)马达 inspector, AC (alternating current) and DC (direct current) motors

督察,汽车线束 inspector, automotive wiring harnesses

检查员,电气控制面板 inspector, electrical control panel

检查员,电机 inspector, electrical motor

督察,配电盘和面板 inspector, electrical switchboards and panels

检查员,电气开关 inspector, electrical switchgear

检查员,电气开关柜的面板 inspector, electrical switchgear panel

检查员,电机和发电机 inspector, motor and generator

督察,清盘 - 大型电机制造 inspector, winding – large electric motors manufacturing

安装,电机和发电机线圈 - 工业电气设备 installer, motor and generator coils – industrial electrical equipment

叠片铁芯组装员 - 工业电气设备 laminated core assembler – industrial electrical equipment

层压堆积工 - 工业电气设备 lamination stacker – industrial electrical equipment

铺网工,变压器磁芯 lapper, transformer cores

大型电力变压器绕线工 large power transformer coil winder

大型变压器绕线工 large transformer coil winder

机车电气督察 locomotive electrical inspector

电机和控制测试员 motor and control tester

电动机和发电机组装员 - 工业电气设备 motor and generator assembler – industrial electrical equipment

电动机和发电机的组装员和发报人 motor and generator assembler and wirer

电机和发电机督察 motor and generator inspector

电机和变压器测试员 motor and transformer tester

电机控制组装员 - 工业电气设备 motor control assembler – industrial electrical equipment

电机绕线工 - 工业电气设备 motor winder – industrial electrical equipment

电机线圈和发电机线圈建设者 motor-coil and generator-coil builder

电机线圈和发电机线圈安装员 - 工业电气设备 motor-coil and generator-coil installer – industrial electrical equipment

配电盘组装员 - 工业电气设备 panelboard assembler – industrial electrical equipment

的极靴组装员 - 工业电气设备 pole shoe assembler – industrial electrical equipment

电源变压器组装员 power transformer assembler

电力变压器的核心建设者 power transformer core builder

旋转磁场线圈组装员 - 工业电气设备 rotating field coil assembler – industrial electrical equipment

转子组装员 - 工业电气设备 rotor assembler – industrial electrical equipment

转子线圈前 - 工业电气设备 rotor coil former – industrial electrical equipment

转子铁芯组装员 - 工业电气设备 rotor core assembler – industrial electrical equipment

打捞,蓄电池 salvager, storage battery

安装工,线圈绕线机 - 工业电气设备 setter, coil-winding machine – industrial electrical equipment

定子检查员 - 工业电气设备 stator inspector – industrial electrical equipment

定子铁芯和转子的核心建设者和焊工 - 工业电气设备 stator-core and rotor-core builder and welder – industrial electrical equipment

蓄电池打捞 storage battery salvager

subassembler ,电气控制面板 subassembler, electrical control panels

开关设备和控制面板组装员 - 工业电气设备 switchgear and control panel assembler – industrial electrical equipment

开关组装员和发报人 switchgear assembler and wirer

开关钳工-绕线工 switchgear fitter-wirer

与开关钳工-缠线工 - 工业电气设备 switchgear fitter-wirer – industrial electrical equipment

开关柜的面板组装员 - 工业电气设备 switchgear panel assembler – industrial electrical equipment

开关柜的面板安装钳工 switchgear panel installer-fitter

开关机架组装员 - 工业电气设备 switchgear rack assembler – industrial electrical equipment

测试员,电机和控制 tester, motors and controls

测试员,变压器 tester, transformer

变压器配件组装员 transformer accessories assembler

变压器组装员 transformer assembler

变压器组件接线工 transformer assembly clamper

变压器装配线圈接线工 transformer assembly coil clamper

变压器建设者 transformer builder

变压器绕线工 transformer coil winder

变压器铁芯组装员 transformer core assembler

变压器铁芯铺网工 transformer core lapper

变压器铁芯制造商 transformer core maker

变压器铁芯堆积工 transformer core stacker

变压器部门领导助手 transformer department lead hand

变压器钳工 transformer fitter

变压器钳工缠线工 transformer fitter-wirer

变压器气体检测继电器组装员 transformer gas detector relay assembler

变压器巡视员 transformer inspector

变压器制造商 transformer maker

变压器组装员 transformer subassembler

变压器tapgear组装员 transformer tapgear assembler

变压器测试员 transformer tester

变压器络筒工 transformer winder

削弱机器操作员 - 工业电气设备 undercutting machine operator – industrial electrical equipment

络纱工, AC (交流电)和DC (直流)的电枢 winder, AC (alternating current) and DC (direct current) armatures

络筒机,交流和直流电枢 winder, AC and DC armatures

络筒工,大型变压器线圈 winder, large transformer coils

绕组检查员 - 大型电机制造 windings inspector – large electric motors manufacturing

电线工人/男/女 - 工业的电气设备 wireman/woman – industrial electrical equipment

wireperson ,电气开关 wireperson, electrical switchgear

发报人,电气开关柜 wirer, electrical switchgear panels

缠线工 /男/女 - 工业电气设备 wirer/woman – industrial electrical equipment












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